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New York

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55 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 50
55 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 40
Misbaah Mahmood Age: 54, Height: 5’6” Weight: 150 pound Body size: Average (Medium) Complexion: Fair (very Light) Nationality: American 🇺🇸 *Country of Birth: Bangladesh Education: Master’s Level in the USA * Camden County College * Marshall University, * Ross University School of Medicine Profession: Realtor, Real Estate Investment: Charles Ruttenberg Realty, Head Office, Plainview, New *A Muslim community Leader in New York, USA 🇺🇸 - Involve with Islamic Dawah work to Non-Muslims & Interfaith Dialogue/Relations with other religious groups. - ⁠A Delegate for Advocate to the New York State and USA Federal Government (Congress & Senate members) with our Muslim agenda/issues - ⁠Delegate @ USCMO (United States Council of Muslim Organizations) - ⁠Executive Director: Al Misbaah Foundation (an Islamic Dawah organization in New York) **Founder** * Joint Secretary and Fundraising Chair, Arafa Islamic Center in New York * ⁠Board of Director, Bangladeshi American Advocacy Group (BAAG) * ⁠New York Executive Board Member @ North American Bangladeshi Islamic Community (NABIC) * ⁠Life Membership @ *CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations), *ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), *MUNA (Muslim Ummah of North America), *ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America, *MAS (Muslim American Society), and *ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) * ⁠Founder of two Orphan Centers & Madrasha in two different District in rural area of Bangladesh 🇧🇩 Social Media: Misbaah Mahmood Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagrams, Viber, Imo *Have one wife in Egypt, one wife in Bangladesh, they are Hafiza of the holy Quran (memorized full Quran) and highly Islamic educated (master's level) Children: one Son (20 years, college student) in the USA 🇺🇸, one daughter (2 years) in Egypt 🇪🇬, one son (1 year) in Bangladesh 🇧🇩 ** I visit each wife after every 4 months and stay with each wife about one month to 45 days (sometimes 2 months) time period usually based on emergency needs **Now, I am in real need of a religious good obedient wife in Queens, New York City and /or in Istanbul, Türkiye for more children and to have another good family, In Shaa Allah. Alhamdulillah, I have my own residence in New York City, USA and in Istanbul, Türkiye Parents: Father deceased (was a well-known highly educated principal and head examiner of English in Bangladesh Board of Education 🇧🇩 ) Mother: at her 80s, lives in Dhaka with my wife, and in Buffalo, NY with my Brother Minhaaj Mahmood who has 3 children (one girl, 2 boys) Another brother Murshid Mahmood lives in Elmhusrt, Queens who has 3 children (all boys) Only one Sister, Musfeka Jahan Mahmood, married with a local prominent Physician Dr. Mosleh Uddin. They have 4 children (2 girls and 2 boys): all of them are Physicians also, except last son (studying to be an Engineer in BUET). **Reason for Marriage: I have strong desire to have more children with the blessings of Allah (swt) ———————————
36 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 27
I am ready to give my 100% for my "special" girl, not the girl of my dreams (because i havent seen you yet lol) but my prayers. May Allah make us better for each other - Ameen. I am really looking to get married inshaAllah. I FEEL like this heart that i possess i am only carrying it for her to possess. But i have lived with this heart for many years and i know it well enough to say it wont be for her to possess unless she appreciates, loves or enjoys practicing the religion or is at least genuinely trying. This is the most important and fundamental thing for me. Without this, there is nothing for me and only with this she will be everything for me (both her perfections and imperfections). After the religion, i wont mind her attitude, mood swings, and hissy fits etc., so much and will give her as much space as she pleases. Without the religion however, her beauty will appeal to me but a little, her smile, respect, love and affection will mean to me but a little. أنا هذا هو الشمُستعِد أن أقدم كُل ما أملك (100 %) لِفتاتِي المميزة ، ليس لفتاة أحلاَمي لأنني لم أَرك بَعْد ههه .. لَكنني أَدعُو إلى الله بأن نكُونُوا مناسبين لِبعضِنا (أَمين) أنا حقاً أُريد أن أتزوج و أستقِر إن شاء الله . أشعر بأنَّ القلب الذي أملِكه ،، أنا أحمله من أَجلها فقط كي تمتلكه ، و لَكنني عشتٌ بهذا القلب للعديد من السنوات و أنا جِدُ مُتأكِد أنها لن تستطيع إمتلاكه إلاَّ إذا كَانت تُقدر ، وتُحب وتستمتِع و تَفتخِر بديانتها الإسلامية أو عَلى أقل تُحاول مِن أعماقِها أن ترضي الله سبحانه وتعالى . يئ الأهم و الأساسي بالنسبة إلي ، ما عدا هذا لا أريد شيئاً أخر و فقط إذا كانت هكذا فسوف تعني لي الكثير و ستعني لي كل شيئ (و سأقبل بكل شيئ فيها كمالها و كذلك عيوبها) بعد ديانتها سأقبل بكل شيئ ، تصرفاتها ، تقلبات مزاجها و نوبات غضبها ...إلخ و سأعطيها المسافة التي ترضيها . بدون دينها الإسلاميُّ ، فإنَّ جمالها يروق لِي ولكن قليلا، وكذلك إِبتسامتها ولكن قليلا والاحترام والمحبة والمودة سوف يعنُوا بالنسبة لي ولكن قليلاً. فإنَّ الدين هو المكمل لهاَ

