
Muslim British Men With Grey Hair For Friendship

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1 - 35 of 100
50 Lambeth, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 40 - 60
Hair color: Grey / White
51 Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 28 - 52
Hair color: Grey / White
47 Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 24 - 40
Hair color: Grey / White
I have a doctorate in Computer Science. I am a 3rd generation teacher and a research scientist. I love Science, scientific research, philosophy, thinking about life, nature and inner-self. Sometimes I like to write stuff. Perhaps a book sometime in future. I am honest, faithful, committed, hardworking, persistent, acute, brave, spiritual, religious, straightforward, truthful, promise keeper, generous, forgiving and usually polite/courteous and very decisive. I am sometimes angry, impatient, forgetful, revengeful, very possessive and quite obsessive. I like soft humor that doesn't pinch anyone. I like nature, animals, astronomy, oceans. I like good music and food regardless of the country. I sleep much but eat less. I listen more than I talk. Sometimes I like to observe and learn from surroundings. I do not take initiative, instead I wait and see. I like Chess, badminton, Cricket, computer games and scientific experiments. I engage well with kids (perhaps). I think I am a good cook but because I like to try something different, people might not like it. I like to taste new stuff. (I am becoming health conscious in my diet though so cannot try new stuff too often). I love to drink Tea. Tea is my only soota and I love those who partner taking tea with me. I am spiritual and believe in Sufism. I am a dreamer and believe in them. I am rather logical than emotional. But at times, I listen much to heart than brain. I am very romantic and appreciate qualitative expression of romance. I am really not a status conscious person and it is my worst turnoff about anyone. I like people with innocence and pure heart. Those who do not cloud their judgement based on status. I see potential in people base on their personalities, instead of physical attributes and wealth etc. I can easily apologize, If I realize that I am wrong
55 Ealing, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 37 - 47
Hair color: Grey / White
Respect, Kindness, Happiness and no Drama. ** A REMINDER: * READ THE QURAN DAILY AS IT WILL COME AS YOUR SAVIOR ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. * ALWAYS SAY: SUBHAN ALLAH WABIHAMDIH SUBHAN ALLAH ALADHEEM. 2 LIGHT WORDS BUT HEAVY ON THE SCALE OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT AND ALLAH LOVES THEM.. * GIVE CHARITY REGULARLY EVEN IF IT IS A SMALL A MOUNT ( CONTINUOUS CHARITY), IT WILL SHED YOU IN THE HEAT OF THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. * The Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “Should I not inform you of the best of your deeds, the purest in the sight of your Master, and the highest in your ranks, and it is better for you than spending gold and silver, and better than meeting your enemy so that they strike your necks and you strike their necks?” They said: Yes, O Messenger of God. He said: Remembrance of God Almighty. تذكير: * إقرأ القرآن يوميا * داوم على قول: سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم --- فإنهما كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان حبيبتان للرحمن ثقيلتان في الميزان * داوم على الصدقة ولو بشئ يسير وحاول أن تجعل لك صدقة جارية قال الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام: " ألا أخبرك بخير أعمالكم وأزكاها عند مليككم وارفعها في درجاتكم وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهب والورق(الفضة) وخير من أن تلقوا عدوكم فيضربوا أعناقكم وتضربوا أعناقهم؟ قالوا: بلى يارسول الله. قال: ذكر الله تعالى
Dr Who
51 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 39 - 50
Hair color: Grey / White
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ex-Military Man I am genuine and never pretend to be someone I'm not. A very clean and tidy man with strong principles. My Lifestyle & Values: 1. I don’t eat or drink outside. 2. I don’t attend parties or birthdays. 3. I enjoy shopping in a responsible and smart way. 4. I dislike gossip and people who talk behind others’ backs. 5. I don’t judge anyone; it’s none of my business. 6. I don’t assist anyone with visa matters. X. Who I’m Looking For: Only a smart and intelligent woman who understands respect and values integrity. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أنا رجل جاد في حياتي، صريح وأحب النظافة والنظام. لدي مبادئي الخاصة التي لا أتنازل عنها، وأبحث عن امرأة ذكية وواعية تشاركني هذه القيم. مواصفاتي وأسلوب حياتي: ✔ ملتزم دينيًا وأحب الأخلاق الحميدة. ✔ لا أحب الأكل أو الشرب خارج المنزل. ✔ لا أذهب للحفلات أو أعياد الميلاد، ولا أطيق الضجيج والصوت العالي. ✔ لا أحب القيل والقال، ولا أنقل الكلام أو أتدخل في شؤون الآخرين. ✔ لا أحكم على أحد، فكل إنسان مسؤول عن نفسه. ✔ أحب التسوق بطريقة متزنة وعقلانية. ✔ لا أساعد في تأشيرات الدخول لأي شخص. المرأة التي أبحث عنها: ✅ ذكية وعاقلة، تفهم معنى الاحترام والالتزام. ✅ نظيفة ومرتبة في حياتها. ✅ يفضل أن تكون من داخل بريطانيا أو أوروبا. ✅ بدون أطفال، أو أن يكون أطفالها كبارًا ومستقلين. أما بالنسبة لمن تسيء أو تشتم، فأنا أحتسب حقي عند الله وأدعوه أن ينصفني في الدنيا والآخرة، ولا أتنازل عن حقي يوم القيامة. أسأل الله التوفيق للجميع، والله ولي التوفيق.
65 Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 30 - 45
Hair color: Grey / White
62 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne & Wear, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 70
Hair color: Grey / White
kaiwan tofek
48 Northampton, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 29 - 47
Hair color: Grey / White
24 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 23 - 38
Hair color: Grey / White
70 Blackburn, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 47 - 57
Hair color: Grey / White
58 Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 53
Hair color: Grey / White
45 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 26 - 60
Hair color: Grey / White

