
Muslim British Men Who Speak Arabic For Marriage

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42 Barnet, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 28 - 48
Dear Seeker, The author of this obscure profile deliberates profusely on what exactly he is searching for, and indeed, whether the object of his quest is in fact a figment of his imagination. In any case, some mysterious force brought me back on here. So here goes: My passions: - Philosophising (in particular, existential philosophy) - Psychologising (social psychology, psychology of religion, and other profundities) - Indian Classical Music (Playing, composing, listening) - Dance (and choreography, mostly hip-hop but also contemporary) - Creative writing (short stories, poems) - Film-making (short films, writing and directing) - Photography (mostly nature, the sky, flowers, ancient buildings, old people) - Literature in English, Danish, Urdu, and Arabic. - Health and Fitness My vices: - OCD (i.e., manic cleaning/organising/planning) - A social recluse - I need to be more grateful for what God has given me - I need to be more kind - I need to relax and be less neurotic - I need to be more generous - I need to judge others less My day job: - Psychology lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire My ideal partner: - Maybe we will find out some day Qualities I notice and appreciate in others: - Groundedness - Gratitude - Piety - Presence of mind - Curiosity - Ability to listen with the ears and with the heart - Sensitivity - Devotion - Persistence - Profundity of thought - Artistic and intellectual acuity - Linguistic proficiency - Generosity - Kindness Open to connecting with all souls regardless of cultural, religious, or linguistic affiliations. At the end of the day, what seems to matter is beyond our labels and preconceived notions. God bless, Omar Yousaf
31 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I am a genuine and compassionate individual, known for my generosity, kindness, friendliness, and politeness. Family holds a special place in my heart, and I prioritize their well-being and happiness. I am a deeply religious individual, committed to my faith and the practice of Islam. Prayer is a vital part of my life, and I prioritize performing all my prayers on time, aiming to join congregational prayers at the mosque. I have been blessed with the ability to memorize chapters of the Quran with Tajweed and actively attend Islamic lectures to deepen my knowledge. I had the privilege of completing the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage last year. Born in the UK raised in Switzerland, I have a passion for business and IT I studied computer science at the university of Bern and started my own eCommerce business. My current source of income is a food catering business which I share with a friend. My family is still residing in Switzerland I moved back to the UK on my own end of last year During my leisure time, I engage in activities that contribute to my overall well-being. Whether it's taking leisurely walks in the park, attending gym sessions, immersing myself in Quranic readings, socializing with friends, or exploring various cuisines, I prioritize staying fit and healthy. Regular participation in sports like squash and swimming allows me to maintain an active and balanced lifestyle. I have a small yet cherished circle of friends, most of whom are converts dedicated to implementing Islam in their lives. They inspire me to grow spiritually and become a better Muslim. We meet weekly to discuss enlightening books and support each other through life's trials, emphasizing patience and holding firmly onto our faith. I have a strong desire for my children to receive an Islamic education and upbringing. As such, I am seeking a highly spiritual spouse who shares this vision and can wholeheartedly support this approach to raising our children.
50 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 30 - 99
Self description I am someone with high self-confidence, I feel quite comfortable interacting with other people. Indeed, I find the company of others very stimulating and enjoy meeting new people. My relaxed demeanor in groups makes people around me comfortable too. Perhaps because I feel comfortable talking about myself, others tend to enjoy being around me and perceive me as socially competent. My orientation to familial matters, I value the company of family-members and domestic life. If I have children already, I enjoy spending time with them very much and work hard to be a good parent. If I don’t have children, I very much desire having children in the future. And my preference for cooking and entertaining guests at home will likely ease the transition into parenthood. Occasionally people may be compelled to follow their intuitions and give in to their temptations, and my degree of self-control makes this likely to happen more often than not. This can be good in circumstances where being relaxed and open are important. However, in situations where it is necessary to be focused and careful, I might find that I do or say things that may be inappropriate. My thinking style may take the form of artistic and metaphorical use of language, and/or music composition or performance. Thus, it is likely that, either in my work or spare time, I enjoy activities that get my “creative juices” flowing. It might be easier and more satisfying for me to develop a long-lasting relationship with a person who also enjoys spending time at home and desires starting a family. Polite Notice: Being a Muslim who practice their religion to perfection is different from cultural and traditional seekers. My message to you whoever reads this to refrain from asking for House/Apartment or a Car as your Mahr. I don't follow tradition or culture I just follow Islam and my replies will be based on that. I also recommend not to ask for money or makup as this site is for marriage and dating not for money or scammers. الوصف الذاتي أنا شخص لديه ثقة عالية بالنفس ، أشعر بالراحة التامة عند التفاعل مع الآخرين. في الواقع ، أجد أن شركة الآخرين محفزة للغاية وتتمتع بمقابلة أشخاص جدد. سلوكي المريح في المجموعات يجعل الناس من حولي مرتاحين أيضًا. ربما لأنني أشعر بالراحة في التحدث عن نفسي ، يميل الآخرون إلى الاستمتاع بكوني حولي ويرونني كفؤًا اجتماعيًا. توجهي إلى الأمور العائلية ، أقدر صحبة أفراد الأسرة والحياة المنزلية. إذا كان لدي أطفال بالفعل ، فأنا أستمتع بقضاء الوقت معهم كثيرًا وأعمل بجد لأكون والداً صالحًا. إذا لم يكن لدي أطفال ، فإنني أرغب كثيرًا في إنجاب أطفال في المستقبل. وتفضيلي للطبخ وتسلية الضيوف في المنزل من المرجح أن يسهل الانتقال إلى الأبوة. في بعض الأحيان قد يضطر الناس إلى اتباع حدسهم والاستسلام لإغراءاتهم ، ودرجتي في ضبط النفس تجعل هذا من المحتمل أن يحدث في كثير من الأحيان. يمكن أن يكون هذا جيدًا في الظروف التي يكون فيها الاسترخاء والانفتاح مهمًا. ومع ذلك ، في المواقف التي يكون من الضروري فيها التركيز والحذر ، قد أجد أنني أفعل أو أقول أشياء قد تكون غير لائقة. قد يأخذ أسلوب تفكيري شكل استخدام فني ومجاز للغة و / أو تكوين أو أداء موسيقي. وبالتالي ، من المحتمل أن أستمتع ، سواء في عملي أو في أوقات الفراغ ، بالأنشطة التي تجعل "العصائر الإبداعية" تتدفق. قد يكون من الأسهل والأكثر إرضاء بالنسبة لي تطوير علاقة طويلة الأمد مع شخص يستمتع أيضًا بقضاء الوقت في المنزل ويرغب في تكوين أسرة. ملاحظة مهذبة: كونك مسلماً يمارس دينه إلى الكمال يختلف عن الباحثين الثقافي والتقليدي. رسالتي لكم من يقرأ هذا الامتناع عن طلب منزل / شقة أو سيارة كمهر لك. أنا لا أتبع التقاليد أو الثقافة ، بل أتبع الإسلام فقط وستستند إجاباتي على ذلك. أوصي أيضًا بعدم طلب المال أو المكياج لأن هذا الموقع مخصص للزواج والمواعدة وليس للمال أو المخادعين.

