
Muslim German Men With Green Eyes Looking For Marriage

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34 Nürnberg, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 19 - 29
Eye color: Green
44 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 24
Eye color: Green
Assalaamu alaikum Dear Sisters around deen. A profile from a brother. bissmi 'llaahi oua ssalaatu oua ssalaamu alaa rasouuli 'llaah ******** TO THE PERSON ******* Age: 42 (thanks to Allah I look very young) Size : 181cm Hair color : Dark brown Figure/stature: Athletic / athletic Continent : Africa (Maghreb ) State: NRW Change of location: No You live alone: Yes (with 2 cats W/M) Do you have children: No Do you want children: YES Very - (with the right inshallah. Several to enlarge the ummah with righteous children inshallah) **** RELIGION * Since when you have been (conscious) Muslim: Always with learning, the process started about 10 years ago. You read the Quran (Arabic) or a translation: Rather Arabic (after all, you have enough to do with it - if you read Tafsir, the hadith and the learned explanations.) German version rather to explain it better in German. Do you wear a beard: YES alhamdulillah Lang What do you do to train yourself in Islam: To constantly form (without imagining it. One is small in knowing despite knowing), eg Kitab attaouhiid, thalathat ousoul kashf ashouhaat Quran teaching siirah when it goes directly from the shouyoukh. Unfortunately too little in the EU. But alhamdulillaah there are enough explanations of tapes like Sheikh al-Albaani Sheikh ibn alouthaimiin Sheikh ibn baaz Sheikh Saiid raslaan Sheikh saalih alfaouzaan… (but does not replace direct learning) *** INTERESTS ***** How do you spend your free time: Reading, studying, training, and I do nothing then think a lot, try to do good deeds (clean up) and other activities like meeting brothers. It also depends on a lot of weather. (I'm more of an eagle than a canary) How do you like it at home: Clean (very exhausting for me as a man to keep it) and, above all, I like it when it smells like boukhour. What is your favorite food: I have almost all halal cuisines of all cultures through, must say the Moroccan is the most to me. Sushi, Thai (not spicy) healthy, no sweet food (think food should be salty and desert sweet) * PROPERTIES ** Strengths: I discovered many of my strengths after I recognized my weaknesses! Enforcement, thinker, mercy, being patient in Allah's radar, I am not one who quickly gives up when I see meaning in something. i'm straight or authentic. There is much that my future wife can discover with me in the inshallah (is also better). Weaknesses: Can be lazy, can quickly become fiery (it's more about efficiency than showing its weaknesses). One weakness that many have is to control his nafs better (may Allah help) I like this especially: Obedience of the HEHE wife (for Allah) to her husband in halal (after all, it stays together 80% today because of this), a good cook, a woman with a (warm) HEART in the right place, humor, a look that I like inshallah (because I want to see my wife in Jannah again. lt hadith will be 70 times more beautiful than the hoor aleyn.) And if she is enthusiastic about ideas and wants to learn it (I can support inshallah after all, she should be the teacher of her children)"I don't like that especially: (I remain related to topics here) When Sisters do not even know the criteria themselves, let alone act on them, according to Quran and Sunnah. zb quran and sunnah in anticipation and unfortunately not in fulfilling! Or Quran and Sunnah if it is in life Prosit but if it turns negative - which Allah's tests are, things are not handled after Quran and Sunnah. Unfortunately, they are using other sources of solutions. The rule is to know before talking and acting! and if you want to know, then you only understand and believe and not already have something specific in your heart and look for it in the deen! May Allah keep me from this and give me a good sister and mother of the children. What is also very counterproductive is a hidden emancipation/feminism that is designed by the Shaitan especially for our sisters (ouallaahi Shaitan has invested a lot there and how you can hide it is not necessarily to know all your trix, but the sister should simply know and do the duty of marriage. thus his plan is useless - as allah said the cunning of saitan is weak - but with the following of quran and sunnah). Do you not observe the high divorce rate despite knowing the ideas? (Please understand exactly what the rights and duties in Islamic marriage are with the understanding of Muslims.) Families break a lot in Islamic marriages that they do not act properly, interfere (e.g. the husband for the family and not the father of the wife or even their mother. After all, the man before Allah also bears the responsibility) or because they prefer tradition of the Sunnah. (as i said, quran and sunnah. The sister or brother should already have the courage to keep his family out with kindness but clearly) ** EDUCATION/OCCUPATION * EDUCATION : Martial arts teacher /security industry Studies : Wing tsung Akademie/soundenengeneering (alhamdulillaah abandoned) Occupation: Current employment: Martial arts teacher + soon a further education Other knowledge: (insllah if you meet private in halal with ouali) but a few would be, tajoueed knowledge, several spoke... ** WISHES FOR THE FUTURE PARTNER********** What characteristics should it have: (I think I mentioned a few things above.) Feminine (not only externally but also internally), NICE, good heart, OBEDIENCE (the duty of the woman today is so much hurt by the woman) calm mind, good-natured. Attention paid (well-kept) Age: Until 28 approx. Appearance: (At least Khimar but best is Niqab) I should like inshallah. The more she lifts her charms for her husband, the more barakh Allah will make in her beauty. sporty inshallah would be good. The most important thing is that we master the trials of this life through Quran and Sunnah and grow together in it and give the children the same. Until Allah takes us (on the effort and the aqidah) again to Himself, it shall have Hijab/Khimar/Niqab: At best Niqab or on the way away there Khimar shall be the least. Other wishes: (Correct) aqidah should know her (without exaggeration UB in takfir or sufia or shia etc.). Inshallah without children. baaraka llaahu feekum.
43 Biberach an der Riß, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 28
Eye color: Green
54 Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 38
Eye color: Green
Antimiyorum 50 yasinda BIR Bayan cocuk yapabilirmi ? I am 52 years old, 178 cm tall, 85 kg, attractive, down to earth, determined, friendly, absolutely loyal, loving, humorous, Travel and Enterprising. In my spare time I Listen to music, read a newspaper, a walk and hike, drive cars and like to go swimming. My favorite colors are blue, pink, beige and white. I love foreign countries, cultures, the sun and the beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. I interest me for landscape, nature, culture, science, engineering, law, and healthy eating. I will be friendly and charming, attentive faces, warm, compassionate, and always make sure that other people feel comfortable in my presence to be seen. Best regards and wish you a pleasant day J'ai 52 ans, je mesure 178 cm, je pèse 85 kg, je suis séduisante, terre-à-terre, déterminée, sympathique, absolute loyale, aimante, pleine d'humor, voyageuse et entreprenante. Dans mes temps libres, j'écoute de la musique, je lis un journal, je me promène, je conduis des voitures et j'aime nager. Mes couleurs préférées sont le bleu, le rose, le beige et le blanc. J'aime les pays étrangers, les cultures, le soleil et les plages de la mer Méditerranée. Je m'intéresse au paysage, à la nature, à la culture, à la science, à l'ingénierie, au droit et à une alimentation saine. Je serai sympathique et charmant, des visages attentifs, chaleureux, compatissants et je veillerai toujours à ce que les autres se sentent à l'aise en ma présence pour être vus. Bien cordialement et je vous souhaite une agréable journée eumri 52 eaman, watuli 178 sum, wawazniun 85 kajum, wajadhabi, wamutawadiein, wahazima, wawudud, wamukhlis tmaman, wamahabatin, waruh aldueabati, walsafara, walmughamarati. fi 'awqat faraghiin' astamie 'iilaa almusiqaa, wa'aqra alsahuf, wa'aqum bialmashy walmashy limasafat tawilatin, wa'aqud alsayaarati, wa'ahabu alsibahati. 'alwani almufadalat hi al'azraq walwardiu walbij wal'abyadi. 'ahibu albuldan al'ajnabiat walthaqafat walshams washawati albahr al'abyad almutawasiti. 'ana muhtamun bialmanazir altabieiat waltabieat walthaqafat waleulum walhandasat walqanun wall'akl alsahi. sa'akun wdwdan wsahran, wadhu wujuh muntabihatin, wadafiatin, warahimatin, wa'ata'akad dayman min 'ana alakhirin yasheurun bialraahat fi wujudi. 'atyab altahiaat wa'atamanaa lakum yawman saeidan في وقت فراغين استمي الى الموسيقى، واقرأ السهوف، واقوم بالماشي ولماشي لمصافات طويلتين، ووعد السيارتي، وأحبو السباحاتي. علواني المميزات هي الازرق والورديو والبيج والابيضي. أحب البلدان الأجنابية والثقافات والشمس وغسلات البحر الأبيض المتوسطي. أنا محتمون بالمناظير الطبيعة والتبييات والثقافات واليولوم والهندسات والقانون والعقل الصحى. ساكون ووددان وسهران، وادو وجوه منتبهتين، ودافياتين، واراهمتين، واعتقاد دايمن من انا الاخرين ياشورون بالراحات في وجودي. أطياب التحيات واتمنى لكم يوم سعيدان
61 Eisenberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Seeking: Female 50 - 61
Eye color: Green
I love to read, especially history and contemporary politics. Like debates and discussions and can accept a better argument and I must add that I’m quite sarcastic and that I grew up reading Mad Magazine and Comics beside Classics and history books also watched loads of SNL and might say something out of the blue that’ll make you laugh your head-off or maybe throw your handbag at me while you’re still laughing. Like travel and like to cycle, hike and scuba. Enjoy sitting at a street cafe or on the sidewalk and watch the world go by. You can see in my pictures a part of my collection of scars that I’ve managed to collect throughout my journey in this Life and I have many. I’m a German citizen and have close family in Saudi Arabia and the U.S. Old-school with conservative values but I’m also openminded and am certainly not a fanatic in any way or form. Well, maybe except about putting garlic sauce over beef-shawarma!!!! Beef-shawarma should have Tarator on it and if you disagree about that then it’s a deal breaker!! Faith is very important to me and although I was born a Muslim, I never practiced until ten years ago when I sarted reciting the Qur’an and found Truth and comfort in it. It is a privilege and a great burden to carry being able to read, understand and differentiate between what the holy Qur’an says and what is being accepted by many scholars and much of the public. I just detest hotshots, educated idiots and airheads and I am certainly not “politically correct” so, be aware please! Your Phd doesn’t mean a thing to me until we’ve sat-down and had a lengthy conversation or three. Also, a degree doesn’t mean much to me because an intelligent person is exactly that. No more and no less. Now, after all, I would say that I’m an easy going person and that I’ve been blessed with a great family and friends and I sincerely would like to meet someone on the same wavelength that is confident and wants a new beginning. Someone that understands and practices basic human decency. Please note that the second picture with the haggard face was taken after an eleven-hour drive from Frankfurt to London, parking the car, checking-in and then, off chasing my daughter through london so yes, this is how I look like when I’m wasted. Looking for someone that’s at least fifty five years of age.
28 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Seeking: Female 19 - 34
Eye color: Green
33 Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 23 - 27
Eye color: Green
36 Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 38
Eye color: Green
53 Neuerburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Seeking: Female 30 - 48
Eye color: Green
38 Bergheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 30
Eye color: Green
36 Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 36
Eye color: Green
38 Donauwörth, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 35
Eye color: Green
34 Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 18 - 39
Eye color: Green
37 München, Bavaria, Germany
Seeking: Female
Eye color: Green
40 Dortmund, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Seeking: Female 25 - 40
Eye color: Green
32 Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Seeking: Female 20 - 37
Eye color: Green
65 Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
Seeking: Female 35 - 39
Eye color: Green

