
Religious Muslim American Men For Marriage

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60 Freeport, Illinois, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 45
Religious values: Religious
As salaamu alaikum wa rah matulillah wa baratartu, I am a Muslim of the Qur'an & Sunnah I cannot live with toxicity, and there must be mutual respect. My X was half my age, but extremely toxic. Just being honest on here because I pray that there is a chance to find a halal, peaceful, supportive wife here. I have a good business but no support. I'm 60 years young, and really not as old as I am (LOL). Alhumdulilah, I'm in excellent health and shape, and also have a young spirit, God, Family then community in that order is my Deen, I like to read meaningful books and I love to write, I wrote a couple of books mashaAllah, I also enjoy good conversations, walks, and more.. I’ll let u know more in the messages as I do like keeping some things private.. however, please check out my website @ thearkproject.llc Peace. Discerning You Perfume: isn't what it is, it's really what it was... Astonishingly a diamond's rarer still and just because. Trust me your worth is more than life's pleasures, Reading what was sent down to us is much better. Intricately to persuade intimacy towards just you, Created to do more than all that we both pursue. I am and will be what your true self must see, Above and beyond nothingness: truth and reality... I've seen a rose that has no equal, Truly a flower that is flawless, A star in the sky so unusual, The dawn bows down to its brightness. I’ve seen a butterfly unequalled, That Picasso can’t even capture, This diamond the rarest of her people: The sight pulls you into its rapture, I’ve seen the light, it’s oh so bright It's being is so much of a blessing, A night light seen in my spiritual flight, Always seems to keep me guessing: I’ve seen my Queen of paradise, She is all of the above at least, The source of her sight feels nice, From my rib that gives me peace. I've seen in her exactly what I need, And it hurts from my loins' seeds Too much in my heart as it bleeds, Red, the flower, the unseen, I've seen. And those who say, "Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us a leader [i.e., example] for the righteous." (Al-Furqan [25] : 74)
72 Boca Raton, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 55
Religious values: Religious
Very exceptional MAN searches for very exceptional WOMAN to be my best friend, my-one-and-only lover and my life partner - to share life's peaks, valleys and everything in between - all that is wonderful, enjoyable, beautiful and precious between a MAN and a WOMAN. إذا كنت مهتمًا ، فهناك طريقة سهلة وسهلة لتغيير رسالة اللغة الأجنبية هذه إلى لغتك الأم المكتوبة ، مما يسمح لك بقراءتها ، ما عليك سوى البحث عن مترجم جوجل واستخدامه. انسخ والصق هذه الرسالة بأكملها هناك وستتم ترجمتها تلقائيًا من أجلك. ثم يرجى كتابة رسالتك وإرسالها إلي باستخدام hummingbird173 ويجب عليك إرسالها باستخدام المزود aol لهذه الرسالة الأولى وبعد ذلك سأرد عليك بمجرد استلامها. أتمنى أن تكون سعيدًا وبصحة جيدة وأتطلع بشوق كبير للتعرف عليك Si vous êtes intéressé, il existe un moyen simple et sans effort de changer ce message en langue étrangère dans votre langue écrite maternelle, vous permettant ensuite de le lire, il vous suffit de rechercher et d'utiliser google translate. Copiez et collez tout ce message là-dedans et il sera automatiquement traduit pour vous. Alors s'il vous plaît écrivez votre message et envoyez-le moi en utilisant hummingbird1730 et vous devez l'envoyer en utilisant le fournisseur aol pour ce premier message, puis je vous répondrai une fois que je l'aurai reçu. J'espère que vous êtes heureux et en bonne santé et j'ai hâte de faire votre connaissance.
35 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 65
Religious values: Religious

