
Athletic Muslim South African Men For Dating

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1 - 35 of 100
42 Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Seeking: Female 29 - 42
Body style: Athletic
Hi, AsalaamuAlaykum, i think firstly, before anyone thinks, 'what's an Asian doing in Africa, this must be a scammer'.... well, I got news... Asians have been here for centuries... my ethnicity here in Cape Town is classified as 'Cape Malay'... You're welcome to look it up.... It's a real thing :-) So...let's cut to the admin bits... I am a creative who wears my heart on my sleeve. I take a great deal of pride motivating and inspiring others in achieving their absolute best at whatever they striving towards in life. Im someone who loves laughter and id like to think of myself as humorous (debatable :-)), I love the outdoors as well as almost all sports. Religious theology has for some reason always piqued my interest. I consider myself well researched in the subject. I reckon I'm pretty fun to be around, loyal, tolerant and patient, who perhaps talks a little too much, but can also be a good listener. Sooooo.... if you've gotten to read this far without running for the hills just yet, congratulations!!, you've just unlocked THREE SECRET PARAGRAPHS of me, rambling on, boring you to death with my profile writeup :-p ....just kidding, this enduring torture wont continue for much longer, PROMISE. I just want to be as fair as I can to possible suitors for the sake of transparency, so that you have a basic idea before furthering my initiated conversation or deciding to establish contact. This way I'm not guilty of wasting your time :-) I'm a full time working professional with a stable job (Alghamdulilah), currently, also studying part time towards my second degree. Monetary wealth in this Dunya has its place in the balance of my life, as i take pride spoiling and seeing to the needs and comforts of my family aswell as serving my duty towards the poor and needy, of which the latter particularly bringing me lots of soul fullfilment,... therefore, I'm hard working and ambitious careerwise, whilst also striving spiritually, in character and Deen, constantly trying to develop a greater understanding of my Rabb. Iv got kids and I adore all children, BUT, I'm not looking for a substitute in mothering them, NOR looking for a co-parent on the few days that they reside with me. I'm in search of a partner in life whom I shall be proud to call her husband and share this short journey on earth as my best friend too, someone I shall be looking forward to re-uniting with in Jannah, InshaAllah Ameen... Riiiiigght....so now that you've gotten to the HALF WAY mark of reading my profile, id like to th..... nah just kidding, im done.... :-) The end... (of the beginning,... hopefully ;-) ) PS** A natural inhibition for expressing love, affection and respect is a characteristic that'll truly be cherished in a partner... The real end, Waleed
38 Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Seeking: Female 20 - 36
Body style: Athletic
I'm just passing by at this point. The year is 2020 (no one expected it to turn out like this right. Edit it's 2022 smh) and if you're reading this it means I am still single and alive and on this site. I've been wandering these wastelands for a few years (sad LOL) honestly in search of my special lady. Who knew finding someone to love and spend your life with would be so hard, they certainly don't tell you this in high school. *Ps: I do these profile updates partly hoping that you whose reading this has smiled a little if your day wasn't going so well. There's more to read if your curiosity has been sparked. Assalamualaikum. INTRO/ DISCLAIMER: Seeing as this is one of the common questions I get asked I should mention that I don't have a University Degree (4yrs or more) but I do have many qualifications. I'm not technically and financially a rich guy with a huge house or expensive car but I am content and grateful for everything Allah has blessed me with thus far. Next common question, what do you do? I'm an Office Clerk and even though I'm an Office Clerk Don't confuse this with a lack of ambition or drive as I am very duty bound and oriented, wanting a good comfortable life for my loved ones if Allah blesses me more inshaAllah. If what I am now(emphasis on NOW) is not to your standard please keep moving on, I promise I won't stop you. Allah is and has always been sufficient for me Alhamdulillah. If you've made it this far well done to you and thank you. There could be a number of reasons why you still reading: a)You very curios, b) very bored or c) genuinely interested. Either way you deserve something chocolatey or healthy. Your choice, no pressure. MAIN STORY BELOW: I've been told by reliable sources that I'm a good, decent, humble, loyal and friendly guy. You may confirm with me for a 2nd opinion. I like to consider myself as fiercely loyal. I am not after many women, I just want the right One I can give myself to. I am not a perfect muslim but I constantly try to get better. I make all my 5 daily prayers and fast and read Quran. Things I enjoy is keeping fit and healthy, watching a good movie. Reading a good book is also calming to me. I must admit I do enjoy relaxing at home so I don't go out often but naturally with my wife I'd be more inclined to. Like go to dine out, walk on the beach and have ice cream, go watch a good movie, go spend time enjoying nature. I'm busy editing the rest and will run the details by you once we meet. Stay Tuned OK......

