
Arab Women Who Speak French For Marriage

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44 Aryanah, Ariana, Tunisia
Seeking: Male 50 - 70
I am a cultured woman, I love life 🌹being zen .. "entertaining 🥂 very well organized sweet generous, I like to take care of myself new the future ahead," I shine with a thousand colors.MARRIAGE only please serious I block all young men under 5 0 years old I block it is useless to write to me the scammers also fake profiles. I am looking for a man for life marriage si there's love. My photos 2 02 4 and without filters Please many of you write to me I can not answer everyone. I want to discuss scams I swear I am fed up I give an appointment on WhatsApp video you will have to show me your birth certificate it is important because I had a lot of problems with married men in Europe he comes to meet you to spend two weeks and then he blocks you 😡 hello I am past the age of Russian baby. I am only looking for a long-term relationship with a good feeling for marriage only. I prefer a European because he only cares about the future and not destroying others. The truth is part of my knowledge. I am discovering more and more that it is a network of real estate traffickers, construction but it is a European network Saudi Arabia... Turks, Algerians, Tunisians are waiting for each man who comes to contact me, you are directly registered with the prefect because they have done an investigation. I have no child, I am free, if love exists between us because I love the physical it is important for me, I am older to play to waste my time. I would like a sincere man of Palestine of good heart or a man who wants to convert to Islam other countries Morocco Egyptian Algerian Tunisian Turkish scams stope I do not want a Tunisian neither Algerian nor Egyptian not 🤕 to clear nor African Stope THE SCAMS the men of 23and 42 and 50 i block
28 Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco
Seeking: Male 29 - 49
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته والسلام علينا و على نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم و على الأنبياء والمرسلين أجمعين Bismillah, My name is imane from Casablanca Morocco and I'm a Niqabi INFJ personality if you’re interested . My family and friends describe me as kind hearted,realistic, feminine, sweet, mature, serious at times and optimistic, introvert minded الحمد لله I'm an active person I like to walk long distances in nature and observe what Allah عز وجل has created سبحانه و تعالى indeed allah is beautiful, he loves beauty. I like to travel and experience new places yet I haven't been to any country and I would love to in the near future إن شاء الله I like hiking, camping, running, horse riding and much more. الحمد لله no health issues I'm healthy and i have a healthy mind, body and life style  . اسمي imane من الدار البيضاء المغرب فتاة منتقبة تصفني عائلتي وأصدقائي بأنني طيبة القلب ، واقعية ، أنثوية ، حلوة، ناضجة ، جادة أحيانًا ومتفائلة ذو شخصية الحمد لله أنا شخص نشيط أحب أن أسير لمسافات طويلة في الطبيعة وأراقب ما خلقه الله عز وجل حقًا إن الله جميل يحب الجمال أحب السفر وتجربة أماكن جديدة أحب التنزه والتخييم والجري وركوب الخيل وأكثر من ذلك بكثير وكذلك الذهاب إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية ملاحظة: (للإناث فقط). الحمد لله لا مشاكل صحية أنا بصحة جيدة ولدي عقل وجسم ونمط حياة سليم. عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال إن المؤمن القوي خير وأحب إلى الله من المؤمن الضعيف وفيهما خير. التزم بما ينفعك ، واستعين بالله ، ولا تشعر بالعجز. إذا أصابك شيء ما ، فلا تقل لو فعلت كذا وكذا ، فسيكون كذا وكذا. بل إن فتح الطريق أمام الشيطان ليفعل. ما أحب فعله عادة في وقت فراغي هو معرفة المزيد عن ديني والاقتراب من الله عز وجل ، كما أنني أحب القراءة والطهي و الرسم والبستنة والقيام بالتصوير والاستمتاع بيومي في سلام. أنا أتعامل مع Deen الخاص بي على محمل الجد وهي أولويتي قبل كل شيء وأتوقع منك أن تفعل الشيء نفسه. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة، لا تتردد في طلب . Most of the profile says they want a serious person while they aren't even serious. Before expecting seriousness from someone else, ask yourself how serious you are! If you aren’t, act on it. Abu Hurayrah رضي الله عنه reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said a strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in both. Adhere to whatever brings you benefit, seek the help of Allah, and do not feel helpless. If something befalls you, do not say Had I done such and such, it would be such and such. Indeed, if opens the way before the devil to act. What I usually like to do on my free time is to learn more about my deen and to get closer to allah عز و جل i also  like to read, cook, paint, gardening, do photography and enjoy my day in peace. I take my Deen very seriously and it's my priority above all and I expect you to do the same . If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask .
30 Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco
Seeking: Male 24 - 36
26 Mostaganem, Mostaganem, Algeria
Seeking: Male 25 - 40

