
Île-De-France Muslim French Men For Marriage

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36 - 70 of 100
j ai qurante
44 Bobigny, Île-de-France, France
Seeking: Female
Thank you. Woman was made of a rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him, not from his feet to be stepped upon, she was made from his side to be close to him, from beneath his arm to be protected by him, near his heart to be loved by him. i'm honestalways remember , distance and colour don't ever matter in love. but, what realy matters is ur heart to be honest ,sinscer,loyal , knows why he lives ,how to live,and how to love. I can see that everybody is seeking for love and the majority of people think that it is a hard issue and a real problem to find the real true love ,but for me I think the problem is not to find love as well as how to keep Ur. love ,how to protect ur love and how to make it live for the rest of ur life. the real issue people should think about is how to love and how to care for and about the other partner in a way that makes him love u forever.for me love means to give love rather than receiving it. I think man should live to love , to give love , to care for and about whome he love, but he will be still in need for the perfect,or let say the suitable, partner who beleives in him and ready to be loyal to him and sinscerly share him his beleives. I am realy in love now, I love Allah,I love my life , I am satisfied and realy love my choices in life untill now, and belive me I love my lady, the lady who will love to share me my beleifs, I am realy in love with her now even before I meet her , even before I see her face or know how she looks like, that's why I always say " faces and colours doesn't ever matter in love , in true love. this is realy my view to true love ,and thx for allah for having this love in my heart. now my lady , r u ready to honstly share me this kind of pure love. i thank u very much for ur interest in me.urs, outgoing(with manners), open agian with manners, understanding. woman: i speak Arabic(Moroccan dialeckt)I'm you have any more questions be my gest just fire away and I'll get back to u as soon as possibly.
28 Paris, Île-de-France, France
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
To become Muslim all one needs to do is saying "Ash hadu an la illaha illa lah wa Ash hadu Anna Muhammadan Rassul Allah" which means "i Bear Witness that there's no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his Messenger". No need to go to the mosque, saying it alone is enough. By converting, every sins committed before converting are forgiven WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST EXCEPTION :D. NB: it's not necessary to be "nearly perfect" to become a Muslim. On the contrary, it's by becoming a Muslim that one is going to be more perfect. In fact, delaying ones conversion because one is committing "too much sins" is as strange as delaying ones shower because one feel to dirty :). Nb : since I'm a freemium member for the moment, i can't send anyone messages, but if you send me one I'll answer Inshaallah ENG : My name is Islam Sitayeb (but I'm mostly known as "Marc Sitayeb" because my parent feared racism), I'm a 3rd student at Assas/Paris II, one of the best (if not the best) law school of France (though, truth be told, I'm a pretty terrible student, since it's hard and I don't enjoy it, but I'm keeping on so that I may have a diploma and make my parents happy Inshaallah). I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs alhamdullillah. I never had a girlfriend alhamdullillah. I try to be as kind as possible, I love having fun and joking (so long as it is halal of course). I also love reading (a day without learning about the deen (and, in a far lesser extent but still, about wordly life) is a lost day to me), sports in general (but I especially love martial arts and fighting sports in general (for learning/training myself purpose, not to hurt people, nor hitting them in the face (since it's haram). I have a lot of projects (both professionnal and life ones), and I hope I'll be able to realize them (or at least some of them) Inshaallah ! PS : this picture is one or two years old, though I barely changed (except that now I grew a beard, and I intend to keep it Inshaallah), I just put it because it's one of the rare "good" picture I have, since I'm not photogenic at all (after asking a Shaykh about the permissibility of putting it despite the fact that in this picture I'm beardless) ^^ PS : I planned to upgrade my membership to premium so that I may both read and send (readable) messages (very?) soono Inshaallah, so if I send you a message or if you send me one, please wait a little ! FR :Pour devenir musulman, il suffit de dire «Ashe hadou ane la illaha illa lah wa Ash hadou Anna Mouhammadane Rassoule Allah», ce qui signifie «Je témoigne qu'il n'y a pas d'autre dieu qu'Allah et que Mouhammad est son messager». Inutile d'aller à la mosquée, le dire seul chez soi suffit. En se convertissant, tous les péchés commis avant la conversion sont pardonnés SANS LA MOINDRE EXCEPTION: D. NB: il n'est pas nécessaire d'être "presque parfait" pour devenir musulman. Au contraire, c'est en devenant musulman que l'on va se perfectionner. En fait, retarder sa conversion parce qu'on commet "trop ​​de péchés" est aussi étrange que retarder sa douche parce qu'on se sent trop sale :). NB: puisque je suis membre freemium pour le moment, je ne peux envoyer de messages à personne, mais si vous m'en envoyez un je répondrai à Inshaallah PS: J'ai prévu de prendre un compte premium (très) bientôt Inshaallah !
