
Indian Men Not Sure About Relocating For Dating

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Not Sure About Relocating

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31 Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Seeking: Female 18 - 30
Relocate: Not sure about relocating
السلام عليكم أنا رضوان البخاري من الهند تعلمت الدراسة الاسلامية الشريعة البكالوريوس والماجستير في الادارة التجارية. أنا أبحث شريك حياتي الي الجنة ان تحبين ان شاء الله نتعرف ؟ عسي الله يجعل بيننا الخير الحب والمودة شكرا لكم اللهم صلي عليك الخير كله أهداف حياتي سبعة: 1. رضوان الله ورسول 2. إسعاد الوالدين عني. 3. هبة مباركة من الله لاستقبال حبيبة روحي والاعتناء بها وجعلها سعيدة وصحية مع حبي ورعاية إن شاء الله هي غالية. 4. محبة بيني وزوجتي الي الجنة. 5. استكمال جميع العبادات المذكورة في القرآن والحديث مع هدى رسول. 6. الموت في مبنى المدينة المنورة في روضة النبي بالسجود. 7. أن أكون مع الله بدلاً من الجنة. لأنني إن كنت قريبًا من الله كل الجنة تحت الله. Assalamualaikum I'm Rizwan bukhari a slave of almighty Allah. Alhamdulilah I have completed Islamic studies 5 years Aalim and MBA. I'm really happy with your profile InshaAllah would like to know about you may Allah bless you and your family with health and happiness prosperity. My life goals are Seven 1. Pleasure of Allah & Rasool 2. Making Parents happy About me. 3. A Blessed Gift from Allah to recieve my beloved Soulmate and to make her happy and healthy with my love and caring inshallah she is my precious. 4. To Huge succeed in my Career as Top Richest business Man & spend to path of my Allah in secrecy. 5. Complete all ibadath mentioned in quran & hadith with health, wealth , thoughts. 6. To Die in Madhina At Raudha of Nabi in Sujood. 7. To be in A Greatest Paradise with Neighbour of Prophet Muhammad saw in Maqam Mahmood and Highest Status in vision of almighty God Allah وكذلك أنا بدأت شركة من قبل ٣ سنة الحمد لله لدي الحمد لله للعيش المعتدل لست فقيرا ولا غني الآن ولكن احاول متوكلا علي الله ومحبة الزوجة ودعاءها ان شاء الله اكون غنيا
39 Delhi, Delhi, India
Seeking: Female 25 - 55
Relocate: Not sure about relocating
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Sister In Islam Only serious & real need of husband candidates & no player's, drama queens, aimless or timepass & not even virgin Muslima please. If you, do not wish to reply my messages by following the simple & very very basic teachings of islam by reverting back to the Salaam given or sent to you ? Then, we are not a match at all take it or leave it. Stop it right then & there, no further communications will be entertained even if you are a practicing Muslima or writing a big big Ahadit & Life Lectures in your Profile's. I am a Practicing & Muslim by birth & continuously striving to be the best Ummati of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by Reviving his Sunnah (Making My Heart Open to Uplift the Spirit of Reverts, Widowed, Divorced, Seperated, Beautiful & Fragile Vessels from their Broken Relationships due to multiple Reasons & One of the Best Creation that Our Creator Allah has Created) to reach highest rank of Jannah of Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala. Join the Caravan if you are not a Free Thinker, Liberal or a Culture Believer/Follower, since they are the root cause of spoiling islamic world; B'coz i strongly believe in Islamic Family System at all times Alhumdulillah ☝️🤲 I am a married man & family oriented with beautiful, responsible, caring, loving, honest, trustworthy, gorgeous, hardworking & many more beautiful qualities of wife with 1 cute daughter (3 yrs of her age) living in Delhi, since 4 yrs & first marriage is still going on alhumdulillah & it will remain as long as Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala Wills. My existing in laws are none Muslims & wife is a revert. My parents, died 7 yrs ago, by the will of Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala with natural deaths. We are 5 brothers & 2 sisters & all of them are married & settled in Karnataka, Bangalore Urban. I am a man of my words & the man you have been looking for, Immensely Flexible to reach the highest rank of Jannah In Shaa Allah ☝️ Advantages Of Marrying Me: I will provide the love, you are seeking & i love Swimming, Playing Football, Working Out @ the Gym, Hiking, Bike Riding, Visiting Beautiful Places Of Nature Ect., so you will have the complete opportunity to enjoy the freedom of your life, that you have been waiting for Naturally & Naturely (Under the Islamic Law Of Course) & I luv to take care my little angel (Daughter) & my future Co-wife's too in Shaa allah. My Goal is nothing but Jannat-Ul-Firdouse In Shaa Allah ☝️
55 Pali, Rajasthan, India
Seeking: Female 37 - 49
Relocate: Not sure about relocating

