
Not Religious Muslim British Men For Marriage

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Religion Values


Not Religious

1 - 35 of 100
40 Goulceby, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
Religious values: Not Religious
30 Westminster, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
Religious values: Not Religious
I am a hard-working qualified medical practitioner based in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Finally, I finished my education/training, and now I am ready to settle for a beautiful love life and travel the world on vacation. Being a Muslim and medical practitioner, I respect everyone, am very calm and a good listener. So if you ever need anyone to listen to your complaints, wishes or thoughts, I am here and there for you sweetheart ❤️ I love a healthy lifestyle, traveling, sightseeing, cooking and eating different foods, long drives … yes I love my car collection and worked hard to have two cars and I owned my own house before I hit 30 years of age. I am a dual citizen, British and American, but I have decided to live in England due to my work, medical board registration etc., but I could move abroad if you could make me to. If you would like to know me more, please contact via call or what’s app etc. I have spent ten years with books and sleepless nights, but I am really looking forward to being with someone who can bring some sunshine and energy into my life 🥰 أنا طبيب مؤهل ومجتهد ومقيم في إنجلترا. أخيرًا، أنهيت تعليمي وتدريبي، وأنا الآن مستعد لقبول حياة حب جميلة والسفر حول العالم في إجازة. كوني مسلمًا وطبيبًا، أحترم الجميع، وأنا هادئ جدًا ومستمع جيد. لذا، إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي شخص للاستماع إلى شكاويك أو رغباتك أو أفكارك، فأنا هنا وهناك من أجلك يا عزيزتي أحب أسلوب الحياة الصحي، والسفر، ومشاهدة المعالم السياحية، والطهي وتناول الأطعمة المختلفة، والقيادة لمسافات طويلة... نعم أحب مجموعة سياراتي وعملت بجد لامتلاك سيارتين وامتلكت منزلي الخاص قبل أن أبلغ 30 عامًا. أنا مواطن مزدوج، بريطاني وأمريكي، لكنني قررت العيش في إنجلترا بسبب عملي وتسجيلي في المجلس الطبي وما إلى ذلك، لكن يمكنني الانتقال إلى الخارج إذا أمكنني ذلك. إذا كنت تريد أن تعرفني أكثر، يرجى الاتصال عبر الاتصال أو التطبيق وما إلى ذلك. لقد أمضيت عشر سنوات مع الكتب والليالي الطوال، لكنني أتطلع حقًا إلى أن أكون مع شخص يمكنه جلب بعض أشعة الشمس والطاقة إلى حياتي.
42 Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 29 - 50
Religious values: Not Religious
As-Salaam-Alaikum, Hello-and-Welcome :) So, 'i' guess here is where 'i' tell you how wonderful and fantastic 'i' am (which you will either doubt, roll your eyes or believe) and then you will probably check out my age, height, weight and eye colour hoping that I continue to fit the mould of your ideal match? ... I'll skip that part and let you decide for yourself, just don't expect me to describe myself as 'I' prefer my deeds to define who 'I' am and not my words; 'my' Deeds Bear Witness to 'my' Way-Order-Systems of Life (Deen). "(People will confront you with what the majority is doing.) Now if you pay heed to, or get intimidated by majority of those who live on earth, they will lead you astray from Allah's way. Most of the people follow nothing but conjecture and they only live by guesswork" ~ [Surah 6:116] "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will Never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." ~ Plato "For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are. “ ~ Niccolo Machiavelli Besides how can 'i' tell 'you' who or what "i am", when 'i' let go of everything "I thought" 'I' was a long, long, lonnnng time ago and abandoned everything ‘they’ told 'me' to be.... yet 'I' am still busy Self-Discovering, Self-Recognizing and Self-Remembering, Self-Observing and Self-Reflecting, Self-Comprehending and Self-Realizing, Self-Experiencing Who Is, HU ‘I am’ by essence, HU ‘I am’ by origin, HU ‘I am’ by descent. “Either appear as you are or be what you appear as” ~ Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi In a world full of sleepers, the consequences of aspiring to this principle are overwhelming for it never takes anything to follow the crowd whilst It Takes Absolutely Everything to Stand Alone as an Individual. [...] We are not involved with the Mental Disease of Religion (madhab), or with Form. We are involved with the Inner meaning, the Inner Stream of Truth that underlies All Existence. Our Way, Our Systems and Order of Life (Deen) is not a way for those who cannot go beyond Form (Religion). It is for those who wish to go straight to Essence, to the Erudition of Existence (Deen). 'I' travel the road less travelled; 'I' do not conform to anything that is the slightest bit 'the norm' or 'the dominant'. "I do not claim that I am angelic, with no ego or desire. The human "Self" is not invincible against temptation...." [12:53] Honestly, 'I', the Soul referred to as Sajid, am nothing special, really :)
43 Wandsworth, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
Religious values: Not Religious
20 Alston, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
Religious values: Not Religious
54 Croydon, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 32 - 50
Religious values: Not Religious

