
Very Religious Muslim German Men For Marriage

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Very Religious

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39 Ludwigshafen, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Seeking: Female
Religious values: Very Religious
44 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 24
Religious values: Very Religious
Assalaamu alaikum Dear Sisters around deen. A profile from a brother. bissmi 'llaahi oua ssalaatu oua ssalaamu alaa rasouuli 'llaah ******** TO THE PERSON ******* Age: 42 (thanks to Allah I look very young) Size : 181cm Hair color : Dark brown Figure/stature: Athletic / athletic Continent : Africa (Maghreb ) State: NRW Change of location: No You live alone: Yes (with 2 cats W/M) Do you have children: No Do you want children: YES Very - (with the right inshallah. Several to enlarge the ummah with righteous children inshallah) **** RELIGION * Since when you have been (conscious) Muslim: Always with learning, the process started about 10 years ago. You read the Quran (Arabic) or a translation: Rather Arabic (after all, you have enough to do with it - if you read Tafsir, the hadith and the learned explanations.) German version rather to explain it better in German. Do you wear a beard: YES alhamdulillah Lang What do you do to train yourself in Islam: To constantly form (without imagining it. One is small in knowing despite knowing), eg Kitab attaouhiid, thalathat ousoul kashf ashouhaat Quran teaching siirah when it goes directly from the shouyoukh. Unfortunately too little in the EU. But alhamdulillaah there are enough explanations of tapes like Sheikh al-Albaani Sheikh ibn alouthaimiin Sheikh ibn baaz Sheikh Saiid raslaan Sheikh saalih alfaouzaan… (but does not replace direct learning) *** INTERESTS ***** How do you spend your free time: Reading, studying, training, and I do nothing then think a lot, try to do good deeds (clean up) and other activities like meeting brothers. It also depends on a lot of weather. (I'm more of an eagle than a canary) How do you like it at home: Clean (very exhausting for me as a man to keep it) and, above all, I like it when it smells like boukhour. What is your favorite food: I have almost all halal cuisines of all cultures through, must say the Moroccan is the most to me. Sushi, Thai (not spicy) healthy, no sweet food (think food should be salty and desert sweet) * PROPERTIES ** Strengths: I discovered many of my strengths after I recognized my weaknesses! Enforcement, thinker, mercy, being patient in Allah's radar, I am not one who quickly gives up when I see meaning in something. i'm straight or authentic. There is much that my future wife can discover with me in the inshallah (is also better). Weaknesses: Can be lazy, can quickly become fiery (it's more about efficiency than showing its weaknesses). One weakness that many have is to control his nafs better (may Allah help) I like this especially: Obedience of the HEHE wife (for Allah) to her husband in halal (after all, it stays together 80% today because of this), a good cook, a woman with a (warm) HEART in the right place, humor, a look that I like inshallah (because I want to see my wife in Jannah again. lt hadith will be 70 times more beautiful than the hoor aleyn.) And if she is enthusiastic about ideas and wants to learn it (I can support inshallah after all, she should be the teacher of her children)"I don't like that especially: (I remain related to topics here) When Sisters do not even know the criteria themselves, let alone act on them, according to Quran and Sunnah. zb quran and sunnah in anticipation and unfortunately not in fulfilling! Or Quran and Sunnah if it is in life Prosit but if it turns negative - which Allah's tests are, things are not handled after Quran and Sunnah. Unfortunately, they are using other sources of solutions. The rule is to know before talking and acting! and if you want to know, then you only understand and believe and not already have something specific in your heart and look for it in the deen! May Allah keep me from this and give me a good sister and mother of the children. What is also very counterproductive is a hidden emancipation/feminism that is designed by the Shaitan especially for our sisters (ouallaahi Shaitan has invested a lot there and how you can hide it is not necessarily to know all your trix, but the sister should simply know and do the duty of marriage. thus his plan is useless - as allah said the cunning of saitan is weak - but with the following of quran and sunnah). Do you not observe the high divorce rate despite knowing the ideas? (Please understand exactly what the rights and duties in Islamic marriage are with the understanding of Muslims.) Families break a lot in Islamic marriages that they do not act properly, interfere (e.g. the husband for the family and not the father of the wife or even their mother. After all, the man before Allah also bears the responsibility) or because they prefer tradition of the Sunnah. (as i said, quran and sunnah. The sister or brother should already have the courage to keep his family out with kindness but clearly) ** EDUCATION/OCCUPATION * EDUCATION : Martial arts teacher /security industry Studies : Wing tsung Akademie/soundenengeneering (alhamdulillaah abandoned) Occupation: Current employment: Martial arts teacher + soon a further education Other knowledge: (insllah if you meet private in halal with ouali) but a few would be, tajoueed knowledge, several spoke... ** WISHES FOR THE FUTURE PARTNER********** What characteristics should it have: (I think I mentioned a few things above.) Feminine (not only externally but also internally), NICE, good heart, OBEDIENCE (the duty of the woman today is so much hurt by the woman) calm mind, good-natured. Attention paid (well-kept) Age: Until 28 approx. Appearance: (At least Khimar but best is Niqab) I should like inshallah. The more she lifts her charms for her husband, the more barakh Allah will make in her beauty. sporty inshallah would be good. The most important thing is that we master the trials of this life through Quran and Sunnah and grow together in it and give the children the same. Until Allah takes us (on the effort and the aqidah) again to Himself, it shall have Hijab/Khimar/Niqab: At best Niqab or on the way away there Khimar shall be the least. Other wishes: (Correct) aqidah should know her (without exaggeration UB in takfir or sufia or shia etc.). Inshallah without children. baaraka llaahu feekum.
30 Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 31
Religious values: Very Religious
I’m Nejmeddin , 30 years old. I'm an Engineer, originally from Tunisia, and currently living in I'm a bookworm and I'm really into psychology, especially the development psychology (based on the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammadﷺ ). I'm the kind of person who constantly reflects on myself and accepts people with all their differences. I know I make mistakes, and I actually appreciate those who point them out to me. I hope to find a partner in this life and the hereafter (InshaAllah) who's ready to work on himself. It all starts with admitting our mistakes and being certain that making mistakes is Totally normal—it's not a big deal as long as we learn from them and strive to do better🍀 I truly believe that life is full of challenges, and it's like paradise for believers. So, I believe being happy or sad is my personal decision and choice, so i always try to stay positive and have a big smile on face ☺️. Being optimistic is my thing,. My role models for this mindset is firstly the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and than Dr. Ibrahim Al-Khalifi—may Allah bless him. If you follow their teachings too, then you got me!😅 I'm a social guy with athletic figure. I also have a soft spot for poetry, though I don't have a perfect memory for it. But my blog Posts can make up for that—I can share an Arabic poem every week with who resonates with my soul! And yeah, after we get married Oh, and in our home, I'd rather have a library than a TV, InshaAllah. Books are my thing! 📚 But hey, we can talk about that and see if it's your thing too!
38 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 30 - 36
Religious values: Very Religious
43 Biberach an der Riß, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 28
Religious values: Very Religious
40 München, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 32
Religious values: Very Religious
55 München, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 25 - 60
Religious values: Very Religious
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings , they recommended women better to everyone who reads my words, I say , after the honest, pure, and clean woman became tired of fighting in this life without any support except Allah, especially after she lost her parents, so she was forced to enter these sites and she has little hope because she no longer finds speeches The first of these is the fact that it is not the first time that the people of the country are not the ones who are the people of the country. I saw the decadent minds of male semi-men who never remembered that their sisters and daughters would be in the same position if they were not originally in the position with them, so the Lord of the worlds had just done things that were recorded on you, do whatever you wanted, so as you condemn it accurately, and if you increased the shank, my advice to Muasher I hope to convey this talk, don't let women believe and believe that men have become a few and a rare coin, or they have no life, but let them say that the world is still fine, even at the expense of yourself, and remember your sister and daughter I ask God to keep the rulers, the darkness and the sons of the Haram away from you. Oh God, Amen, and unfortunately, women have recently had to say from the lack of the nudity of the nudity that we are against the dogs, and the mishandling is that some of them grant the woman that I accept to marry you and I say to this man If you are a Muslim woman who died of her husband's death or divorce, then the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) would have been given a race to marry her in order to care for her out of respect, honor and honor. If we see their biography as a company who married four of the companions, one company after the other. I have been in a very good time. The first thing I have to say is that I have to say that I am not a Muslim, but I am not a Muslim, and I am not a Muslim, but I am not a Muslim, and I am not a Muslim, and I am not a Muslim, but I am a Muslim, and I am not a Muslim, and I am a Muslim , and I am a Muslim. They said, "who wants martyrdom is against him with his deed!" I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years, and I have been in the past two years. I am not going to say that I am going to be a little more than a little more than a little more than a little more than a little more than a little more than a little more than a little more. 😠 I am not sure if I am going to be a Muslim, I am not going to be a Muslim." he said, "I don't know if I am going to be a Muslim." he said, "I don't know if I am going to be a Muslim." he said, "I don't know if I am going to be a Muslim. The first of these is that the first of the first two years of the year, the third year of the year, the first year of the year, the third year of the year, the first year of the year, the first year of the year, the first year of the year, the first year of the year, the first year of the year. The Muslim woman who did not succeed in her life or widowed does not have to be a failure!! I have no love. The first thing is that the people who do not know what they are. I have to say that I have to say that I am not a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man who is a man. - The sister who got into the divorce disaster and was suffering from fear of the future and its pains, we say to her (do not know, perhaps God will happen after that) perhaps after separation, happiness and happiness, perhaps after the husband is a better and better husband. Perhaps the coming days carry with them happiness and hopes. "We must keep them and try to compensate them for their psychological and moral losses, and protect them from human dogs and tribulations who look bad (London), here is our master Muhammad, who was the first to marry a woman who had previously married and got him 15 years old." The first is that we have a great number of people who have been able to do so, and that is what we have done. (London) Muslim women are the title of purity and strength of the structure of Islamic society and evidence of its morals and strength. *And remember .... a dismay (*) the bag is one of the families of his wife's heart with the pleasure of saying 💝 the good word is charity, and smiling in the face of your brother is charity, so what about the sisters of your hearts (*) know that women have their hearts in their ears. The sac, if I dislike his wife, is something that will make her have something else, so there is no complete in this world. We ask you for forgiveness and permanent health in religion, the world and the hereafter. Oh God, Amen, the Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon the honorable prophets and messengers, our master, our prophet, our cure and our leader We are the only one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the most grateful.

