
Muslim American Men Who Speak Urdu For Dating

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1 - 35 of 100
31 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 37
51 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 99
If you are serious, you need to read it thoroughly properly and understand well clearly. If you need, translate it into your native language. Whatever is required to know by you, is already detailed herein. If you want to know me more, then read more and more. If you are lazy or don’t want to read, then simply skip. Originally from Burma/Myanmar (Southeast Asia), widowed, 5.7 ft, 146 lbs, Sunni-Hanafi (Qureshi), whitish, medium-hairy and clean-shaven; plus one two zero two, three nine one, four seven two five; Sky p e & g mail: displaceddiamond. My son lives in other country. By nature and family background, I am an affectionate, attentive, caring, compassionate, faithful, family oriented, friendly, generous, gentle, honest, humble, humorous, kind-hearted, loving, loyal, matured, no bar/club/grill, no smoking/drinking, patient but limited, performed 26x Hajj, realistic, sensible, simple, simple living, sincere, sober, speak some languages, spontaneous, straight forward, technical & broad minded; Sky p e & g mail: displaceddiamond; plus one two zero two, three nine one, four seven two five; and, very romantic. We don’t celebrate birthday, anniversary and any new year etc. except Quraan recitation for the deceased family members and all humans. No classification amongst humans like higher, middle, lower class etc., as all humans regardless of color, faith, higher education, religion, wealth, financial and living status, are equal. Strictly oppose child labor, corruption, crimes, discrimination, embezzlement, hate, human rights violations, injustice, oppression, persecution, proudness, racism, tyranny, underestimation and violence. Sky p e & g mail: displaceddiamond; plus one two zero two, three nine one, four seven two five. Avoiding harming and happening inconveniences to others by my word and/or action; best mutual cooperation and coordination; doing the noble social work in the best interest of anyone regardless of his/her living/financial status, faith, color and nativity; love, peace and respect, are my faith and religion. Collecting golden tips/quotes and history; flying (piloting); listening & singing (Burmese, Bengali & Indian) sad songs, music, movies, dance of especially Indian; long driving; net surfing; reading magazines & newspapers; serving poor and needy regardless of his/her faith, color, nativity, financial and living status; and traveling etc. are amongst my hobbies. Native country= 3 languages Bengali Southern & Northern= only speak Hindi= only speak Urdu= Speak, read & write fluently Punjabi= only speak some Arabic= Speak some but read & write fluently English= Speak, read & write fluently Turkish= Little bit
32 Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 35
Looking for someone special Muslimah special heart soul,,bealives .loyal ,faithfull , verry caring passionate ,intelligent,kind, ,but also have a strong personality yet sensitive, romantic , loving. Living in this dunya to worship ALLAH subhana wa ta'ala , for my future Lady(love of my life ) and our future children inshallah. ..Always be there for eachother no matter what,enjoying each other's company , supporting and understanding no matter what life may bring inshallah.The kindest people out of humanity are the ones whos hands fulfill other people's needs. Quran and Sunnah trying always to be beter and stay on right path inshallah even though we all have our faults as humans / heart soul true love forever. making my future Wife feel the most important,the most happy and please her first for the sake of ALLAH subhana wa ta'ala then for us . devotion , and the goal jannah inshallah is what matters for me .!. (To an old sheikh was once offered his favourite juice he declined politely saying he wont drink it anymore since his wife passed away and it used to be both's favourite the next time he will have it again will be only with her in jannah)." هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُنَّ ۗ “Go on the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few who take that path, and beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the greatness of the perishers.”Ibn al-Qayyim (ra) . ..''As long as you are pure of heart, you speak the truth".
Mr Wondersome.
46 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
36 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 27
I am ready to give my 100% for my "special" girl, not the girl of my dreams (because i havent seen you yet lol) but my prayers. May Allah make us better for each other - Ameen. I am really looking to get married inshaAllah. I FEEL like this heart that i possess i am only carrying it for her to possess. But i have lived with this heart for many years and i know it well enough to say it wont be for her to possess unless she appreciates, loves or enjoys practicing the religion or is at least genuinely trying. This is the most important and fundamental thing for me. Without this, there is nothing for me and only with this she will be everything for me (both her perfections and imperfections). After the religion, i wont mind her attitude, mood swings, and hissy fits etc., so much and will give her as much space as she pleases. Without the religion however, her beauty will appeal to me but a little, her smile, respect, love and affection will mean to me but a little. أنا هذا هو الشمُستعِد أن أقدم كُل ما أملك (100 %) لِفتاتِي المميزة ، ليس لفتاة أحلاَمي لأنني لم أَرك بَعْد ههه .. لَكنني أَدعُو إلى الله بأن نكُونُوا مناسبين لِبعضِنا (أَمين) أنا حقاً أُريد أن أتزوج و أستقِر إن شاء الله . أشعر بأنَّ القلب الذي أملِكه ،، أنا أحمله من أَجلها فقط كي تمتلكه ، و لَكنني عشتٌ بهذا القلب للعديد من السنوات و أنا جِدُ مُتأكِد أنها لن تستطيع إمتلاكه إلاَّ إذا كَانت تُقدر ، وتُحب وتستمتِع و تَفتخِر بديانتها الإسلامية أو عَلى أقل تُحاول مِن أعماقِها أن ترضي الله سبحانه وتعالى . يئ الأهم و الأساسي بالنسبة إلي ، ما عدا هذا لا أريد شيئاً أخر و فقط إذا كانت هكذا فسوف تعني لي الكثير و ستعني لي كل شيئ (و سأقبل بكل شيئ فيها كمالها و كذلك عيوبها) بعد ديانتها سأقبل بكل شيئ ، تصرفاتها ، تقلبات مزاجها و نوبات غضبها ...إلخ و سأعطيها المسافة التي ترضيها . بدون دينها الإسلاميُّ ، فإنَّ جمالها يروق لِي ولكن قليلا، وكذلك إِبتسامتها ولكن قليلا والاحترام والمحبة والمودة سوف يعنُوا بالنسبة لي ولكن قليلاً. فإنَّ الدين هو المكمل لهاَ

