
Athletic Muslim Canadian Men For Marriage

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36 - 70 of 100
57 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 33 - 48
Body style: Athletic
(ENGLISH translation below) my name is Mohamed (originally from Morocco) I stay Montreal. If you need to communicate QTHTQU7TZN it is a real profile. One must communicate on muslima before Whatsapp please not good to ask or give the number from the first message. And the one who likes or sends (hi) or slm and when you go to see who honored you, you find an empty profile! there is just the name and age and are fake in addition. we would understand the women in our community who do not put their real photos, but sincerely, an empty profile that likes me or texts me: it is disrespect. and besides, the person didn't even bother to just see your profile. How can we approach an empty profile? Where is the problem to fill out your profile with the right information and put a fake name? So please respect people and complete your profile. Not even seen your profile and ask for your number or send his and tell you we finish on Whatsapp..Waw! Have we start already to finish!?? They think it takes a long time to read the messages, frankly! You want to marry someone and you didn't even break your head reading his description? It comes from the serious name and disrespect for others before we even begin. It's a bit my stress lived here on this site which has Islam only the name unfortunately. ▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ and ziiroNeuuffor not missing anything. QTHTQU7TZN. OCAZOU. I'm serious here, on this site. I am Raji man on fb (for people who want to look for more). English translation: My name is Mohamed (from Morocco) I stay in Montreal. If need to write me must read my profile fist then welcome ftetfostzn iam a real profile. We must communicate on muslima platform before Whatsapp please (fts means fortresevn) in bigin intelligent language. It’s not good to ask or give the number in the first message. And the one who likes or sends (hi) or (slm) and when you go to see who honored you, you find an empty profile! there is just the name and age and they are fake.! we would understand the women in our community who do not post their real photos, but honestly, it's just disrespectful when an empty profile likes or texts me. and what's more, the person didn't even bother to just see your profile! Really! How can people approach an empty profile? Where is the problem in filling out your profile with the right information and putting a fake name? So please respect people and complete your profile. Woman didn't even see your profile and asks for your number or sends hers and says we'll end up on Whatsapp..Waw! Do we started yet to finish!? They find that takes a long time to read the messages, honestly! You want to marry someone and you not even bothered to read his description? This emanates from unserious and disespect for others already before starting. It's a bit of my stress experienced here on this site which unfortunately only has Islam in name. ▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ ▪▪▪▪ ▪ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ ▪▪▪ AndZiro ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪
52 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Seeking: Female
Body style: Athletic
Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for taking time to read my profile. Here we go, a little bit about myself, I’m Indian, born (1971) and raised in England. Both of my parents are from Punjab, north India. I’m now 52, but I have been told I don’t look it😉I speak English, Punjabi and a little bit of Hindi ONLY. I have 1 sister and 2 brothers who are all younger than me living in England. I have two boys, 22 and 23 years old both living in England with their mother. I’m divorced and living in Vancouver, Canada since 2013. “Alhamdulillah” reverted to Islam in October 2020. For work I’m a caregiver, I♥️what I do, helping young children rebuild their confidence and self-esteem after they’ve been abused and abandoned by their families. I also have a great business selling health and beauty products online. My family and friends would describe me as fun, easy going, health conscious, confident, honest, hard working, responsible and God fearing person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‎السلام عليكم، ‎ شكرا لك على الوقت لقراءة ملف التعريف الخاص بي. ‎ ها نحن ذا ، قليلا عن نفسي ، أنا هندي ، لكنني ولدت (1971) ونشأت في إنجلترا. والداي من ولاية البنجاب شمال الهند. أبلغ من العمر الآن 52 عامًا ، ولكن قيل لي إنني لا أنظر إليها. أنا أتحدث الإنجليزية والبنجابية وقليلًا من الهندية فقط. لدي أخت وشقيقان جميعهم أصغر مني يعيشون في إنجلترا. لدي ولدان يبلغان من العمر 22 و 23 عامًا يعيشان في إنجلترا مع والدتهما. أنا مطلقة وأعيش في فانكوفر ، كندا منذ عام 2013. "الحمد لله" عاد إلى الإسلام في أكتوبر 2020. ‎ بالنسبة للعمل ، أنا مقدم رعاية ، ♥ ️ ما أفعله ، أساعد الأطفال الصغار على إعادة بناء ثقتهم واحترامهم لذاتهم بعد تعرضهم لسوء المعاملة والتخلي عن أسرهم. ‎ لدي أيضًا نشاط تجاري كبير في بيع منتجات الصحة والجمال عبر الإنترنت. ‎ وصف لي عائلتي وأصدقائي بالمتعة ويسير الصحة الواعية والثقة والصادقة والعمل الجاد والمسؤول خوفا من الله. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Assalamu alaykum, Merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire mon profil. Voilà, un peu sur moi, je suis indien, mais je suis né (1971) et j'ai grandi en Angleterre. Mes deux parents sont originaires du Pendjab, au nord de l'Inde. J'ai maintenant 52 ans, mais on m'a dit que je n'en avais pas l'air😉Je parle anglais, pendjabi et un peu d'hindi UNIQUEMENT. J'ai 1 soeur et 2 frères qui sont tous plus jeunes que moi vivant en Angleterre. J'ai deux garçons de 22 et 23 ans qui vivent tous les deux en Angleterre avec leur mère. Je suis divorcé et je vis à Vancouver, au Canada, depuis 2013. "Alhamdulillah" est revenu à l'islam en octobre 2020. Pour le travail, je suis un soignant, je♥️ ce que je fais, aider les jeunes enfants à reconstruire leur confiance et leur estime de soi après avoir été maltraités et abandonnés par leurs familles. J'ai également une excellente entreprise de vente de produits de santé et de beauté en ligne. Ma famille et mes amis me décriraient comme une personne amusante, facile à vivre, soucieuse de sa santé, confiante, honnête, travailleuse, responsable et craignant Dieu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Salaam, Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para leer mi perfil. Aquí vamos, un poco sobre mí, soy indio, pero nací (1971) y me crié en Inglaterra. Mis padres son de Punjab, al norte de la India. Ahora tengo 52 años, pero me han dicho que no lo parezco 😉Hablo inglés, punjabi y un poco de hindi SOLAMENTE. Tengo 1 hermana y 2 hermanos, todos menores que yo, que viven en Inglaterra. Tengo dos hijos de 22 y 23 años que viven en Inglaterra con su madre. Estoy divorciado y vivo en Vancouver, Canadá desde 2013. “Alhamdulillah” volvió al Islam en octubre de 2020. Por trabajo soy cuidadora, lo que hago es ayudar a niños pequeños a recuperar su confianza y autoestima después de haber sido abusados ​​y abandonados por sus familias. También tengo un gran negocio vendiendo productos de salud y belleza en línea. Mi familia y amigos me describirían como una persona divertida, tranquila, consciente de la salud, segura de sí misma, honesta, trabajadora, responsable y temerosa de Dios.
44 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 37 - 37
Body style: Athletic
42 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 22 - 40
Body style: Athletic
u can write to me at: Glaceroyale liamg moc Bonjour everybody Gentil sir, humble, effoui, simple, intello, down to earth, epicurean, very virile, gallant, looking for a beautiful serious relationship. je suis spisrite ma partner must love, adore satisfying his own needs as well as the needs of his man in intimity, i am a dominant man in intimity and i want a submissive in intimity but in everyday life she will be my equal. my partner. je am against polygamy. I'm for polyamour. check on google. ma demarche est serieuse glaceroyale chez jmail (write me down, guess) femmes materialistes, please avoid me:) Pas de one night please. Thank you. Partner of sought-after travel! where there is love, there is compassion with which intelligence goes hand in hand. Jiddu Krishnamurti; the nature of thought glaceroyale to jmail (guess) Hello everyone\Ni'm a nice guy, humble, fulfilled, simple, intelligent, down to earth, epicurean, virile, gallant, looking for a nice serious relationship.\Ni am a spiritual person, I read all spiritual books. no skinny or fat. just proportional, athletic or plump, chubby. my partner must love, love to satisfy her own needs as well as the needs of her man in intimacy, I am a dominant man in intimacy and I want a real submissive woman in intimacy but in everyday life she will be my equal. my partner. \Ni am against polygamy. I am for polyamory. check it out on google. materialistic women, please avoid me:)\NNO one night stand please. Thanks. Travel partner wanted! “the ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” Jiddu Krishnamurti .
59 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Seeking: Female 27 - 50
Body style: Athletic
انا مصرى عايش بكندا ولاية كيبيك انا بطبعى هادئ جدا واكره النكد والعصبيه عاشق للرحلات ورومانسى جدا واعشق الرومانسيه بكل اشكالها واوضاعها واعشق المرأه واقدرها واحترمها واحترم ارائها ولاواصادرها ابدا وصبور لابعد الحدود وانا والحمد لله ميسور الحال ومن هواياتى السباحه واعشق المراه الرومانسيه التى تعشق الرومانسيه ايضا بكل اوضعها واكرر بكل اوصاعها وفى كل وقت وان حصل نصيب وتلاقينا اكيد فى مزيد من الوضوح وانا يومى عادى بعد انهى عملى بسيط من الوقت على السوشيال ميدا الفيس بوك لمعرفة اخبار الدنيا واشوف ايه اخر الاخبار ةان كان فى رومانسيه تبحث عن مصراوى ولا لسه النصيب وطعا الكلام ليكى ان كنتى تبحثين عنى مصراوى عرفتى حتلاقينى فين مصراوى اعتقد سهل الحصول عليه دى كلمه من جزئين مصرا وى كدا سهلت عليكى البحث يلا اشوف الشطاره و صحيح احنا عرب لكن البحث اه صحيح انا عاشق الزهور حتى تلاقينى حاطط على الفيس الورده الحمرا اعشق الزهور لان لغة الزهور جميله ان كان فى جد يفهمها يلا منتظرك ياقمر اللهم انا لانسألك رد القضاء ولكن نسألك اللطف فيه Masra yes والله ولى التوفيق اللهم لا الله الا انت سبحانك
abdelkarim 🇨🇦
30 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Body style: Athletic
My name is abdelkarim 32 years old I'm living right now in Canada, Toronto I wanted to take a moment to share a bit more about myself so that you can get to know me better. I grew up in a town with my loving family. They have played a significant role in shaping who I am today, and I'm grateful for their support. I love capturing moments and telling stories through images. Whenever I have free time, you'll often find me exploring new places with my camera in hand, trying to capture the beauty of the world around us. Professionally, I work as a Barista manager It's a career that I find fulfilling because it allows me to enjoy time making a cup of coffee with latte art and delivering the best service to the costumer. In terms of values, honesty and kindness are incredibly important to me. I believe in treating others with respect and empathy, and I strive to make a positive impact on the people I meet. As for my aspirations, one of my dreams is to travel the world and experience different cultures firsthand. I'm also passionate about personal growth and constantly challenging myself to learn new things and expand my horizons. That's just a glimpse into who I am, and I'm excited to continue sharing more about myself with you as we get to know each other better. I'd love to hear more about you and your experiences too!" Feel free to personalize this example and add any specific details that reflect your own unique personality and experiences. Remember, the key is to be authentic and open in sharing who you are.
59 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 40 - 54
Body style: Athletic
I was drafted by the Toronto Raptors, but they felt that I was too tall. The most memorable feature of my first car was the heater. The thing was, it screamed. A full on, woman in great terror scream. It didn’t scream all the time. Only when it was cold. The colder it got, the louder it screamed. This being Winnipeg, that was most days. When it warmed up, it would gurgle contently then stop. I am a water engineer and work for an agency that mentors scientists in developing countries to solve problems like water and sanitation, climate change, and gender-based violence. One of the things that I am most proud of is a book I did on water management in Islam. If you want to know more about me, google my name, Naser Faruqui, and select videos. I love playing hockey and soccer. I wanted to be the first Pakistani born player in the NHL. I came second in my soccer league scoring last year, but it is an over 50 league and grandma could outrun some of the players. I read everything from Anne of Green Gables (used to hide it underneath my calculus books in University) to non-fiction like 21 lessons for the 21st Century. I enjoy comic films like Zoolander and dramas like the Shawshank Redemption. I like listening to Sarah MacLauchlan, Bruce Springsteen, and Dire Straits. I am partial to ghazals and qawwali remixes on Coke Studio. I relax by watching the birds and looking at the flowers in my garden. I enjoy camping, fishing, and hiking. Also dancing competitions at weddings and doing funny skits at our Office Christmas party. I like travelling and have been to some cool places. My kids are becoming more independent and we have a new telework policy so I am open to relocating for the right person.
38 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 20 - 33
Body style: Athletic
I got my masters degree and working as an electronics engineer. I am a kind person who doesn’t carry in his heart hatred to others. I forgive so easily and forget the wrong deeds person did to me. There are values I prefer the most and consider them as the core of my life. I can say they are altruism, honesty, caring, loving, justice, simplicity, compassion and generosity. I am a simple person who likes to live a simple life. A life that is away from all the complications we invented by ourselves through our traditions and added them to Islam. I do my best trying not to mix between culture and Islam. I appreciate diversity and would like to promote for diversity within the Muslim society. I am a religious person who cares about his deen and wants to apply in every part of his life. I am active and willing to be active in my society not only the Muslim society but the whole society I live in. I am to some extent an idealist person. I have been awarded the title “exemplary student” in my postgraduate, undergraduate and high school study. I read a lot of Islamic books and like reading books that are related to heart purification. I have some experience in teaching Arabic and Quran for non-Arab Muslims. I consider myself as more spiritual while being religious. I am very passionate about social work and charity activities. I have coordinated between different groups in welcoming the Syrian newcomers and helping them settling down. Alhamdulillah, I memorized around 14 Juz’ from the Quran and I read the whole Quran with Tajweed.
41 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
Body style: Athletic
Salam and Hello First, I wish everyone righteous path on this site as we are here for only one purpose to find someone for life- long or in other words our other- half. So, I hope to have a meaningful conversation here with you. I don't prefer small talks like hi hello can I see your another picture and etc 😂 If you are interested just whatsapp me + Well, I am an easy going, passionate and honest person. I like to travel, go to the the movies, walking and exploring, and love to spend time with friends and family. I am a student as our religion also says men is a student from birth till the end. So, I am still learning how to be a better person. I am not perfect. I am also trying my best to maintain balance between work, family, and friends. I already eliminated all my friends but I have more sports buddies . We meet only to play sports . I’m new to online dating as I am a person who likes to try new things. I am a fun, caring, independent person. I am comfortable with who I am and where I am in life with a great job. I have a wonderful supportive family and friends, I was raised with a strong family values, and I’m very motivated to succeed in life. I love to go out with my friends or family and catch a movie, try new restaurants, or just stay at home sometimes is wonderful too. I also enjoy walking and jogging around the lakes, reading, BBQ, watching TV, and enjoying a good cup of coffee with my family and friends. I apologize if it was too long introduction :)
