
Muslim American Men Who Attend Daily Religion Services For Dating

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Religion Services


Attend Daily Religion Services

36 - 70 of 100
45 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
Attend religious services: Daily
46 Newark, Delaware, United States
Seeking: Female 26 - 35
Attend religious services: Daily
I do not understand why majority of females want an exclusive and imbalanced relationship. They want to own you, your time and your resources in return for what? Once kids are in the picture, they want to dictate you and emotionally blackmail you through the kids. What a male gets out of marriage except more and more responsibilities and lectures from different sides? Females between the age of 20 – 40 think that everything evolve around them. All men are fools running after “one thing”. Once kids are entered in the teenage the motherly love requires them to take care of the kids. This is acceptable but now a male becomes just a dog of the house. This attitude leads to a divorce. Now these 30 – 50 females start to look for another toy to be owned and controlled. Now the pool of men in that age to be controlled has decreased significantly. They want to have a single or divorced man which are not available because first these males have an option to marry a single or a divorced girl without kids. Many girls from back home are willing and eager to go for that option. Second, there are not many men in that age group available. Third, if Chinese law, Indian customs and Muslim countries priorities have not created too many males in these countries, world would have had at least 5% more females. Still many countries have more female population as compared to males. One marriage laws in many countries leads to relationships outside of formal commitments. Research shows that 20 – 25 percent men cheat and 10 -15 percent of women cheat. As a result, open relationships are gaining popularity in so called developed world. A Muslim is not allowed to go down that route because of the religious restrictions. Therefore, men living in these countries are hostage by dominating females who cannot accept western options and do not follow Islamic rules. These females once divorced, they continue to live as single parent for whole life but do not accept to be a second wife. No worries there are 15% - 30% single mothers in Western World, you would be just one more.
60 Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 53
Attend religious services: Daily
A down to earth,brother, well rounded, grounded, centered, practical, realistic, focused , good sense of humor. We can talk about anything. Anytime. About getting in n staying in the best constant peak physical condition as well as mine n soul n heart etc. To Any none n whom ever may send or show any interest, just to let it be known I have not officially joined the site yet completely. N Yes I do work so that's not why. I just decided to get on this site n set up a profile for the momnet n I haven't quite completed that yet either. Its in process now, based on my crazy present schedule. But I do intend to complete n or rearrange or twik my profile to a more complete one n to officially join the site in a about a week insha- Allah t.a.. Again things now are based on n off my present set job schedule. No excuse it's just a reality for me to deal with at this time. But even that will get better. I only inform this small but important notation to say to any Muslim Woman, who sends or shows an interest , I will intend to make it my business to reach back out to you just be a bit mindful n a little patient. No I am not married , at all . Yes I live alone. I am not engaged or have a bunch of girlfriends. I am a single Muslim man hoping to n seeking best can my best other half, real true woman friend, mate, companion, partner, lover, wife, etc etc . If I can. I hope. I am very tired of being with out the right one for me. Not just any one , or another one , but the best one the right one for this Abdul-Karriem. Yes I want someone too , but who will put Allah t.a. upfront n worship n practice together n by herself day in n day out with me thru what ever up or down , good times n in ruff times, n not someone who will freak out when the tests n trials comes or run off n leave me during or because of any hardships that can come that are not due to your doing or making . Someone who will really want me for the correct reasons n not for the superficial reasons. Someone who truely want me n need me. Desire me , care for me help Aiden assist me , someone who pray for me truely n then pray with me constantly. Someone who will fight the good fight , the righteous fight against all the foul wrong evil foul things that are also in the world we live in trying to hurt n attack n defeat n destroy the real n true Muslim men n woman n the believers all the people serving Allah.t.a. trying to make a right minded positive difference every day n nite. Yes I need someone special too. But right within her soul , mind , heart, n body , n willing to constantly learn n relearn n grow with me as a team. Yeah need some Special Muslim devoted right minded woman. Who will not see or get lost on color, or get fooled by family or friends or haters , . Someone who could n will accept this real striving Muslim Blackman born in America. Someone who will not let their family or friends blind them or persuade them n breakup what could be because they have race issues in their heart n have not grown . Their is no racism is Islam. Someone who can practice her role n learn n understand her role n role with me in n out of any n every bump or curve. N enjoy each other's company deeply n fully n have peace n harmony with one another n to like n love n be crazy about each other day in n day out. Because truely no two days seem to be exactly alike. .Thank you respectfully.
