
Muslim British Men Who Attend Religion Services On Jummah/Fridays For Marriage

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Religion Services


Attend Religion Services on Jummah/Fridays

36 - 70 of 100
41 Smethwick, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 22 - 50
Attend religious services: Only on Jummah / Fridays
As’salaam Alaikum Jazakallah for reading my profile. I hope you are in the best of health and iman. Ameen I reverted to Islam on 05/11/2005. I remember the date as if it was the day I was born 😊. Well it kinda was Alhumdulillah 😉. I was always God Conscious and Allah blessed me with Islam. And NO! I didn’t do it for a Larki (woman)😱 lol. When I started typing this profile I hadn’t a clue what to say 🙄 so sorry if it’s long 🤷🏾‍♂️ or if I bore you, inshallah it doesn’t 🙏🏾😊. I tried to cover as much as I could and give a true reflection of my self; the good, the bad and the ugly. Basically I’m honest, blunt open truthful and genuine, probably too honest hence being blunt. If my profile is of interest to you give me Salaam. I’m very close to my family probably more now in this time of my life than ever, especially my mother Alhamdulillah. Being a revert, it’s nice and Appreciated that they understand my belief 😊. I have 2 boys 7 and 13 years of age. They don’t live with me. I pray regularly. I hope and pray that whoever Allah puts into my life and blesses me with as my wife, has the same outlook regarding salah. I don’t smoke, drink, club, pub. I have no interest in this kind of stuff oh and that includes drugs and substance abuse of any kind. I shouldn’t have to mention this but I just wanted to point this out and put emphasis on this as it’s rife. Sometimes I have a lot going on in my head. I think deep, feel deep and talk deep. But that being said I can be relaxed. I work very hard. I’m not lazy and I hardly watch TV unless I’m watching a movie and that’s rare. But at moment I’m hooked on Turkish series Ertugrul and watching it 2nd time round lol. I like listening to You Tube talks, nasheeds. Mufti Menk and Shaykh Zahir are probably my most liked speakers 😉. Reading is something that interests me alot especially Islamic Literature. I just dont read as much as I should but inshallah this will increase. I do read Quran in English but thats not really reading Quran astaghfirullah🤦🏽‍♂️. I enjoy spending time in the home as well as going out, the usual going out to eat but I also love cooking and yes I do clean as well. I’m quite house proud even though I don’t like putting the dishes away once they are washed 🤦🏽‍♂️ just something I do not really like doing. Weird I know! When I’m out the house I’ve gone mountain trekking, climbed Ben Nevis Twice. Scotland is a beautiful place especially the areas where I’m jumping off cliffs into lakes 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣😂 lol. I get a bit of an adrenaline rush and I’m definitely not shy being in the outdoors. I would like to go on walks hand in hand...sounds cheesy but it is what it is. I like nature as it’s got a calming relaxing feel to it and you get to appreciate Allah’s creation Alhamdulillah and the fresh air is different compared to the city. Even just sitting in the garden on the swinging chair is relaxing considering I’m quite fast paced at work...well I was...no actually I still am🤭. Too much to talk about. This is just a brief outline as I would like to get to know someone with the intention of nikah obviously In Sha Allah but get to know her on a deep level. Marriage is a blessing but there has to be compassion, respect, care and it’s an understanding based on compromising and complimenting each other. TRUST, LOYALTY and HONESTY...I’m sorry but I’ve read these on so many profiles these should not even have to mentioned, They should be implemented without even being stated. Marriage is a compromise. A couple get married, the man wants to sleep with the window open and the woman wants to sleep with the window closed. This compromise is needed in any marriage and cannot be one sided as that’s not a healthy relationship. Not sure what Allah has planned for me but it’s for me to do my bit and my duas and leave the rest to Allah. I’m not educated but im not thick either; never was the study type. I’ve always worked very hard and I would like to say I have a good work ethic. I have a good heart and want to try and keep it in check. My Deen helps with this Alhamdulillah. I sometimes think if it wasn’t for Islam 🙏🏾 how lost I would be 😱. I am religious. Islam is my Deen. It is very close to my heart and important to me. I try to implement as much of the little I know and I just try and do as much as Allah has blessed me with Alhamdulillah . I try and pray Tahajjud regularly even though in recent days it’s becoming a struggle 😔 but this is up and down; consistency is key and I’m working on it 😉. I would be willing to do everything for my wife. As the saying goes, I’m the kind of guy that would go above and beyond and I would appreciate the same in return. I can come across harsh and abrupt as I’m a straight talking and straight to the point kinda guy but I’m also just a simple guy with a big heart. I get told I wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m not tight or selfish but if you speak to me with disrespect, expect to spoken back in the same way. I can let a lot go before I react. I’m probably a bit set in my ways. I may think I’m right even though I’m wrong but that being said if I’m corrected or advised I will go away think about what’s been said and if I’m wrong, I will admit I’m wrong. Trust me, it’s not pride but communication is key. One thing I will do is listen to you 🙏🏾. Some may look at this as a flaw but I’m not here to paint a pretty picture. I’d rather say it how it is. I desire for someone to accept me for who I am. This is my mentality just as I’ll accept you for you. No one is perfect but I’m 100% willing to take on board any advice you may want to give as long as it’s done with respect as disrespect rarely motivates anyone to do anything let alone listen. It’s even worse if that individual is your wife😱🤦🏽‍♂️😂. Oh and by the way, the only Social Media I have is Whatsapp, nothing else. I feel it’s a waste of time and I’m old fashioned like that; I’d just rather talk. I’m not photogenic at all 🤦🏽‍♂️ lol. I feel I look better in person 😊. I’m growing my beard Alhamdulillah. It’s the Sunnah of the best of creation ﷺ. I read some profiles that say well groomed, not sure if that means beard well groomed or no beard! 😊. Anyone not religious...we probably may not have much in common but I’m not saying that will be the case as it may not. May Allah bless us all and put Barakah in our searches for our future partners. Ameen. Not travelled much but it’s something I would definitely like to do more inshallah. OMG can’t believe how long this is sorry but one more thing. Money is not the be all and end all for me but I do have a target. As I am in the process of buying a house. This can be discussed in more detail with the right person inshallah. Allah already knows what I want and desire but as He is the owner of sustenance, I am leaving it to my Rabb as Allah knows best.
47 Gloucester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 20 - 35
Attend religious services: Only on Jummah / Fridays
My friends would say that I am funny, caring and intelligent with good morals and family values. But they would also say that I am blunt and impatient at times and don't suffer fools gladly. I have ambition and drive but have made some wrong decisions in the past so am just finding my way back to the path I wanted to walk. I am currently self employed but have some plans for a change to this. I don't have a degree but I don't believe having one would make me any more intelligent than anyone else anyway. I don't understand the constant demand on here for someone with a degree. I challenge any lady on here looking for someone with a degree to talk to me on various topics and see if I can hold my own or not. I do also notice that some of these educated people have problems spelling or use the wrong words. I want someone who knows the difference between there, their and they're. I did attend university but didn't finish my degree for all the wrong reasons. This relates back to the wrong choices I have made, but everything happens for a reason and if nothing else it has been a learning experience. I have children who are mixed race and so do not hold that against potential matches. I am the third out of ten siblings (six girls and four boys) so am very family orientated. Unfortunately, I'm not very photogenic and I don't like looking at photos of myself, so I hope my primary photo doesn't put everyone off. I'm not a pretty boy and don't have the inclination or time to wax or pluck my eyebrows or spend hours getting ready. So if that's what you are looking for in a husband I suggest you move on now.
