
Muslim American Men Who Read The Qur'An Daily Looking For Friendship

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41 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 49
Read Qur'an: Daily
🚫 Do not ask me if I'm Muslim you're answer is slapping you in you're face. The only reason you ask this anyway to indirectly insult and call others kafir in a cowards passive agressive manner because you feel disrespectful inside of yourself. I'm not going to even answer that question. Are you all Muslims ask yourself before you ask me. 🚫 All north africans are africans so yall are blacks Light Skinned Passe Blanc, Caramel/Cream colour to Dark Black all North Africans unless they are Pure European are Black. I will always say this if it bothers you I'm not for you. If you fantasize about Black men but dont want the black mans jihad I am not for you. I am not a token for a sexual fantasy. Also by American cultural standard of the one-drop rule that one drop of black blood makes you black means all North Africans are Black. Again that offends you but this is what our culture says about being black that all people who have black in them are black even if they look white fyi I am Louisiana Creole we understand Passé Blanc system created by French Colonialism to oppress people till they want to be European/White. 🚫 No Racist if you have a problem with Native Indigenous First Nations/Louisiana Creole Muslims who are the first Muslims in Canada or America you can go swim in the ocean. Do not message me. If you are racist against Blacks do not message me Louisiana Creole are Black see my face. I am Native and African Louisiana Creole Muslim a tribal leader I won't allow you to insult me. If your an arrogant American slave trader and colonizer from any background keep your arrogant comments to yourself. 🚫 No I will not cut my hair to fit your racist cultures ideas of what is acceptable. 🚫 Do not ask me for financial help, money, top-up to pay your phone bill. If you're here to find men for money that's prostitution and I'm not interested in sexual scammers. 🚫 If you have a problem with slave descendants do not message me. 🚫If you're only sending me ignorant questions asking if I am really Muslim don't message me. 🚫 If your anti-soveriegty and independence of Louisiana Creole tribes don't message me. 🚫 If you gonna talk to me like I am ignorant do not message me. 🚫 I have no interest in helping you get a visa don't waist my time. 🚫 Do not message me trying to belittle my culture. 🚫 No ignorance 🚫 No STD or STI infected people 🚫 I am not an American I am a Louisiana Creole read your history we went to war against George Washington to keep Americans off our land. Louisiana is a country not a state. Our land is no different than Palestine and Israel but no one cares about our people the world gets rich off our occupation. I probably don't have the same views or culture as most people on this site. I am not an African American or a Native American! I am Louisiana Creole a mix of Native an African. I am a tribal leader who is actively involved in my tribes sovereignty independence movement... I do not believe in America or Canada or Democracy. I believe like the Palestinians believe about thier land that colonizers should be removed and all the land should be given back Louisiana Creole and Palestinians in the same situation of Occupation but no one speaks on our Occupation not even the Muslims living here and we are the olders Muslim community here. 🚫 If your chasing a white man I am a Black man huge turn off. Also don't be messaging me for me to find you a white man. Yall on this site are crazy, scammy and disrespectful.
54 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 43
Read Qur'an: Daily
My ancestors had long hair ,im vikking.all the great warriors gad long hair until 200 years ago.mohammed had long hair.real men have long hair thats why my hair us long.im a biologically born male heterosexual ive been male my whole life and i always will be. I am descended from historic warriors .you can see in my pic i have hair on my chest and sideburns .i even have titles in ireland and have a nobility title in england...some one wrote me calling me transgendered if they said that in person id have smacked them off their feet.its insulting when its obvious im a male as god made me for anyone to try to say that to me...so watch what you say to me ill take offense if you say otherwise about me being a man and will politely tell you to go away.i fought in 5 wars.have bullet hole scars i even jumped in the way taking 3 bullets to my chest to save a ten year old iraqi girl from being shot when my rifle jammed shut.i saved her life that day.now you know the kind of man i am.as for being a musucian.i never stay after my concert finishes.i leave immediately.i have never touched a female dan ir any if the ladies who hang around my band.im old fashioned.im not interested in that.i am interested in a serious relationship meaning getting married...not dating.im old fashioned.very conservative actually. i dont go to mosque..i read my quran though...i have a fancy quran with calligraohy an old one.it sits on a table against the wall in my living room with a photo of mecca on the east side of my wall facing mecca.no im not one to say prayers.i believe being good and your actions and whats in your heart is everything.im really nice and polite...i surf oractuce martual arts i keep fit.i love the ocean.im often in a recording studio i have ine at home and one in manhattan.i like hanging out on my boat when im not working i dont drink.i eat really healthy food...i work on my car and my motorcycle myself.i have a nice porsche and an exotic car too.cars arent everything to me or my guitar.my girl is.too bad i dont have one or i wouldnt be here.im extremely loyal...
38 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 36
Read Qur'an: Daily
I'm a winning combination of crazy bananas, uniquely refreshing watermelon, posh raspberries, healthy blueberries, zest for life, and a massive helping of mischief - all blended well in a hot-tub and served chilled. Tastes amazing and the 'blush pink' colour goes very nicely with your lipstick. Lucky you. Now then...continuing with my profile. Don't just read it... SING IT! To the tune of the theme song from Friends. Here we go... So here you are online, looking every day You're searching for a man who's not just good, he's great It's like you always find the same old schmucks; and the pictures of them with their shirts off, or dead fish and their trucks... But: Here's good news for you (I'm different from them all) Here's good news for you (I won't drive you up a wall) Here's good news for you (Cause I'm searching for you too) By the way, I cannot be held responsible if this song gets stuck in your head and you can't quit singing it. It was your decision to click on my profile, so you have no one to blame but yourself. Little more about me: What to say, what to say. Well, for starters, I'm the coolest person I know. Although, that's not saying much considering I don't have any friends. (Please stop reading now if you can't handle or grasp blatant sarcasm). My close friends have nicknamed me "Glass House" because I'm always getting hurt. So, bonus points for you if you're in the medical field because that "Safety is 1" mantra doesn't really apply to me. Taking flights of stairs head on in my pram and cracking my head open on LEGO can be considered early evidence of that. I'm looking for someone that brings energy and enthusiasm. I like to poke fun and she should absolutely should feel free to rib me back. She likes getting out of the house, and is my teammate when it comes to finding the next cool thing to do, but also doesn't mind watching my secret guilty pleasure, Made in Chelsea. I would much rather discuss my passions in person...so I will end there.
71 Orlando, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 55
Read Qur'an: Daily
Allah has blessed me with Your Love. Best mark on a woman is on her head from her prostration to Allah.........i am here to help you touch the Kaba and kiss the Black Stone. Let me say up front im not here to be your boyfriend im here to be your husband. I dont care what the others do im here just for you. Please if you are having problems with mental illness of any kind or a Jinn skip me and go to the next profile. Please if you are practicing any kind of Juju or Magic,Sahir, Evil eye, skip to the next profile. Please be ready to truthfully tell me if you are having or had intimate relations with other women, if not skip to the next profile. Please if you are not ready or afraid of progress toward marriage be advised, i will call your father,brothers,wali or whom ever is in charge of you and/or meet with them in person in your country city etc. Please if you are here just for online attention or cant decide to commit Block me and go to the next profile. If you dont want children or cant have them im ok with that. If you want children im ok with that. If you dont want children but are still fertile beware because i have very strong fertility. Ladies here is my 2minute pitch as to why you are going to choose me today instead of one of the other guys. Remember im the guy thats going to be bathing you massaging you and helping you get back into bed on those days when you are so sick all you can do is pray and thank Allah you have a man like me. It all comes down to just one thing. When that door closes and you are alone with your new husband for the first time you will be giving him one of the most valuable things you have, so you have to be damned sure your choice is correct. Your future and legacy depend on it. I am not going to sugar coat anything about me and I will not lie deceive or act just to get what is beneath your skirts. I am going to do the worst thing possible “tell you the truth” because honestly your body is not enough for me, I want your heart your soul and mind too and all for Allah. You choose me yes you have to pray, fast, cover, and generally follow all the guidelines for a muslimah your Lord. I provide the money you are not required to work unless you choose to or we mutually agree it is needed again optional. In any matter we sharply disagree the book of Allah and Hadith override all opinions. EDUCATED BUSINESS MAN I LIVE IN ORLANDO FLORIDA previously residing in Kampala Uganda,Mombasa Kenya,Jeddah KSA, Dubai UAE,San AntonioTexas, Seattle Washington,Amherst & Springfield Massachusetts) USA PRACTICING MUSLIM.Male 70 years old 5' 11" tall Athletic build Grey hair - Brown eyes I do not smoke Good looking Real Estate (occupation) Bachelors (education) Looking for a Serious relationship MARRIED 3 WIVES,Has 8 children 7 grown, I have always admired and been magnetically drawn to the stark loveliness majesty maturity cool experience power of older women and the natural beauty unsurety and shyness of younger women finally I am at an age where both are relevant and approachable. Fathers brothers uncles and your male relatives are tired of financially supporting or subsidizing you, even though they often dont say it. They are weary of their wives complaining about you openly or in secret, this puts them in a no win situation only your marriage can resolve. This is my CV/Resume Im Applying for the Job to be Your HUSBAND.

