
Emirati Men Who Accept Polygamy Looking For Marriage

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Accept Polygamy

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43 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 18 - 32
Polygamy: Accept polygamy
Alhamdulillah, I’m a Medical Doctor (MBBS with a Diploma in Emergency Medicine) currently working in the UAE. My deep passion lies in serving the Ummah and contributing positively to Muslim affairs. I have also pursued a Diploma in Islamic Finance, compiled a book on Dawah, and I have been blessed to perform Hajj and Umrah. On a personal note, I am an ENFJ at heart—warm, empathetic, and people-oriented. Friends describe me as trustworthy, easygoing, and fun-loving; I strive to keep things simple and sincere, Alhamdulillah. Being multifaceted yet straightforward, I do my best to follow the commands of Allah. While I have my share of mistakes, I constantly seek His Guidance and Mercy. Who I Am & What I Bring A Heart Grounded in Faith - I’m a Muslim who finds true peace in Islam. My aim is to grow in piety, serve the Deen, and uplift the Ummah in whatever capacity Allah allows. Driven by Purpose - I envision myself as a da’ee and an activist—someone actively working to spread Islam and do my part for the betterment of humanity. I’m also a doctor who aspires to earn a good livelihood and use it responsibly. Family-Centric & Ambitious - I yearn for companionship—a loving wife and, InshaAllah, a righteous family. I dream of raising strong Muslim leaders who will become valuable members of the Ummah. I hold firm to my ideals, even through hardships, trusting that Allah’s Qadr is perfect. Open to New Horizons - I am in the process of exploring migration to places where we can find the best of both worlds—spiritual fulfillment and worldly stability.
43 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 33 - 46
Polygamy: Accept polygamy
A simple, respectful, committed, happy and drama free person with a class looking for a halal relationship 😊. Have always been in a corporate world where personal ethics and mutual respect is a must. Well educated, organised and cultured. Love diving, dragon boating, squash, badminton and do some art work/painting during my free time. Strong focus on personal fitness and self hygiene. A high achiever in life Alhamdulillah with a "Committing less and Delivering more" kind of personality. Won't ask U to take care of my children neither to live with them. I just need U🌻, your trust, companionship, honesty, love and care, that's it. In return, I'll always be there to give you moral, emotional and spiritual support...taking care of U, your soul/deen, your heart and will strive to give U the best married life ever insyaAllah ❤🙂❤. "Fairy Tales" don't exist in real world. TBH life's too short to keep on waiting and searching for "Mr Right" or "Prince Charming", Allah SWT opens the door of success only few times in life and wiser are those who seize that opportunity before it's gone. What's in front of U today, may not be there tomorrow as life is like an ice cube, melting each day. Sad to see in today's world, we've more loyal/committed women than men (more single mums than single dads). My heart aches when I see a sister looking after her kids alone as well as working full time 😥. It's time to go back to our basics, sincere/stable men should come forward and take more responsibility per the teachings of Islam as Allah has created man in a way that he has the will and strength to take care of more than one family at the same time - his love multiplies not divides. Women also need to have big hearts and understand this to restore faith in humanity for the generations to come. We shouldn't be that selfish and only think/care about ourselves and our kids. To instill a balanced personality in our kids, both mother and father are equally important. Secondly, no matter how ambitious, strong and independent you are, having a big social circle, you still need that one person (ie, husband) who is committed and be with you through thick and thin...giving you moral/spiritual support to steadfast and face the hardships of this cruel world with dignity and pride - and not being exploited by opportunist people looking for short term benefits. Our kids are growing older quickly and soon they'll start their own independent lives, what'll happen after that? Not interested in casual dating, ONS, friendship before marriage or anything that is haram. Looking for a beautiful heart filled with the love of Allah and his Prophet (PBUH), be humble, non-materialistic, non-judgemental and a practising Muslima with love and care - someone who already has kids and separated/divorced. Up for HHR (Healthy Halal Relationship) and be protected from Haram inshaAllah. Jzk
60 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 29 - 37
Polygamy: Accept polygamy
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, I am a Muslim live in Dubai since 40 years. I am already married to a Moroccan lady having 2 kids from her and was married before that and divorced her. I am a businessman having my own business in Dubai and Sharjah. I am a practicing Muslim strictly follow Islam, praying all 5 times in the masjid, read Quran daily and studying the Arabic language and strive hard to achieve success in this world and the hereafter to the best of my abilities . I am originally from Sri Lanka but living more than half of my life in UAE. I am an athlete, working out regularly in the gym, cycling, swimming etc. try my best to keep fit always. Alhamd Lillah Allah Subhanahu Wata’la blessed me with everything I need. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أنا مسلم أعيش في دبي منذ 40 عامًا. أنا متزوج بالفعل من سيدة مغربية ولدي منها طفلان وتزوجت قبل ذلك وطلقتها. أنا رجل أعمال لدي عملي الخاص في دبي والشارقة. أنا مسلم ممارس يتبع الإسلام بصرامة، وأصلي كل 5 مرات في المسجد، وأقرأ القرآن يوميا وأدرس اللغة العربية وأسعى جاهدا لتحقيق النجاح في الدنيا والآخرة بأفضل ما أستطيع. أنا أصلاً من سريلانكا ولكني أعيش أكثر من نصف حياتي في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. أنا رياضي، أمارس التمارين بانتظام في صالة الألعاب الرياضية وركوب الدراجات والسباحة وما إلى ذلك. أبذل قصارى جهدي للحفاظ على لياقتي البدنية دائمًا. الحمد لله، رزقني الله سبحانه وتعالى بكل ما أحتاجه. الحمد لله
48 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 25 - 41
Polygamy: Accept polygamy
Asaamo Alikom :). , know that if I show interest in you this means that I hope Allah guides us to the best way and I have hope that I will find in you the love I need. I will be honored if you can read my profile. and PLEASE KNOW THAT I AM SEEKING A WIFE AND I BELIEVE THAT ISLAM IS MAINLY IN OUR HEARTS NOT OUR COUNTRIES ESPCIALLY IN THIS CRAZY WORLD WITH DONALD TRUMP AND THE HIGH ISLAMOPHOBIA IN EUROPE. So, PLease know if you are not serious thinking bad about me from the beginning, I am sorry that I disturbed you and all my duaa for you dear sister. OO٩7١5o25o2١6٩ Renewing my account ..... Very sorry so plz use the above till i renew my account inshallah OO٩7١5o25o2١6٩ Bismillah Alrahman Al Raheem ``O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.`` OO٩7١5o25o2١6٩ Sometimes , they say why your religion permits polygamy. I answer it is polygany not polygamy . Then I ask why we, Muslims, are really westernized sometimes and seeking happiness outside Islamic rules? why new muslim reverts doesn't accept polygamy while it is a great sunnah espeically when the man is knowledgable and seeks halal ove? why many sisters I met myself staying on this site searching for a single husband for may be 2 years now or more while she doesn't accept a practicing married muslim brother? .....with all the respect to all ......why you ask me to justify something that God has granted for me and the serious Muslim Lady accepts? Why you didn't ask men who have a new girl friend every week? Why you don't ask about justifying adultery while you ask about justifying a legal marriage that Allah permits and the lady has all the rights in it? Which is better for my wife... To know that I am making adultery or to know that I am with my other wife and both of them are respected and equal for me ? Why didnt you ask me ... Why do you seek more responsibility ? Why you only select odd cases to tell about (e.g. big age difference)? Why you don't look at a pious man who cares to be fair to his wives and sons as he wants to go to paradise? ..... Yes Sir, in islam, if you have good intention in polygany , inshallah Allah subhanahu will help you to go to paradise because you care for your purity by having only wives and having more responsibilities that leads to more rewards and blessings from Allah subhanahu ...... Anyway, Sir/ sister, you are welcome to discuss if you want any time :-) . AND I AM SURE THAT ALLAH SUBHANAHU WILL SEND TO ME THE SISTER THAT IS MY SOULMATE AND LOVE IN DUNYIA AND AKHERA :) Asalamo Alikom again. Alhamdulelah and peace be upon the prophet. First of all I wish that Allah provide all my brothers and sisters with happiness after finding their suitable partners :). Successful marriage depends on both partners not only one. So, I am still alive, active with an open heart for love, sportive, and trying to find the halal way and continue my dream to build a happy family. Alhamdulelah for Islam as it tell us to continue in our life and keep in the most righteous halal way by marriage. Sometimes, I feel sorry when I visit a sister's profile. If we discriminate Ummah in marriage (the most noble relation ever), Please, if you think of Ummah as Indonesians, Malayzian, Arabians, Europeans, Americans...etc, don't waste your and my time. ٍWhat are we going to do with the rest of relations in life??!!??!! subhan Allah. I think of Muslims as one Ummah and no discrimination in Islam. If you want a real muslim , why you think you are on a higher level either by your color, race, nationality, ....etc. Also, I believe I can marry a Muslima from any place on earth. If I can marry from ladies around me, why should I pay to be a membership here??!!. So, if we are from very far away places, don't worry I can travel to you or invite you to visit me if we have the needed chemistry. Also, I might not be flexible in relocating as all my business relations are in the ME region(Egypt, UAE, Kuwait, KSA), Sout East Asia and Europe.I am planning to settle in Dubai soon Inshallah. Sure, If I find my soul mate, I will do my best to relocate according to a plan. Please, if you want stability with me, we should focus in the beginning totally with each other till we know each other well and decide the next step :) Please if you sent a message, wait. I answer all the messages but sometimes I become very busy in my work although I am online. Thanks :) Re myself, I am an simple man who did his best to build his life step by step and Alhamdulelah I felt God's help and support in all my life. Allah Kareem always. So, let me say anything said to be an achievement is a blessing from God :) Simply, I always do my best to apply Islam in all my relations: in marriage, love, romance and business. But sure, I am not an angel. So, I try to be a good mo'men It is said that "If you describe yourself, sure you will mention the advantages that you see in yourself and try to hide disadvantages". I think it is always good to talk as when we talk we know each other. Conversation enables our minds to talk and builds mutual understanding. Anyways, I will mention here all the facts I know about myself. May Allah guide us to the most righteous way. Ameen. Alhamdulelah God blessed me by studying and having many skills. So, after graduation as an urban planner, I decided to study information Technology in Sweden, In the same time, I got a scholarship for MBA in Egypt. So, finally Alhamdulelah, I have completed my doctoral studies now in business administration. I like children very much and I always do my best to find time and share them quality playing times. Unfortunately, I couldn't find time to learn cooking. I cannot cook. So, if we decided to cook together, I will be good in making salad and boiled eggs then we may decide to buy pizza if the trial fails :) .... then we can make it again till we succeed inshallah :). Prohet Mohamed, peace and blessings of Allah upon him , said "The best amongst you is he who is the most kind to his wife and I am the kindest amongst you to my wives". May Allah subhannaho wa Ta'ala help me to be always one of the kindest to my wives... Ameen Re my work, I am a self employed information technology expert. After a long trip in life between national and international jobs and positions, I decided to have my own business. Currently, I have my own company that works successfully in SW services Re my hobbies and interests, Reading about science and Islam, physical fitness, martial arts especially ninjitsu, religions and history, volunteering from time to time, travelling ,nature and Arts especially landscape and architecture. Re my ambitious, A happy family caring for each other. A religious line of life that leads to Jannah inshallah. An Islamic romantic life because I believe that if we apply Islam, we will be the happiest. Make my company grow more. Establish a charity organization for children. Get my 5th Ninjitsu Dan (5th Black Belt).... So, I do my best and pray my God. One more thing I like to make it again and again .... Hajj is always my aim as it is the best feeling I had when I was in front of Kaaba :-) ...... May Allah bless all Muslims by it ameen. Please If interested to ask me about any details, I am open to that and welcome that anytime before any relationship. Also, if you need to verify any information, sure I welcome that as verification is important for both of us for the serious long-term relationship of marriage. The Messenger of Allah said: "Four are from the Sunan of the Messengers: Al-Hayat, using Atar, the Siwak, and marriage"
23 Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 18 - 29
Polygamy: Accept polygamy
25 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Female 19 - 50
Polygamy: Accept polygamy

