
Turkish Men Not Willing To Relocate For Friendship

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Not Willing To Relocate

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44 Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
Seeking: Female 35 - 40
Relocate: Not willing to relocate
41 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 22 - 30
Relocate: Not willing to relocate
52 Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Seeking: Female 27 - 39
Relocate: Not willing to relocate
الصّداقة بحرٌ من بحور الحياة نركب قاربه ونخدّر أموآجه. الصّداقة مدينة مفتاحها الوفاء وسكّانها الأوفياء. الصّداقه شجرة بذورها الوفاء وأغصانها الأمل وأوراقها السّعادة Dostluk hayat denizlerinden biridir, onun teknesine biner, dalgalarını uyuştururuz. Dostluk, anahtarı sadakat ve sadık sakinleri olan bir şehirdir. Dostluk, tohumları vefa, dalları umut, yaprakları mutluluk olan bir ağaçtır. Friendship is one of life's seas. We ride its boat and anesthetize its waves. Friendship is a city whose key is loyalty and whose inhabitants are loyal people. Friendship is a tree whose seeds are loyalty, whose branches are hope, and whose leaves are happiness. I had built a wall around my heart because of the bad experiences I had in the past, and I wasn't going to let anyone break through it. Even though some of my wounds have not yet healed, it is shameful to withdraw into myself and, above all, I run the risk of missing out on happiness. Loneliness seems unbearable today, it's time to take action......... لقد قمت ببناء جدار حول قلبي بسبب التجارب السيئة التي مررت بها في الماضي، ولم أكن لأسمح لأي شخص باختراقه. على الرغم من أن بعض جروحي لم تلتئم بعد، فمن العار أن أنسحب إلى نفسي، والأهم من ذلك كله أنني أخاطر بفقدان السعادة. الوحدة تبدو لا تطاق اليوم، حان الوقت لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة... لا توجد صورة لا جواب --- no picture no answer لا توجد صورة لا جواب --- no picture no answer لا توجد صورة لا جواب --- no picture no answer فعلا ابحث عن عملة نادرة. to sum up : A girl who deserves to say: If you are not married to me, it is as if you were not married فعلا ابحث عن عملة نادرة. Kısaca : Benimle evli değilsen sanki hiç evli değilmişsin gibi demeyi hak eden bir kız بالاختصار : بنت تستحق القول : إن لم تتزوجنني , كأنك لم تتزوج _____________________________________________________________ الجميع ينفد بشكل مختلف. تبحث عن بعض الأشخاص المناسبين ، البعض يعيش مع الناس الخطأ. الجميع يدفع عن شيء ما ، بعد بضع سنوات ، بعضها مبكر جدًا. وهناك إرهاق كبير خلفه. لأن هذه الحياة تمر! .. Everyone is running out differently. Looking for some of the right people, Some live with the wrong people. Everyone pays for something, Some years later, some too early. And there is a huge fatigue left behind. As this life goes by !! .. .
El Turco
56 Bursa, Bursa, Turkey
Seeking: Female 18 - 45
Relocate: Not willing to relocate
I think therefore I am (Descartes). It's late at night and I'm feeling all existentialist for some reason...it could be the red wine. Now, about me...where to begin...well I am pretty damned good-looking (hey! just calling a spade a spade...but then again...i guess you could call it a shovel? ;-)) I am a nice, smiley, sincere and friendly guy who loves female company and romance. I can be moody when i want to be..and jealous as well...(hey!! I never said i was perfect!). I was born in Turkey, I'm staunchly patriotic about my country Turkey. I think it's the best country in the world. My goal is to retire along the Aegean or Mediterranean coast of Turkey in my later years. I love travelling & meeting people from different cultures and walks of life that's why i became a travel agent...some of my favourite places are Macchu Picchu (I actually climbed up Wayna Picchu, Peru), Iguasu Falls (Argentina side), Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza Mexico...& beautiful Fiji & Bali :-) My favourite movies are Pulp Fiction,Blade Runner, most superhero movies like Superman & Spiderman...Unbreakable (actually most of M. Night Shyamalan's movies including the Sixth Sense & Signs etc..), and the Star Wars films. I know what you're thinking right about now....Geek alert!!! Well...yes I am and I'm proud of it! I also love comedies with Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Jim Carrey, Eddie Murphy, Michael Myers & Will Ferrell. Music-wise I love listening to Depeche Mode, Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias, Olly Murrs, One Republic, Black Eyed Peas, Erasure, Robbie Williams, Keane, Muse, Pulp,George Michael, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Gypsy Kings, Tarkan & pretty much anything from the 80's....especially Shakin' Stevens!!!!! I love playing tennis, scrabble (ok..i admit I'm a nerd!!)........and also playing with my organ ;-) (i meant the musical instrument......geez!!). My favourite authors are Ray Bradbury, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Lee Child, Michael Crichton etc.
43 Gaziantep, Gaziantep, Turkey
Seeking: Female
Relocate: Not willing to relocate

