
Attractive Muslim British Men For Marriage

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35 Newcastle, County Down, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Appearance: Attractive
30 Westminster, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
Appearance: Attractive
I am a hard-working qualified medical practitioner based in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿. Finally, I finished my education/training, and now I am ready to settle for a beautiful love life and travel the world on vacation. Being a Muslim and medical practitioner, I respect everyone, am very calm and a good listener. So if you ever need anyone to listen to your complaints, wishes or thoughts, I am here and there for you sweetheart ❤️ I love a healthy lifestyle, traveling, sightseeing, cooking and eating different foods, long drives … yes I love my car collection and worked hard to have two cars and I owned my own house before I hit 30 years of age. I am a dual citizen, British and American, but I have decided to live in England due to my work, medical board registration etc., but I could move abroad if you could make me to. If you would like to know me more, please contact via call or what’s app etc. I have spent ten years with books and sleepless nights, but I am really looking forward to being with someone who can bring some sunshine and energy into my life 🥰 أنا طبيب مؤهل ومجتهد ومقيم في إنجلترا. أخيرًا، أنهيت تعليمي وتدريبي، وأنا الآن مستعد لقبول حياة حب جميلة والسفر حول العالم في إجازة. كوني مسلمًا وطبيبًا، أحترم الجميع، وأنا هادئ جدًا ومستمع جيد. لذا، إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي شخص للاستماع إلى شكاويك أو رغباتك أو أفكارك، فأنا هنا وهناك من أجلك يا عزيزتي أحب أسلوب الحياة الصحي، والسفر، ومشاهدة المعالم السياحية، والطهي وتناول الأطعمة المختلفة، والقيادة لمسافات طويلة... نعم أحب مجموعة سياراتي وعملت بجد لامتلاك سيارتين وامتلكت منزلي الخاص قبل أن أبلغ 30 عامًا. أنا مواطن مزدوج، بريطاني وأمريكي، لكنني قررت العيش في إنجلترا بسبب عملي وتسجيلي في المجلس الطبي وما إلى ذلك، لكن يمكنني الانتقال إلى الخارج إذا أمكنني ذلك. إذا كنت تريد أن تعرفني أكثر، يرجى الاتصال عبر الاتصال أو التطبيق وما إلى ذلك. لقد أمضيت عشر سنوات مع الكتب والليالي الطوال، لكنني أتطلع حقًا إلى أن أكون مع شخص يمكنه جلب بعض أشعة الشمس والطاقة إلى حياتي.
42 Barnet, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 28 - 48
Appearance: Attractive
Dear Seeker, The author of this obscure profile deliberates profusely on what exactly he is searching for, and indeed, whether the object of his quest is in fact a figment of his imagination. In any case, some mysterious force brought me back on here. So here goes: My passions: - Philosophising (in particular, existential philosophy) - Psychologising (social psychology, psychology of religion, and other profundities) - Indian Classical Music (Playing, composing, listening) - Dance (and choreography, mostly hip-hop but also contemporary) - Creative writing (short stories, poems) - Film-making (short films, writing and directing) - Photography (mostly nature, the sky, flowers, ancient buildings, old people) - Literature in English, Danish, Urdu, and Arabic. - Health and Fitness My vices: - OCD (i.e., manic cleaning/organising/planning) - A social recluse - I need to be more grateful for what God has given me - I need to be more kind - I need to relax and be less neurotic - I need to be more generous - I need to judge others less My day job: - Psychology lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire My ideal partner: - Maybe we will find out some day Qualities I notice and appreciate in others: - Groundedness - Gratitude - Piety - Presence of mind - Curiosity - Ability to listen with the ears and with the heart - Sensitivity - Devotion - Persistence - Profundity of thought - Artistic and intellectual acuity - Linguistic proficiency - Generosity - Kindness Open to connecting with all souls regardless of cultural, religious, or linguistic affiliations. At the end of the day, what seems to matter is beyond our labels and preconceived notions. God bless, Omar Yousaf

