
Athletic Algerian Men For Dating

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43 Tébessa, Tébessa, Algeria
Seeking: Female 18 - 53
Body style: Athletic
I don’t have time to hate anyone .. I’m too focused on building myself , i ether care about you or I don’t simple as that I’m not everyone’s friend , sure I talk to people laugh with them even share a moment but doesn’t mean we’re friends .. friendship today is just a word for must people it’s spoken often but truly by self few , some will call you friend when they need you then an enemy when they don’t .. that’s why I keep my circle small ( I’m not here for Fake connections ) my friends are those who understand the value of loyalty respect and what it truly means to be there for each other… so if you don’t like a man very religious or a man have a beard or a man dresses as a religion man than you don’t need to contact me sweetheart maybe you go night club you gonna find a lot of men without beard and wearing nice suits waiting over there for you , I’m here following the sunnah of the prophet Mouhamed peace be upon him and don’t think your country it’s the heaven to give me food to eat this is the earth of god .. Yes man !! and know that we are under the same roof of sky because to let you know one day when you die your not gonna take nothing to your grave .. no passport no citizenship no money all you take it’s only one cloth to cover your body and they make a big favor they gonna put into your grave a nice perfume for your not gonna smelling so fast , so be humble and be a nice Muslim woman and don’t hurt people’s feeling because some  women on here they barking like a dog so respect here you gonna be respected , I’m here to have the woman I’m looking for to live the rest of my life with .
32 Tipasa, Tipaza, Algeria
Seeking: Female 18 - 36
Body style: Athletic
38 Biskra, Biskra, Algeria
Seeking: Female 18 - 45
Body style: Athletic
Please you can contact me WhatsAp(towOnethreeSixSevenOneTowNineNineFiveSixFive Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: ''Allah does not look at your bodies or at your forms, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds." [Sahih/Authentic] - [Muslim] I do not recommend myself to ALLAH, but ALLAH purifies who He wills Truth Seeker and Implementer insha ALLAH . TRUE LOVE BETWEEN HUSBAND AND HIS WIFE IS AFTER MARRIAGE NOT BEFORE I'm simple humble and respectful,down to earth person, Al hamdolilahi I am that person who strives to live a balanced life in this Dunya I am trying to do my best to put into practice ALLAH'S سبحانه و تعالىsay: But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." Al Qasas verse 77 this means we forget not our portion of lawful enjoyment in this world, Al Imam Ibn Katheer interpreted this verse in his Tafseer: `use this great wealth and immense blessing Allah has given you to worship your Lord and draw closer to Him by doing a variety of good deeds which will earn you reward in this world and the Hereafter.' `That which Allah has permitted of food, drink, clothing, dwelling places and women. Your Lord has rights over you, your self has rights over you, your family has rights over you, and your visitors have rights over you. So give each of them their due.' I am always looking to improve my Deen and character everyday we are all learning and discovering new things about Islam . we are learning from the revelations of Quran and authentic Hadith and this is the righteous Muslim should be in his life till the death ALLAH says '' (15:99) And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty (death)'' .I'm looking for kind person,looks doesn't matter at all,as long as the person has inner beauty that's enough if there is true love between husband and his wife this means to me that the elimination of any boarders of race color or ethnicity .I am trying to do my best to follow Sunnah and Quran according to the understanding and Manhaj of Esselaf Essalah -the righteous predecessors - the three generations. Others you will discover later insha ALLAH والسلام عليكم و رحمة الله

