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Muslim Matrimonials











36 - 70 of 100
43 Columbus, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 54
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Allah guided me to Islam 20 years ago, as a Christian. Alhamdulillah, and my relationship with my creator is very important to me. I believe that Allah created everything in pairs. I'll find mine Insha Allah. I hope you do too. My family consists of me and 7 lovely (financially supported), children who challenge me to be my better self, while they are learning and growing and becoming their best selves. A few of them are, now, branching out into the world as adults. They are all home educated in all academic and Islamic subjects. We are also actively engaging in the affairs of the local and global communities, through various volunteer organizations. I enjoy a day in nature. Camping, canoeing, fishing, and hiking, are right up my alley. I am into overall wellness, and healthy dining and daily exercise, such as walking, jogging, and aerobics. I am not too bad at billiards 😉, and also appreciate sports. I am also an writer, and journalist, and online merchant. Business, finance, fintech and global affairs are very interesting to me, and I enjoy learning and dabbling in new ventures. I really value a meaningful conversation over small talk and avoid gossip like the plague. I am a serious, structured, well organized, but naturally playful and humorous person. So if you don't take kindly to that kind of personality, I am not the girl for you. P.S. I am not Covid vaxxed, or other such gene technologies. And cannot be with anyone who is, or anyone who has received blood transfusions in the last 4 years, as it is dangerous to me.🧕🏻 P.S. It works best with me to set a time to have a chat.
38 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 33 - 48
These are 30 things you should know about a her: 1. She is a perfectionist. She doesn’t half-*** anything in her life. She will either do it to perfection or won’t do it at all. She is born to be the best and nothing less. She will work hard to have it that way. This woman is in a continuous search for perfection, and she is rarely satisfied with the way things are. 2. She is a human lie detector She can perceive deception from miles away. She can easily read people and her super-strong intuition will lead her to the truth. Never lie to her. She wants you to be honest with her and she will admire you for that. 3. She has a wise soul She has can easily separate the right and the wrong through her careful way of thinking, 4. She is witty Thanks to her fast-thinking mind, she will always have clever and funny remarks to make at the right time. Some refer her sarcastic. She tend to be the wittiest and most sarcastic of woman you ever meet. 5. She is a workaholic She puts a lot of effort when it comes to her work and what she is passionate about. 6. She is very independent She is self-sustaining and independent. She hates to rely on others, she would rather take care of her own stuff so she never has to worry about things not getting done. 7. She is not afraid to speak her mind She has a strong sense of self and opinions that she fully believes in. Because of her critical nature, if she feels strongly about something, she will say exactly what is on her mind and won’t care if anyone disagrees. 8. She is an undercover freak Don’t be fooled by her reserved ways. Behind her shy look or silence, she can be a freak at right time and right place. 9. She is self-motivated She doesn’t wait around for things to happen, she makes things happen. Her ambition is the fuel that keeps her going. 10. She is a clean freak She loves to clean and her cleanliness might reach a level of obsession. 11. She is a great problem solver She has a way of seeing through people and things. She can handle situations no one else would be able to manage. She can get through any foreseeable problem thanks to her analytical mind. 12. She will make you into a better person She is always striving to better, and also wants to help those around her to do their very best. She strives for greatness and hopes to bring others into greatness as well. She will inspire you to be better and do more. 13. She craves effort She isn’t the type of woman that you can easily woo with some cute text messages. She wants effort, consistency and honestly. If you are lucky enough to get her attention then you have to put effort into the things you do if you really want to show her how much you like her. 14. She loves hard She might be able to hide her emotions from others, but love is one emotion she cannot hide. She will tell you how she feels about you. She will show you her love with kind gestures. If she happens to fall in love with you, she will make sure that you end up feeling the same way about her. She strives to be a good woman to the man she loves. 15. She always thinks things through She doesn’t make decisions last minute or does something without analyzing things first. She has second thoughts about everything because she always weighs in the pros and cons before she makes a decision. This is not because not that she is monotonous, she is just extra cautious. 16. She wants to get to know you If she is asking too many questions, don’t be annoyed; she is just trying to get to know you on a deeper level. She is trying to find ways to better understand you. 17. She waits for getting real personal She needs a lot of time to relax and feel comfortable with someone before she gets involved in any close relationship. She will slowly get into the game of thag, only through emotional contact or by a clear decision of a rational mind, never on an impulse. 18. She is loyal She is loyal and honest to her partner. She has a strong commitment to making a relationship work. She is a long-term, supportive and trustworthy partner. 19. She is intellectual She not only loves to learn but she learns quickly. She is always trying to find ways to expand her knowledge and it doesn’t need to be about school-related subjects, either. 20. She is attracted to intelligence She adores men who are intelligent and well-read. So instead of trying to impress her with expensive gifts, show her what you’ve got in the brain. 21. She is not a party animal Her idea of fun is a cup of coffee and a good book. 22. She is keen to detail She has an eye for detail and the ability to catch onto things that everyone else may have missed. 23. She loves what she does She is very passionate about her work. 24. She is kind and good-hearted She is the kind of woman who is willing to lend a helping hand to anybody who needs it. She’s very happy when she can help someone out. She has a kind heart and always generous with the people around her. 25. She is a great listener She will lend her ears for you to talk about all the problems in your life. She will give you the best advice and somehow will help you make sense of it all. You never have to worry about her telling anyone else about your problems. She’s the best secret keeper. 26. She takes care of herself She takes care of her body and mind. If you go to her bathroom, don’t be alarmed by all the bottles of lotions and skin care products, she takes skin care seriously. She is always trying to find ways to look her best. 27. She is a logical thinker She likes to analyze things with her logical ability. She can think clearly and in order. She knows how to calm the heart and the mind in a difficult situation. She knows how to think without letting her emotions get to her. 28. She is good with money She believes in savings and more savings. She is the one who would think numerous times before investing her hard-earned money. 29. She has a fun side For the most part she tends to be one of the more reserved type but every now and then when the mood strikes she will let her hair down, put some heels on and go a bit wild. 30. She is a great person to have in your life as she is an ideal employee, an outstanding business partner, an excellent friend and a loving and loyal life partner. This woman will always be there in your ups and downs. No matter what the situation is, she will be there holding you down. So there you have it, some characteristics of her. it might help you get closer to the next woman in your life.
41 Flint, Michigan, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 50
God fearing ,humble,patient, kind hearted, virtuous, reliant,spontaneous sense of humor, trustworthy, honest, and loyal. I can afford to be corrected without denialism. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I have strong SELF discipline although I’m a bit giddy at times. I have an outgoing personality, intelligient as well as receptive whilst striving for Siratul Mustaqeen. I am a sapiosexual. I’m full of substance and I seek substance but I’m not a substance abuser I want the kind that is essential to life. Alhamdulillah I love engaging in righteousness . I am hoping to meet someone whom I share the same interests with and tolerable things In Sha Allah. I love helping my community and in general super altruistic. I don’t prefer an over jealous and selfish man that wants me all to yourself don’t waste your time even messaging me. I am goal and family oriented. I am an Omega Female so I would prefer my companions personality to be Alpha Male!! I am constantly self educating myself on an array of topics so more than likely I have evolved into better woman then my bio describes as well as my preference for a helpmeet. Fragile, frugal, fruitful and fulfilling in different aspects and I love for a man to accept accountability and knows there are always areas for improvement however I accept people for where they are in life because AllahuAlim. I am transparent, introverted, nurturing and submissive by nature. I'm in this for the taking WORTH forever and a day WHILE preparing for the hereafter our lofty place!
42 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 47
Assalamu waleikum wa RahmatulLahi wa barakatuhu! BismiLlahi! InshaAllah hope to meet soulmate to be happy with... My only interest is practicing Muslim with a good character, kind and gently, able to give me a calm, and, off course, somebody I feel attraction to! I know this list isn’t as short as it might looks like, but I pray for it. I wish we can encourage one another in good for the sake of Allah Subhanna wa Taala. I wish we can give peace to each other, having mutual respect to each one’s expectations and hopes. I don’t mind if you have a kids, but you have to be able to keep balance in relationship. I’m not ready to be second wife, so this question is out of agenda. As I was living abroad for many years, I would like to travel around the world to see it in its munificent beauty and diversity. I like to observe how people live around the world, their traditions, their identity. I like nature, all seasons, any weather I see attraction in! I like cozy home. I like balance in everything! But my first and last wish is to improve each other on a way to find contentment of Allah Subhanna wa Taala, in obedience to Him. For the sake of Allah Taala, whose, who are not match the points above. please, do not waste your and my time.... If you are practicing Muslim, soft, responsible and attractive, not elder 48 years old and your intentions are clear to built the family for the sake of Allah, if you are able to provide the family in a good way - we can try to find understanding in halal way, without empty conversations and flirt through video- messengers. If you here to waste your time - this is not me. Also, If you need career oriented wife - please, dont disturb me. My ambitions, my priority- my deem, my family. May Allah Subhanna wa Taala help all Muslims with the right intentions to meet their best matches and join them in goodness.


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