
Egyptian Men Who Read The Qur'An Daily Looking For Friendship

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36 - 70 of 100
40 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Female 29 - 38
Read Qur'an: Daily
"I am a Muslim man seeking a committed relationship with someone who has converted to Islam and who shares my values and is interested in building a life together in Egypt. Respect, honor, and commitment are important values for me in a relationship, as well as the importance of following the teaching of Islam, including prayer and remembrance of Allah. I believe in setting common goals and working together to achieve them, while also maintaining open and honest communication. I would like to mention that my financial income is limited, but I am working hard to improve it and provide a comfortable life for our family in the future. I believe that transparency and hospitality in a marriage relationship are the foundation of its success, and that setting common goals and working together to achieve them is the key to success in married life. I believe in the importance of sharing expenditures and making financial decisions together as a team, and I believe that any financial challenges can be over-arching through understanding and cooperation. I do not want money to be an obstance in the successful relationship that I am looking for. Regarding marriage, I am looking for someone who shares my desire to build a life together in Egypt. I believe that Egypt is a wonderful place to build a family, with its rich culture and deep history. I believe that Allah will guide us to find a way to make this happen, and I am confident that we can build a happy and fulfilling life together in Egypt, Insha'Allah. In summary, I am looking for someone who shares my values and is committed to building a strong and lasting relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and love. If you are interested in building a life together in Egypt and sharing the same values, I would like to get to know you and explore this possibility together."
53 Alexandria, Al Iskandarīyah, Egypt
Seeking: Female 40 - 62
Read Qur'an: Daily
My name is said Ahmed, I am 52 years old. I \am from Egypt. I have a Bachelor of laws, I have a diploma in public law, and I am currently studying for a Master's degree, I am the manager of a real estate investment company, I like to play football, and I like writing Arabic poetry. I practice the rituals of Islam and love to read the Qur’’an. I am a moderate Muslim, I do not like fanaticism, because Islam is a religion of mercy and humility. I respect women as Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, caught me, because she is my mother, my sister and my Sweetheater. I am looking for the indwelling of the soul and the comfort of the heart in women, and I hope that Allh will help .me .some people find distance difference and make it an imaginary object in order to find someone to continue with their journey. These people lose wonderful people just because they live in another country. To these people, I say: Weren’t most of your sad experiences caused by those who were around you and close to you? Then weren’t all those who they were imported and settled in other countries. They lived very far away before they arrived in your community. Before, we must know and even believe that relationships based on love, effect and respect do not recognize differences, nor any of the objects that we create from our imagination, and reality is the greatest evidence of that. Whoever takes it easy and searches for the Jews under his feet will only reap pebbles, the mother of pearl, and must strive hard toward it. And dust got in the way of getting it\N... There is nothing better than honesty i do not trust anyone who does not have a picture, and I will not interact with any woman without a clear identity.
38 Madīnat Sittah Uktūbar, Al Jīzah, Egypt
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
Read Qur'an: Daily
39 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Read Qur'an: Daily
I am a passionate computer engineer originally from Egypt, but currently working between Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Cairo. While my work is important to me, I prioritize the people I care about above all else. I am a family-oriented man, and I love spending time with them whenever possible. Living alone in Jeddah can be challenging at times, but I am looking for a partner to share my life with. I believe that building a strong and lasting relationship starts with mutual respect and trust, and I strive to embody those values in all my interactions. I am a kind and honest person, and I have a deep appreciation for people who share those qualities. I am also very open-minded and curious, and I love exploring new ideas and perspectives. I value intelligence, humor, and empathy, and I believe that those qualities are essential for any successful relationship. In my free time, I enjoy a wide range of activities. I am an avid reader and love to explore new books and ideas. I am also a big fan of traveling and experiencing new cultures. When I am not on the road, I enjoy swimming, shopping, and spending time with friends and family. Ultimately, I am looking for a partner who shares my values and interests, and who is excited about building a life together in both Jeddah and Cairo. I am committed to being a supportive and loving partner, and I am excited to explore all the possibilities that life has to offer with the right person by my side. أنا مهندس كمبيوتر شغوف أصلاً من مصر ، لكني أعمل حاليًا بين جدة والمملكة العربية السعودية والقاهرة. في حين أن عملي مهم بالنسبة لي ، إلا أنني أعطي الأولوية للأشخاص الذين أهتم بهم قبل كل شيء. أنا رجل عائلي ، وأحب قضاء الوقت معهم كلما أمكن ذلك. قد يكون العيش بمفردي في جدة أمرًا صعبًا في بعض الأحيان ، لكني أبحث عن شريكة لأشارك حياتي معها. أعتقد أن بناء علاقة قوية ودائمة يبدأ بالاحترام والثقة المتبادلين ، وأنا أسعى جاهدًا لتجسيد هذه القيم في جميع تفاعلاتي. أنا شخص لطيف وصادق ، ولدي تقدير عميق للأشخاص الذين يشاركونني تلك الصفات. أنا أيضًا منفتح جدًا وفضولي ، وأحب استكشاف الأفكار ووجهات النظر الجديدة. أنا أقدر الذكاء والفكاهة والتعاطف ، وأعتقد أن هذه الصفات ضرورية لأي علاقة ناجحة. في وقت فراغي ، أستمتع بمجموعة واسعة من الأنشطة. أنا قارئ نهم وأحب استكشاف الكتب والأفكار الجديدة. أنا أيضًا معجب كبير بالسفر والتعرف على ثقافات جديدة. عندما لا أكون على الطريق ، أستمتع بالسباحة والتسوق وقضاء الوقت مع الأصدقاء والعائلة. في النهاية ، أبحث عن شريك يشاركني قيمي واهتماماتي ، ومتحمس لبناء حياة معًا في كل من جدة والقاهرة. أنا ملتزم بأن أكون شريكًا داعمًا ومحبًا ، وأنا متحمس لاستكشاف كل الاحتمالات التي توفرها الحياة مع الشخص المناسب بجانبي.
