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31 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 32
34 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
ุจุณู… ุงู„ู„ู‡ ุงู„ุฑุญู…ู† ุงู„ุฑุญูŠู… A humble, respect kindness, funny, caring, romantic, honest, and understandingโค The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself says: โ€œMarriage is my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.โ€ [Sunan Ibn Majah, 1846] It doesnโ€™t mean just marrying and forgetting about your roles and responsibilities. Every man should follow just as our Prophet did, with his sunnah ways. (1) Be kind and generous to your wife Prophet (SAW) treated all his wives equally and with the utmost respect. He catered to their needs, and always kept them above himself. He never hesitated to show how much value they hold in his life. Show them their real importance and always treat her with kindness. Be gentle, kind, and caring towards the women of the house. (2) Acknowledge her efforts He always appreciated even the littlest of things that his wives did for him, from cooking to taking care of the children. He never took his wife's efforts for granted and showered her with respect and gratitude. Be grateful to Allah (SWT) for her, and to her for all her efforts. Appreciate her companionship and show her the same support. (3) Help her with daily chores Prophet Muhammad (SAW) always supported his wives and helped them with household chores. He did his own work and even helped in cooking and cleaning the house. Donโ€™t let this be the duty of just the wives, help them out whenever you can and in whichever way you can. Work together to maintain and build your home. Allah (SWT) rewards the man who helps his wife with household chores. (4) Pray with her and pray for her Our Prophet has put a lot of emphasis on praying together. It is the duty of the husband to lead his wife in prayer. Gain blessings from Allah (SWT) together so that you can be in Jannah together. Engage in praying for her alone. Thank Allah (SWT) for her, and pray for her health and wellness always. (5) Surprise her with gifts Gifts act as a token of appreciation in a relationship. It need not be materialistic gifts but any form of additional effort shown by you. Cook food for her, get what she wanted without her having to ask first, surprise her with random gifts, and feed her with your own hands. All that is spent by a man on his wife, parents, and children is a form of charity, which shall be rewarded. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to feed Aisha (RA) with his own hands to express his love towards her. (6) Spend quality time with her Spending time with your other half is the best way to get to know her better. It builds companionship, and knowing about her needs and wants. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) not only talked to his wives but also played halal fun games with them like horse riding. He made them feel close to him by devoting his time and attention to them. Allah puts barakah in the time you spend together. (7) Engage in sweet talks and gestures Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never used to raise a voice at his wives. He was always gentle with them. He called them sweet nicknames to make them feel special like โ€˜Humairaโ€™ for Aisha (RA). He often showed them gestures of love and affection like kissing them on the forehead while leaving and entering the house. (8) Listen to her attentively Be there for your wife whenever she needs you. Listen to her when she opens up to you whether sheโ€™s sad or excited. Listen to her like you actually care about what she shares with you and encourage her to share more. Our Prophet (SAW) always used to engage himself in conversations with his wives to make them feel important. He always acted like a friend with whom they could confide. (9) Treat her with mercy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) focused on forgiveness all through his life. He forgave people who were impossible to forgive. He emphasized treating your wives as well, with kindness and mercy whenever they make a mistake. He was never rash and always overlooked their mistakes in public while correcting them in private sweetly. (10) Make her feel secure The responsibility of a woman comes under the man when she marries him. It is his duty to protect her and make her feel secure at all times. Always act like a door that can be opened by her whenever sheโ€™s in trouble.
41 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female
Profile: I plan to move to Makkah or Medina. I am not interested in anyone outside UK or Saudi. I am a Muslim living in Midlands. Work in the Islamic Education sector, seeking to become more qualified in Islamic Studies and Education. I have a little boy who lives with his Mother untill Allah wills, insha'Allah he will visit me sometime. I live alone so I can cook, clean and generally am self-sufficient. I enjoy sports and recreation. I like wildlife and walks and enjoy gardening. By the grace of Allah I recently visited Makkah and Medina and insha'Allah I will relocate to Saudi. I am interested in relocating as an investment for my family and I. Nothing happens without the permission of Allah Ta3llah so I pray that he guides me to good and protects me from harm. I speak English, Spanish and am learning Arabic. My goal is to be fluent in Arabic and to speak it as my main language. I want to learn other languages and would like to teach. I have travelled to many countries and although I am born and raised in the UK the pandemic has presented some opportunities to live abroad which is something I am currently exploring. I am mixed Carribbean and Asian and Mum was a revert. Mum was the most amazing person whom I loved dearly and I pray Allah gives her Jannah Al Firdous. She taught me many good values and all of the good that I have is a reflection of her. I wish most to have a companion who shares my life and wants to share their own life with me. I want friendship, care and respect. I am often an outdoors person who enjoys nature and over the past few years have grown green thumbs. I am very interested in self sustainability and would love to live self sufficiently and take advantage of renewable energy and other forms of blessings that Allah has provided for us. It is not my intention to have multiple wife's. I am a student of knowledge and my aims are to elevate my station so that insha'Allah I may teach my family.
42 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 23 - 40
I am a kind caring individual .i am a hafiz of the holy quraan and graduated from the university of Wolverhampton with a ba hons in illustration.i have studied a lot and have a wealth of work experience.i have a drivers liscence and drive a car, I am currently working full time at a council.may Allah help me to find my other half and complete my imaan.i love playing sports.. i am very good at basketball and football. love wathcing movies..being outdoors when i get the chance to go bike riding or walking i am not perfect or wish to portray myself as an outstanding individual. i have anxiety issues and have had a rough life..i had a terrible accident and became unwell..i love my family and would love to make them proud of me .i had an unfortunate near fatal car accident when i was abroad in Panama when i was 19 years old and it changed my life.it affected me as i had a halo vest place on me and it left scars on my skull and some internal damge but alhumdulliah i am ok.. but i live alone,alhumdullillah i have accommodation. .i truly belive that allah tests those who are closest to him andhe does love his creation and he has aplan for every soul he created..for better or worse. i like cats for some reason..i love em..i have a kitten and he comes as part of the package.so if you don't like cats don't bother getting in touch.!! i am not very good at using social media and i don't really take selfies and pictures of myself..i apolgise for the profile photo being old but i wanted to set a good impression.
65 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 30 - 45
18 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 20

