
Turkish Men With Children For Marriage

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Muslim Matrimonials


Single Men






Children Status


With Children

1 - 35 of 100
44 Çankırı, Çankırı, Turkey
Seeking: Female 26 - 45
Have children: Yes - live at home
48 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 20 - 45
Have children: Yes - live at home
46 Şanlıurfa, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Seeking: Female 18 - 65
Have children: Yes - live at home
Mature , honest , intelligent , smart, serious , cultured , gentleman , sincere , loyal , reliable , well-intentioned , sports whatcing very much loving, natural, educated , open minded , their feet on stand a good access . He knows the meaning of life very well. I do not intend to divorce because I know the responsibilities of my children, but again I want to be in love and loved . Please honest be and brave was in and come to Türkiye . Money I don't want , you too . I hate lying . Fake and bad-intentioned people , please away from the my situation . my slogan ''Live , love and always stay happy .'' Important is past being installed , without judging , future happiness search and chase the need for every human second chance. I think you deserve it . First, good friendship. ( Don't judge anyone without knowing them.) The city I live in is definitely a city worth visiting. Because Şanlıurfa is known as the city of prophets and you are considered as half a pilgrim. Maybe I'm the one you're looking for! I don't know English very well and standard members can only see7 letters. ❤💯 First of all, how do people think of getting married without knowing each other and being friendly! This is really illogical! Those who are looking for rich husbands can look at arab countries. (arap ülkelerinde milyon dolarları saçanlar önce kendisine çeki düzen versin. Çünkü o kadar Müslüman katledilirken dünyada ve o kadar aç insan varken hala milyon dolarlık tekliflerle futbolcu transferi yapıyor. Filistin'li Müslümanlar boşuna ölmekte, Afrikanın bir çok ülkesi aç ve susuz hayata tutunmaya çalışıyor maalesef! Bitsin artık bu savaşlar, huzur ve mutluluk gelsin bu dünyaya!) What if he has millions in his pocket, unless he doesn't value people and shows respect, love and compassion to women. Anyway.. There is a lot to say, but sometimes you have to shut up and wait. Good luck to everyone, Insha'Allah. Born in 1977 . (Originally from Konya) I earn my own income Alhamdulillah but I don't send money to sponsor anyone.
İbrahim erruhavi
45 Şanlıurfa, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Seeking: Female 27 - 47
Have children: Yes - live at home
38 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 22 - 40
Have children: Yes - live at home
43 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Have children: Yes - live at home
44 Eskişehir, Eskişehir, Turkey
Seeking: Female
Have children: Yes - live at home
32 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 23 - 37
Have children: Yes - live at home
37 Edremit, Balıkesir, Turkey
Seeking: Female 22 - 40
Have children: Yes - live at home
46 İnegöl, Bursa, Turkey
Seeking: Female 26 - 43
Have children: Yes - live at home
36 Ceyhan, Adana, Turkey
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
Have children: Yes - live at home
29 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 19 - 34
Have children: Yes - live at home
58 Elazığ, Elazığ, Turkey
Seeking: Female 35 - 52
Have children: Yes - live at home
48 Düzce, Düzce, Turkey
Seeking: Female 28 - 50
Have children: Yes - live at home
62 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 37 - 54
Have children: Yes - live at home
41 Muğla, Muğla, Turkey
Seeking: Female 24 - 45
Have children: Yes - live at home
36 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
Have children: Yes - live at home
سعد saad
41 Viranşehir, Şanlıurfa, Turkey
Seeking: Female 24 - 43
Have children: Yes - live at home
23 Konya, Konya, Turkey
Seeking: Female 18 - 27
Have children: Yes - live at home
Mahmut sarı
29 Büyükçekmece, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 19 - 34
Have children: Yes - live at home
31 Karaman, Karaman, Turkey
Seeking: Female 20 - 37
Have children: Yes - live at home
42 Mardin, Mardin, Turkey
Seeking: Female 40 - 55
Have children: Yes - live at home

