
Indian Men Who Attend Religion Services Sometimes For Dating

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Religion Services


Attend Religion Services Sometimes

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44 Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Seeking: Female 20 - 45
Attend religious services: Sometimes
I was working as Director with one of the top CMM Level 5 American based company. Worked as Technical Senior Program Manager for HP Enterprise. I am Anglo-Asian origin. .Everyone one should have good attitude to one another. At times if any any misunderstanding happens between, everyone should have posive attitude to to forgive each other and one can correct other in loving and positive way instead of rebuking that person. My Indian Christian mother Named Mary is only family I have and she involve in charity work activities in Church but my white english dad whose religion was Islam has died. I am looking for Wives who are caring , loving and non judgemental and understanding and give space to each other to grow.I prefer my wive to be business woman to continue to expand Business, highly qualified in Engineering to start new company and expand business, highly influential politically to build ecosystem for financial empire, Doctor with own clinic, Highly qualified professional in particular domain with decent pay and very modern in nature even though may be many kids which can be taken care through appointed governor . I am offspring of mixed religion Christianity and Islam.I respect all religions but believe in abrahamic God alone. I also expect my partners to be spiritually strong in prayer to bring best miracles that we can enjoy beautiful life on earth as well as in Heaven.Good lifepartners criteria are who can be very strong to get bigger miracles through prayers and also teaches me same to do get it from creator beside very spiritual in nature, very attractive, do prefer personally white skin color but I do not discriminate on skin color and also Honesty is very important relationship among life partners as expected .For example, I do not want to see my wives sleeping with some boyfriends ,its like cheating loyalty of husband..i can forgive for sometime but if its happening repeatedly even after politely saying to any wife or all wives for whom proof is found then divorce can happen but ofcourse Yes give them space to have friends for social gathering and meeting officially or travelling with them for some event or get toghther or functions but they should not take advantage of Husband trust in them.. Just like Abrahamic God is zealous God, I am zealous man too. .I am not a paid member as of now. I will be paid member sooner.I am simple and honest man need same kind of women for life.I am not dominating man .I never want to beat my wives but extreme cases become silent alone and within same day I will pronounce divorce to whom proven guilt is found repeatedly. I do not like moral policing. My wive can stay fashioable and wear short dress .no issue but main point to stay loyal with me by Grace of God.I do not smoke and drink for health reason and be to free from spiritually moral.I stay away from bad company of people who may have bad intentions to trap etc.However I have no problem with my partners habbit or morality as it is between them and God. God can forgive but we should avoid getting into any sins.
51 Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Seeking: Female 18 - 39
Attend religious services: Sometimes
39 Delhi, Delhi, India
Seeking: Female 25 - 55
Attend religious services: Sometimes
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Sister In Islam Only serious & real need of husband candidates & no player's, drama queens, aimless or timepass & not even virgin Muslima please. If you, do not wish to reply my messages by following the simple & very very basic teachings of islam by reverting back to the Salaam given or sent to you ? Then, we are not a match at all take it or leave it. Stop it right then & there, no further communications will be entertained even if you are a practicing Muslima or writing a big big Ahadit & Life Lectures in your Profile's. I am a Practicing & Muslim by birth & continuously striving to be the best Ummati of Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by Reviving his Sunnah (Making My Heart Open to Uplift the Spirit of Reverts, Widowed, Divorced, Seperated, Beautiful & Fragile Vessels from their Broken Relationships due to multiple Reasons & One of the Best Creation that Our Creator Allah has Created) to reach highest rank of Jannah of Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala. Join the Caravan if you are not a Free Thinker, Liberal or a Culture Believer/Follower, since they are the root cause of spoiling islamic world; B'coz i strongly believe in Islamic Family System at all times Alhumdulillah ☝️🤲 I am a married man & family oriented with beautiful, responsible, caring, loving, honest, trustworthy, gorgeous, hardworking & many more beautiful qualities of wife with 1 cute daughter (3 yrs of her age) living in Delhi, since 4 yrs & first marriage is still going on alhumdulillah & it will remain as long as Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala Wills. My existing in laws are none Muslims & wife is a revert. My parents, died 7 yrs ago, by the will of Allah Subahanahu Wata Ala with natural deaths. We are 5 brothers & 2 sisters & all of them are married & settled in Karnataka, Bangalore Urban. I am a man of my words & the man you have been looking for, Immensely Flexible to reach the highest rank of Jannah In Shaa Allah ☝️ Advantages Of Marrying Me: I will provide the love, you are seeking & i love Swimming, Playing Football, Working Out @ the Gym, Hiking, Bike Riding, Visiting Beautiful Places Of Nature Ect., so you will have the complete opportunity to enjoy the freedom of your life, that you have been waiting for Naturally & Naturely (Under the Islamic Law Of Course) & I luv to take care my little angel (Daughter) & my future Co-wife's too in Shaa allah. My Goal is nothing but Jannat-Ul-Firdouse In Shaa Allah ☝️
48 Sikandarabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Seeking: Female 35 - 47
Attend religious services: Sometimes
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..... هذا أسد علي من الهند مطلق وليس لديه أطفال الحمد لله وأبحث عن سيدة عازبة صادقة وغير مدمنة على الكحول للزواج إن شاء الله ولكن كما نعلم نح الناس هذه الأيام أنه من المستحيل الحصول على زواج حلال و إذا كنت تريد الحرام (الزنا) فهو متاح في جميع أنحاء العالم حتى استغفر الله مجانًا. مدهش. في الواقع تقريبًا وجدت هنا منقبًا عن الذهب وخدمة الشفاه فقط. يحتاج الناس إلى الترفيه فقط أو مجرد مرور الوقت ولا شيء آخر. بالنسبة لي البلد ليس مهما ولكن سيدة ليست ملكة جمال. الحمد لله سافرت كثيرا قبل فيروس كورونا. الآن أعمل مع ماكدونالدز كصبي توصيل في الهند. فكر وحاول إرسال رسالة بالجدية من فضلك شكرا على القراءة جزاك الله خيرا...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................حَدَّثَنَا أَحْمَدُ بْنُ الأَزْهَرِ، حَدَّثَنَا آدَمُ، حَدَّثَنَا عِيسَى بْنُ مَيْمُونٍ، عَنِ الْقَاسِمِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، قَالَتْ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ ‏ "‏ النِّكَاحُ مِنْ سُنَّتِي فَمَنْ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ بِسُنَّتِي فَلَيْسَ مِنِّي وَتَزَوَّجُوا فَإِنِّي مُكَاثِرٌ بِكُمُ الأُمَمَ وَمَنْ كَانَ ذَا طَوْلٍ فَلْيَنْكِحْ وَمَنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فَعَلَيْهِ بِالصِّيَامِ فَإِنَّ الصَّوْمَ لَهُ وِجَاءٌ ‏"‏ ‏.‏
50 Kalyan, Maharashtra, India
Seeking: Female 40 - 65
Attend religious services: Sometimes
A very calm A practicing Muslim, strictly following the sunnah and serat of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Believing in ALLAH who make many skys, universes and all the existence, and all the existence are very smaller than our ALLAH, yet he knows everything in our hearts, he listen everyone's voice, that's why we should asked and pray to him only, as he is the only God. I would like to marry with a normal pious woman or a disabled like 1 leg, hand issue, deaf and dumb, eyes issues or any other disability. Heavy weight, very tall or small issues because of that they couldn't get marriage proposal or divorced, no problems of her children and age. If you know any disabled girl plz let me know. She should be a practicing Muslim and ALLAH fearing women. 73 Haram ways are easy  but will spoils the "akhirah,and this life is very small then life of hereafter, this life maybe end within a movement and life of hereafter will be forever. so go with the halal ways marry someone and have children is better then dying alon. About me. My self is Saif Ali a graduate pursuing MBA, age. 48 divorced have 2 kids Living with their mom, my first wife is a doctor. I am a religious practicing Muslim, praying 5 times salat. A broad mind, a very calm, Since childhood I have been a genius and topper in the school and university. have been grown up in a good religious environment therefore I performed hujj with my mother, in the early age. Am a Haji '' never been involved in any bad work and habits. Worked 15years in Gulf countries, even in the city like Dubai but avoid the sins like adultry. And will be marry one woman for the rest of my life. Avoiding lies and cheatings from the childhood and trying to be faithful always. Never touch drinks even didn't sit in beer bar. Living this life as a test and hoping Heaven and Paradise in the life of hereafter. Never spoil my hereafter "Akhirah" any how. A multi skilled man, worked as assistant chief for 3 years can cook very delicious food. Worked with electrician and plumber to manage school and colleges coats. A writer and poet written 3 books 2 on the way of life and 1 novel. Worked in a Fashion designing company as a designer and cutter of coats and suits for man and woman both for 12years. Mashallah I am know as very friendly, and very calm so Don't lose a best friend and passionate lover. If you choose a good looking man for your life partner maybe he cheat on you or find any other woman and leave you then maybe you feel sad or you cry. If you will marry a lover like me then you can live your whole life happily. I am expert in making delicious foods. I have spent my whole life sincerely and loyal way. I will be sincerely and loyal with you. never cheat, lie and unfaithful with you. Never hurt you, I am a multi-talented and strong person. I will be at your service till my last breath. You will be in fully rest with me.

