
Aging Muslim British Men For Dating

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49 Halifax, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 29 - 35
أنا شخص متفهم ورومانسي، أتمتع بشخصية قوية ومحبة للحياة ومليئة بالإيجابية. أنا عاطفي وملتزم بقيمي ومبادئي وأؤمن بالتفاهم والتواصل المفتوح بين الشريكين. تجد فيّ دعماً وعوناً في أوقات الشدة والرخاء. أحب السفر واكتشاف ثقافات جديدة وأتمتع بالرغبة في تعلم أشياء جديدة. كما أنني اهتم بمظهري وأعتني بصحتي من خلال ممارسة الرياضة والحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي. أحب الهدوء والسكينة في حياتي، فأنا ملتزم دينيًا وأسعى دائمًا لتحقيق التوازن والراحة النفسية. أكره العصبية والتوتر، وأعمل جاهداً على تنمية قدراتي في التعامل مع المواقف الصعبة بحكمة وهدوء. أتميز بالصبر والتفهم في تفاصيل حياتي، حيث أسعى لإيجاد حلول بناءة للمشاكل والتحديات التي قد تواجهني. كما أنني أقدر أهمية التواصل الجيد والصادق مع الآخرين، لأنني أؤمن بأن قيمة الإنسان تكمن في قلبه وأفعاله، لا في مظاهره الخارجية فقط. أحرص على تطوير نفسي دينيًا وعلميًا من خلال المطالعة والبحث في الموضوعات التي تهمني وتساهم في زيادة معرفتي وتحسين حياتي. أنا شخص هادئ وواعي، يقدر جمال الحياة ويتطلع لمشاركة تجاربه ومعرفته مع شريكة حياته المستقبلية.
44 City of London, London (Greater), United Kingdom
Seeking: Female
46 Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 18 - 55
Assalamu Alaikum! I am Navi, originally from Pakistan and currently residing in Nottingham. Alhamdulillah, I am a dedicated web developer with a passion for creating innovative and user-friendly online experiences. In my free time, I enjoy the simple pleasures of life. I find solace in the great outdoors, particularly through camping and spending nights by the seaside. Cooking is another one of my interests, and I love experimenting with different cuisines to create delicious meals. Reading is a cherished pastime, offering me the chance to explore new worlds and gain knowledge. Honesty and loyalty are the cornerstones of my personality. I believe in maintaining transparency in all aspects of life. I strive to be a loyal companion to my future spouse, supporting and understanding them in every step of our journey together. My desire for marriage is rooted in my commitment to uphold the principles of Islam and protect myself against sin, particularly Zina. I see marriage as a sacred bond that offers companionship, mutual support, and the opportunity to build a family upon the foundations of faith. I am seeking a life partner who shares similar values and understands the significance of a strong Islamic foundation in a marital relationship. Someone who appreciates the beauty of honesty, loyalty, and mutual respect. A companion with whom I can embark on the journey of life, fulfilling our religious duties and creating a harmonious and loving home. If you believe we could be compatible life partners, feel free to reach out. May Allah guide us on this path towards a blessed and fulfilling marriage, Insha'Allah.
41 Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Seeking: Female 24 - 43
Aslkm and thank you for reading my profile ! I am an optimistic individual who loves to spend time with good people who have good energy. I am driven and hardworking and feel I have a good balance of deen and dunya; east and west. I love a good bbq and entertaining, I am definitely a good host ! ! I love travel and having new experiences, am not afraid of adventures and am always up for trying new things, whether that’s zip-lining, quad biking or just enjoying beautiful locations with a good book. I am confident and well spoken, and have an ability to get on with most people. People say it’s my superpower ! I love tech and gadgets, and looking for innovation and how this can improve and simplify my life. In terms of personality traits I am a thoughtful and trustworthy person who is independent and hardworking. I am loving and genuine and am looking for someone that I can find the best in and would look for the best in me, would make me feel loved. In return you can expect to be adored and cherished and know that I will always want the best for you. My friends and family say I am wholehearted, and someone they would always want on their side. I am an optimist and look forwards rather than backwards, and look for the lesson from Allah in everything. I look for peace in my life and happiness, I am not a fan of arguments or drama. I believe patience and politeness go a long way. I love cooking and am pretty organised, definitely value punctuality and responsiveness. In terms of the lovely person I am looking for, I would love to hear from a kind person either born muslim or a revert. Non-smoker/drinker. It would be a pleasure to meet someone I can trust and build a meaningful relationship with, someone who will look for the best in me. Someone who values that I have an opinion and would want to work together to make the best life and future for us as a partnership. In terms of traits I am looking for, honesty, loyalty and trust are really valuable to me. Someone who has a great sense of humour and is confident in themselves as well as enjoys the company of confident and engaging people. I would love to get to know you if you see yourself as dependable, calm, cool and cultured. With respect please get in touch only if you are serious about a relationship and marriage. If you liked reading my profile, please drop me a message and let’s get to know each other !