
Aging Muslim American Women For Marriage

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Muslim Matrimonials











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43 Parsippany, New Jersey, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 53
If you are my type ( attractive athletic educated clean cut not messy or old looking ) and I’m interested, I will respond OK, people are misunderstanding my profile. I am not a dominant person, but I am writing a profile but what I’m interested in what I’m not interested in I am direct to the point but I’m not dominant. I am just being clear so I don’t waste my time with people. My 15-year-old son lives with me ( so I am unable to relocate I have joint custody with his father. I’m not leaving my child to go marry someone and move. )he works out daily, eats healthy, the same as me. I am not here to train people or to teach someone how to live a healthy life. I want someone who already has a healthy life and knows what they are doing in the gym. I dont use whatsapp PLEASE ONLY EDUCATED SMART MEN!! I am originally from Montreal move to the states in 97 My education Dental college/ Nutritionist ( Hygenist ) . Then later on did got my degree for sports nutritionist personal training. I’m looking for an athletic man only who eats healthy not someone who only eats once a day not someone who eats junk food. I need someone who is into Health and Fitness. If you are not don’t message me, If you don’t have a USA phone number don’t bother me. I’m not sponsoring anyone. I live in Morristown, New Jersey look up homes for sale. If you can’t afford to live here don’t message me I can’t relocate Please message a woman who you can afford. There is a woman for every man just pick who you can afford.! No photo no reply ! NO MEN OVERSEAS ! NO MEN UNDER 40 or OVER 50 ( that’s because even the men who are 45 they look like they’re 65 and they don’t take care of themselves. I take care of myself.)!! I cook mostly Lebanese food healthy version. I’m a very good cook. I am 52 years old I live in New Jersey since 2009 . I can’t relocate I don’t smoke. I don’t drink no drugs. I work out every day I am a sports nutritionist I eat very healthy and I don’t want to be with someone who eats junk food . I need someone who works out and goes to the gym just like I do. I’m not interested in anyone who has a wife!! I don’t want to hear about your problems. I don’t care about the reason. Don’t message me if you are not a United States citizen or if you don’t have your green card.
43 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 50
We cannot read messages from unpaid members, if you have just free membership we cannot read whatever you write. لا نستطيع قراءة اى رسائل منك ان كانت عضويتك مجانية الموقع يحجبها. فلا تؤاخذونا على عدم الرد لا نتبادل ارقام تليفونات ولا واتس آب ولا سكايب الا بعد التعارف مع ولى الامر I am the Wali for the Muslim sister described below, all communication would go through me first, she does not access the site herself. When there is a close match, In Shaa Allah, I will arrange for direct initial contact for you. Clearly serious inquiries only and please allow and be patient for some standard questions for filtering reasons. ONLY USA permanent residents and USA citizens. The sister is divorced and per custody schedule you must be close to the Philly metropolitan, she would not relocate. I will not respond to any inquiries outside of these criteria.   She does not wear Niqab, the picture is just for the profile and to protect her privacy. I also cannot read messages from unpaid members it does not appear as legible on my end. She practices the pillars of Islam, reads Quran, attends to Islamic lessons, and observe Allah in her dealings. She is respectful of the established schools of thoughts (mazahib) and does not entertain additions or personal opinions that are not founded upon Sunnah or one of those scholars' methodologies. She is attractive, fair skin colored, intelligent, curious, educated, clean, organized and respect gender roles. She is a good cook, fun, has a good sense of humor and like to spend her spare time walking in the park, reading, watching movies and entertaining guests. She is self-sufficient financially and otherwise.
50 Durham, North Carolina, United States
Seeking: Male 45 - 56
Laid back , somewhat reserved Muslimah. Enjoys Nature but .......Bugs EXCLUDED lol . Same with Animals kind of. I respect them/ Their right to be but... I think my aversion to wild and domesticated animals likely comes from the fact that I'm unable to VERBALLY communicate with them That said.. I don't want any harm to come to any. I'd never mistreat one, Or watch someone else mistreat one without voicing opposition. Just not an ideal use of time for me to make myself the care taker of (animals), independent a farm (that is). lol. Anyhow.... Moving on, The kind of nature i dig MOST would be more like (Bodies of water, flowers, Sunshine, fresh air, Scenic views etc). Those things that both energize me as well as make me introspective. Things like, Standing on a shore / mouth of an ocean......... Looking out into the magnificence / vastness . Things like those that make me reflect on my place , My coming, My purpose, My deeds, etc. Allahu Akbar. I also dig laughter, relaxed and comfortable spaces. Family gatherings, as well as alone time. Time to sit and listen to the chatter of my own mind. To ponder ideas, correct my thoughts about something i may have wrongly thought previously etc. Things that cause me to FEEL in general are often things that I gravitate toward.. I could laugh (out loud) at a good joke 1 minute, But in seconds be reduced to tears at an emotionally heart tugging occurrence. I AM AWARE that SOUNDS UNSTABLE lol.... But ... Dont Worry... I promise! its less about instability and more about living life authentically! (Maturity) has shown me that not masking feelings under layers of bravado/ inability to be vulnerable (when vulnerability is due) is better than saving face. I've come to understand that it just works out better for all involved when one chooses to be honest and genuine about feelings, / intent etc. (Assuming BOTH ppl are operating in that state of openness). it saves so much valuable time and eliminates so much more unnecessary posturing. Other things I like doing are varied types of Charity.. At the Masjid, On my own, With my family, etc. I genuinely care about ppl and don't well tolerate those who DONT care about (others). I like ppl who try hard to Make others feel as if they are WELCOMED, as opposed to just being TOLERATED. I tend to dislike classist mind sets, and ppl who ONLY see the value in treating ppl who are financially similar to (themselves) with kindness/ dignity/ and respect. If a person knows enough to be nice to the CEO but does Not know enough to know, that he should also be nice to Janitor or even the man on the street/ other ppl who he believes may not matter, then, it rubs me wrong. Some other (random) things I like are, 1. to be able to hear good/intellectual conversations on varied topics (Even if it isn't me having them, and I'm only in earshot). The emergence of the Podcast Genre helps me get that in these days when i find that I'm lacking those experiences in every day real life. 2. I like MANY artsy things / ppl. (Examples) Love poetry and prose! Old English even, lol. 3. Beautifying my/ others surroundings. (Sometimes I do that for free other times I charge. Its work but then again it ISNT because i love to do it so much). I Also like listening to lectures......... / reading the stories of the prophets / companions of the prophets , and gaining insight/ inspiration at the way they lived their lives. I could probably say more but Im not here to write a book lol. Sooooo.... If any of this sounds like im your fellow conscripted soldier then.... don't be shy :) . P.S. please attach a pic to your profile. at LEAST 1. I'm Niqabi myself, but for fairness I included a pic. I'm not asking for anything I wouldn't do myself. If this is not your choice. I understand, but please also understand if I'd rather not entertain you. P.S.S. If YOU don't have a subscription and I don't have a subscription, it isn't likely that we will be able to talk. I do NOT HAVE Wattsapp and Do NOT want it. so that's not an option. Please do not fill up my inbox with messages that i can not read because they are blocked due to lack of subscription and or 1 word messages in the dozens that have to be deciphered in order to make 1 message. You WILL talk to my Wali far before you EVER talk to me voice to voice. Messaging me here is fine However, we will not carry on phone conversation alone, video etc WITHOUT the knowledge and or interview/ ok of my Wali. Thanks in advance for understanding. May Allah give you the BEST of this day/night, keeping away all harm. Amin.
42 Fresno, California, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 50
A man from the moment he sees a photo on websites where people are looking for a healthy relationship, a stable and halal marriage, he knows that he wants that woman by his side to walk a path together in this life and the other, those men deserve my respect... but a man who is comparing your photos with photos of another woman, talking to one woman and another and asking for photos and video calls under the pretext of getting to know each other over the phone to see if they have a match, for me, those are pretexts and there is no seriousness, respect and honesty... here we are not in an auction where the best is chosen, we are here to find what Allah has decreed for us... For me Face Time is like avoiding the opportunity to meet a future match in person because I am leaving my trust to an electronic device and everything depends on that electronic device, whether you feel good or bad or with that match everything depends on that electronic device... many times on Face Time everything seems to go well and in person everything is different, there is no chemistry... the match for me must be full of a pious, patient, understanding, respectful character, and have understanding and the same goals in life and I prefer to accept the visit of someone who comes from far away to see my face and see the face of that person face to face that is why my profile says about the availability to travel here where I live... there is nothing hidden here... here are my photos here is my profile... I invite you to read it and analyze it if you are interested and decide to send me a message it means that you agree and accept what is written here... my family and the sheikh of the masjid that I visit are involved in my interest in looking for a husband… Lil bit about me Bismillah Mature women Im hijabi from mexico 🇲🇽 Living in ca🇺🇸 Muslim reverted Kind Respectfull Honest and calm I wear modest clothes established in California Degree in finance and own business practicing Muslim and following the 5 pillars of Islam alhamdulillah and the sunnah of the prophet peace be upon him🤲 my age 45 My height 5.3 Languages English and Spanish Active member of the muslim community with a good background and from a good family Family oriented I like to cook traditional and halal Mexican food 💕i prefer fish and chicken and all vegetables, especially if they are green. I love to drink coffee and tea. But i prefer water I love nature and the sound of rivers, walking barefoot, seeing the moonlight at night I love traveling, especially if it's a road trip... I like to be active in events of my Muslim community volunteering is one of them Hiking is also part of my hobbies but I'm afraid of snakes. I love watching dramatic movies (yes, the kind that make you cry) I love learning about other cultures and trying different foods but I prefer to avoid those with a lot of spices and heat.sorry no indian food I like visiting snowy villages in winter, as long as I'm not the one driving... I don't know much about chains and stuff like that. I like to have a clean, tidy house that always smells good. I couldn't live with someone who makes a mess and isn't organized. I love books, but lately they are going out of fashion because people use their cell phones to read... but I love the smell of books and if it is a good story of overcoming, even better. About my personality I am very sweet and honest and sometimes people don't like that, but being honest makes me sleep peacefully. Sitting down and talking to me will always be an honest conversation. Laughter in these times must be part of our lives to survive in this world. Looking for a husband Inshaallah 🤲 with the permission of my family. Looking for marriage Islamically. (halal Nikah )and legal (in court) With a Practicing Muslim 🕋 Religious man. With fear of allah Who performs the 5 prayers. And follows the sunnah Pious with agood heart and family oriented Good manners well stablished ready to start a new life as a married man and ready to take on the responsibilities of having a family (and not relying on his wife for help) Living in the united states must be clean and organized and know how to cook A good leader and protector and patient ..And no intentions of spending time just making calls and video calls and messages and asking for photos🚫 with the intention and pretext of getting to know each other better🔴 As for my religion… that point is non-negotiable. I am a Muslim, I love and respect the religion… I know I am not perfect, but I try to learn and improve every day, and practicing and learning about it is the most important thing for me. if we exchange numbers📵 Don't ask for photos or videos 📵The photos that are here are enough📵 not interested in having friends in the distance who text and ask for video calls.🔴📵 I live in California if you talk to me and there is a match after talking you must have the time ( in case you have a busy life) and availability to travel to meet me.and some money saved for your plane ticket I am not interested in a friendship or long-distance relationship or sharing photos🔴❌🚫📵☎️ May Allah bless us all with a right partner InshaAllah ameen✨✨🤲 Jazz allah khair🙏 may allah guide us and be merciful to all of us who are single and send us the right person into our lives to complete our deen ☯️ a person fearful of allah's punishment and with honest intentions and who wants everything halal to please allah Ameen🤲😊
47 Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
Seeking: Male 29 - 38
I am a serious Muslim looking to build a relationship with someone. I am kind and romantic with a loving heart.. need a kind and honest man. If you are interested, stay in touch. I don't chase men. If you are not serious and sincere, move on. I have no time for people who play games inshallah. If you don't want to read all of this, are you serious about finding a partner?:-). I am looking for love and happiness. This won't appeal to all, but that's okay. I am looking for a kind man who wants to follow Islam, NOT just expect me only to follow Islam. Please be serious about building a successful future with me if you see the potential for us. I want to start a business with my husband as my partner and help him and his family. I also want to be loved and respected. As prophet Mohammed said, "Best among you is one who is best to his wife". A wife is not just for sleeping. Cooking and cleaning she should be your best friend, a safe place to fall. If you are not ready to marry, it is better to stay single. Don't play games you just waste our time. First, I am a faithful Muslim. I feel young and I want someone younger than me. (all my pictures posted in the last 4 months; please post a recent picture) If you don't like fluffy (big) girls, please keep looking. I am kind, loyal, romantic, smart, educated, successful, and able to provide a good life but only with someone who believes they can love me and be happy with me. I also cook very well lol. I have a white heart and will give it 100% to the right man. I believe I am a special girl looking for a remarkable man. As the Prophet was happy with Khadija I hope to find someone who can see the beauty in me. I want a kind husband, romantic with big brown eyes:-). Please do not pressure me when I feel there is a strong connection I will be happy to meet on the cam and get to know each other:-) If you are TRULY interested, STAY IN TOUCH daily:-) May Allah bless all and bring you your future. Looking for money, keep looking.
44 Davis, California, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 45
42 Dearborn, Michigan, United States
Seeking: Male 36 - 45

