
Muslim British Men Who Speak Arabic For Dating

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36 - 70 of 100
35 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 20 - 24
Assalamu Alaikum, ... Bismillah I’am a regular in my prayers and have been since I was 11 courtesy of my mum’s old school beat down 👞🥴 - Alhamdulillah. From London born & raised who works and studies simultaneously . I thoroughly enjoy my book readings both Islamic and non. Daily Quranic recital is an imperative and both my friends and family will attest to my randomness in reciting Quran in any occasion;it’s an integral part of my life and I am on the journey of memorising one day inshallah. Oh and I can cook .....kinda 😅. I have travelled to a few places mostly via work , but enjoy going for umrah 🕋 every year and would love to continue this tradition after marriage inshallah. I enjoy keeping fit through swimming, skating and the occasional cardio and cant be bothered weightlifting tbh 🤷🏼‍♂️. I consider myself a family orientated person and can spontaneously make anyone laugh. My ultimate life goal is to continue on with my studies and complete a Phd one day inshallah ; as well as establish my existing business by scaling it and hopefully sell it so that i can self sustain myself and family, leave my day job and chase my dreams - وبالله التوفيق. I do have my own apartment very close to my mum; I call my flat my reading ‘Bat Cave’ 😆 since I have my own library collection there. I spend most of my ‘me time’ at my place reading and reflecting and you’ll be surprised to notice some of my most unique, yet wackiest ideas came from my lonesomeness in that flat 😃. Alhamdulillah I have the option of staying at both my place and at my mum’s who I look after as much as I can along with my younger siblings. I love football and an avid Liverpool fan 😬, so if you are a Scouser then we’ll definitely get along inshallah; or if you support another Premier League team ... then we’ll work something out 😆. I stopped doing Haram music since I embarked on my journey with the Quran and I have 0 regrets Alhamdulillah. Not in to movies especially these days; it’s all garbage but I do love the classics from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s (who doesn’t 😀) and you’ll find me just periodically unwind and watch the classics - pointedly , I do enjoy watching war movies 😆! I follow the news religiously, both Arabic and English. If you came this far reading the. Bio, then well done! To know more inshallah simply message me 😇. Finally I have fluency in 4 languages including: Bengali (mother tongue), English (Native language), Urdu and Arabic (studied both academically and formal conversation). I mention this because I am open minded and will also consider potential matches from other ethnicities irrespective of background inshallah so long as we’re on the same page and our ambitions merge 😊 All the best to everyone looking Wassalam. Correction: I am from UK and currently in the UAE for work purposes, so my location seems to change here and there.
49 Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 29 - 35
أنا شخص متفهم ورومانسي، أتمتع بشخصية قوية ومحبة للحياة ومليئة بالإيجابية. أنا عاطفي وملتزم بقيمي ومبادئي وأؤمن بالتفاهم والتواصل المفتوح بين الشريكين. تجد فيّ دعماً وعوناً في أوقات الشدة والرخاء. أحب السفر واكتشاف ثقافات جديدة وأتمتع بالرغبة في تعلم أشياء جديدة. كما أنني اهتم بمظهري وأعتني بصحتي من خلال ممارسة الرياضة والحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي. أحب الهدوء والسكينة في حياتي، فأنا ملتزم دينيًا وأسعى دائمًا لتحقيق التوازن والراحة النفسية. أكره العصبية والتوتر، وأعمل جاهداً على تنمية قدراتي في التعامل مع المواقف الصعبة بحكمة وهدوء. أتميز بالصبر والتفهم في تفاصيل حياتي، حيث أسعى لإيجاد حلول بناءة للمشاكل والتحديات التي قد تواجهني. كما أنني أقدر أهمية التواصل الجيد والصادق مع الآخرين، لأنني أؤمن بأن قيمة الإنسان تكمن في قلبه وأفعاله، لا في مظاهره الخارجية فقط. أحرص على تطوير نفسي دينيًا وعلميًا من خلال المطالعة والبحث في الموضوعات التي تهمني وتساهم في زيادة معرفتي وتحسين حياتي. أنا شخص هادئ وواعي، يقدر جمال الحياة ويتطلع لمشاركة تجاربه ومعرفته مع شريكة حياته المستقبلية.
39 Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 26
39 Westminster, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 23 - 42
Hey there! While I was nervous at first to join an online dating community, this type of laid-back dating scene really suits my personality I thought I would throw some keywords that would describe what I like to do. If you recognize yourself in some of them, I think it might be worth taking the time to keep on reading my profile. If you don’t keep on reading, I will never know anyway 🙂 Travel, surprises, music, dancing, sports, books, last minute plans, open mind, craziness, going out (but also staying in), sharing, simplicity, respect, down to earth (however fantasy is also very important), people, casual, word, news, work, sense of humor, awareness. Basically I love life and I love living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, laughing, going to cultural events, and socializing with quality people. Its just better living and sharing life with someone else 🙂 I've always had an incredible passion for living life to its fullest. I am a hopeless romantic and always strive to believe in the good within everyone. I'm straightforward about my needs, and honest when I feel hurt. I am looking for an equally positive partner who loves to try new experiences and is a great and open communicator. If you’d like to know more Say “hi”. I didn’t revel a lot about my Self for you to read on purpose. Rather we chat, talk, engage in conversation to get to know each other instead of us reading through a long page in this section about each other. Also, just because someone looks like a good match “on paper”, doesn’t necessarily translate in reality.
