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A Muslim man is a man who adheres to and practices the religion of Islam. For a man to become a Muslim; he is either born into the religion or he can convert to the religion through publicly pronouncing the Shahadah.

Muslim men practice their religion through the five pillars of Islam. These pillars are:

Shahadah – This is known as the Muslim declaration of faith. This declaration expresses two simple important beliefs: “There is no God but God. Muhammed is the Prophet of Allah.”

Salat – This refers to the Muslim prayers. Salat is performed five times a day every day at specific times. The most important prayer of the week is the midday prayers on Friday (Jummah).

Zakat – This refers to almsgiving.

Saum – This refers to the fasting period during the holy month of Ramadhan. During this period, adult male Muslims are required to abstain from food, drink and any sexual relations (if married) during the day. There are however exceptions for serving soldiers, illness and travelers.

Hajj – This refers to the pilgrimage to Mecca, the holy city of Islam. At least one in his lifetime, a Muslim man must make this pilgrimage during the month of Dhu al-Hijja.

Qualities of a Good Muslim man

There are many qualities that can be used to identify good Muslim men. However I have narrowed down to the main qualities that Muslim men should try and adhere to. Most of these qualities are tied into the faith and what Islam expects of a man:

  • He should always be in pursuit of knowledge. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was illiterate but he always encouraged people to read and learn more. Through reading one gains knowledge. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: “He who travels in search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of paradise.”
  • He should always be focused and work towards Jannah. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: “Live in this world (as if you are) a wayfarer or a stranger.” This means that a Muslim man should focus on doing bettering himself and following his deen ensuring his entry into Jannah. He should not get caught up in the desires, entrapments and ways of this world.
  • He should always be gentle but firm. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: “He is not strong and powerful who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.” “Deal gently with people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not.” This is a delicate balance, a Muslim man should be diplomatic, not quick to anger, not raise his voice unnecessarily or to prove a point.
  • He should always keep his tongue from evil. A Muslim man should always avoid situations whereby he may engage in gossip, slander and backbiting which are considered great sins.
  • He should always honour his word. A Muslim man should always be truthful, sincere and honest. Whatever he promises to do, he should see it through. He should always endeavor to be trustworthy.
  • He should always respect and treat women well. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a famous hadith: 'Paradise lies at the feet of your mother' [Musnad Ahmad, Sunan An-Nasâ’i, Sunan Ibn Mâjah]. This lays the foundation upon which women are held in high esteem and should always be respected and treated with respect. A good Muslim man will lower his gaze as a beautiful woman walks by him. He will respect his mother, his sisters, his wife and his daughters and treat them the way they deserve to be treated.
  • He should always take care of himself. He should be neat. He should be able to fend for himself and his family once he has one.
  • He understands that trials and tribulations are a part of life.
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46 Siālkot, Punjab, Pakistan
Seeking: Female 18 - 99
Alsalam Ealaykum Warahmat Allah Wabarakatuh I Start In The Name Of Allah The Most Beneficent The Most Merciful My Soul Reality I am By Birth Lover Of Last Prophet Syedna Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him And Friend Of Allah I Eight Time Praying I am Hafiz e Quran Mystic Poet Writer Thinker Painter Islamic Scholar Social Worker Motivational Speaker Sexual Spiritual Disease Expert And By Profession I Work As Senior Fashion Designer Ladies Textile Bridal Wear Sports Wear Garments And Fine Artificial Jewellery I Use Mostly Desi Foods For Example Maize Flour Wheat Flour Millet Flour Olive Oil Corn Oil Coconut Oil All Vegetables And All Types Of Fishes I am a very modern bold romantic Islamic scholar and Quran memorizer because Allah has made me according to the time but I do not cross the line because I am a friend of Allah If I defining myself that means there is no one in my life who can introduce me this is very painful reality but that is true ACCORDING TO QURAN Surah Younus Unquestionably For The Friends Of Allah Dont Have Any Fear In This World Dont Have Any Fear In The Grave Especially Dont Have Any Fear In The Judgement Day My birth place is city SIALKOT Country PAKISTAN my life mission is based on peace and love of Allah Common people can never guess my reality because the friends of Allah are very unique in the world now at this time I have seen face of Allah with veil but I will see soon Allah face without any veil look life and death Do not count this matter listen to me carefully It is a very different dangerous way in this world Love of Allah This is the true religion for my soul I copy a work of Allah my lovely Allah sending blessings on my beloved last Prophet Syedna Muhammad peace be upon him and i also ALHAMDULILAH I Waiting For My Martyrdom I believe that this is generally a mandatory price I know the condition that the face of Allah is the best job to see without any veil my consciousness is activated at the time of my birth as in adulthood before I was born my father had a dream and my father heard the voice of the last prophet Syedna Muhammad peace be upon him my beloved last Prophet Syedna Muhammad peace be upon him told them to my father may Allah have mercy on you son Allah made him name Iqbal Sani I remember my mother breast feeding me these are unusual things but the fact is that most of my education is about Islam and the love of Allah I go to school and other educational institutions but I believe I already understand the knowledge of better education famous name is Al Faqr according to the Quran Faqr is the Pride of Last Prophet Mohammad Peace Be Upon Him Even though the Prophet declared Faqr as his pride and attributed Faqr especially to his Holy Self he sall Allahu alayhi waalihi wasallam said Meaning Faqr is my pride and it is from me Allah has bestowed the Prophet with countless marvels and virtues But he felt pride in none of them. Neither on truth justice piety generosity patience, bravery nor on his abdication Moreover he did not feel pride in his trust in Him, eloquence honesty dignity and not even in the family lineage Even it is in Mishkat al Masabih that the Prophet said I am the beloved friend Habib of Allah but I dont take pride in it He has pride in Al Faqr only Similarly all the religious precepts and branches of knowledge originate from him All the basic beliefs and devotions Quran and Hadith reach the umma through him But he never attributed any branch of knowledge to himself except Faqr Al Faqr means the ascension of the soul where the soul find the blessings of His vision Deedar and union. Therefore, Prophet Mohammad had a Divine vision on the night of Miraj Miraj un Nabi He prayed Allah to bestow this great blessing of His vision and union as a gift for his umma Consequently He blessed him with fasts and prayers for the exoteric purity and Faqr for the intrinsic sanctity Thus opened the way to access Allah for the umma My Self Details Name Syed Iqbal Sani Date Of Birth 21 December 1979 Gender Male Height 5 Feet 10 Inches Weight 72 Kg Eyes Light Brown Hair Dark Black Status Pure Virgin Religion Sufism Islam Caste Kashmiri Gillani Syed Lifestyle Very Moderate Occupation Own Garments Factory Languages Punjabi Urdu English Arabic Persian Hindi Silence My Education Details Hafiz Quran With Translation Master Of Business Administration I Have Few Diplomas For Example Graphic Designing Interior Designing CAD Fabric Pattern Identification of Fabric GSM Identification of Colours Pantone Multimedia Mass Communication Fine Artificial Jewellery Photography Herbalist My Family Details FATHER United Nations Army Officer MOTHER Senior Lawyer Social Worker Elder Sister Arthropathy Doctor Elder Sister Immigration Lawyer Younger Brother Army Officer Younger Brother Businessman My Achievements I Wrote My First Book ISHQ e MUHAMMAD Peace Be Upon him And Published It In 2003 I Wrote My Second Book GHAN ISHQ And Published It In 2006 I Wrote My Third Book MEHRAM e RAAZ And Published It In 2009 I Wrote My Fourth Book REAL REALITY IN ISLAM And Published It In 2020 I Make Painting Portraits Collection 1990 To 2023 New Ideas Under Process My Requirements Request I Want Educated Loyal Brave Bold Sensible Independent Wife Any Age Any Religion Any Country Virgin Divorce Or Widow With Kids Or Without Kids Because I Know Very Well Loyal Brave Love Partner As Wife Not Available Mostly All Over The World I Complete My Family All Responsibility If I Find My Queen I Convert Any Country Home Address Sarena Town Near Sialkot International Airport Sialkot Pakistan syediqbalsani1979 gmail com Syed Iqbal Sani
29 Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Seeking: Female 19 - 27



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