
Muslim American Women Who Read The Qur'An Daily Looking For Dating

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43 Columbus, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 54
Read Qur'an: Daily
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Allah guided me to Islam 20 years ago, as a Christian. Alhamdulillah, and my relationship with my creator is very important to me. I believe that Allah created everything in pairs. I'll find mine Insha Allah. I hope you do too. My family consists of me and 7 lovely (financially supported), children who challenge me to be my better self, while they are learning and growing and becoming their best selves. A few of them are, now, branching out into the world as adults. They are all home educated in all academic and Islamic subjects. We are also actively engaging in the affairs of the local and global communities, through various volunteer organizations. I enjoy a day in nature. Camping, canoeing, fishing, and hiking, are right up my alley. I am into overall wellness, and healthy dining and daily exercise, such as walking, jogging, and aerobics. I am not too bad at billiards 😉, and also appreciate sports. I am also an writer, and journalist, and online merchant. Business, finance, fintech and global affairs are very interesting to me, and I enjoy learning and dabbling in new ventures. I really value a meaningful conversation over small talk and avoid gossip like the plague. I am a serious, structured, well organized, but naturally playful and humorous person. So if you don't take kindly to that kind of personality, I am not the girl for you. P.S. I am not Covid vaxxed, or other such gene technologies. And cannot be with anyone who is, or anyone who has received blood transfusions in the last 4 years, as it is dangerous to me.🧕🏻 P.S. It works best with me to set a time to have a chat.
42 Santa Rosa, California, United States
Seeking: Male 38 - 46
Read Qur'an: Daily
Me as a Wife By the Grace and Mercy of Allah, I am a strong woman, insha Allah. I’m a good listener-and a planner. Allah Plans, so we, insha Allah, progress when planning. I would be able to help my husband maintain a sense of order and clear-mindedness during periods of seeming chaos. Allah is the Ultimate Problem Solver! I’m romantic in the simplest of ways: it’s romantic if my husband hears a certain song on the radio and comes home telling me about it. Or, (even though I can’t physically cook) he will take my direction to prepare a healthy meal, even if he doesn’t like vegetables very much. Or, because I’m affectionate in heart and mind, he’ll just rest his head on my chest from time to time. There’s a lot of adaptive technology available for disabled adults. I believe Allah holds us accountable for the way we knowingly treat our souls and bodies, so I try to nurture both. So if my husband has a workout routine, I happen to do adapted exercises myself. He might help improve my current routine. I imagine us great at coaching each other while we sweat it out! I picture a man willing to learn about and participate with me in para-horseback riding and/or parasailing and other outdoor things. I love a Saturday afternoon movie at home just as much. Even though I'm not sure about being able to have them, I would be great with young children Because I can't help But love them automatically, and they tend to sense This And are so sweet and adaptable with me. I'm currently Learning Arabic So that I can know the Qur'an in its Original language. I seek to be a better Muslim and being married is one of the best ways meet this goal. I CANNOT walk AT ALL- I want to be honest about disability right away. I was born with Quadriplegic Cerebral palsy, which means movement is impaired in my legs and arms. Despite my physical challenges, my intelligence is normal, and I’m typing this myself, even if it takes me hours. Caregivers are available in shifts, and I own multiple emergency response devices and security cameras. Alhamdulillah!
43 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 39 - 50
Read Qur'an: Daily
سورية أميريكية دمشقية الأصل من طرف والدي والدتي حموية مواليد.دبي ..عمري 42 سنة عزابية خطبت قبل بالشام وماصار نصيب متعلمة ومن عيلة متعلمة ..عم دور على شاب سوري أو لبناني أو فلسطيني أو أردني مسلم سني غير متشدد بالدين متعلم جامعة أو معهد عزابي أو مطلق بدون أولاد بحب يأسس عيلة وقادر يفتح بيت على خلق ودين عندو وظيفة ثابتة..التعارف حصرا عن طريق الأهل وحسب الأصول والعادات والتقاليد حاليا أنا بزيارة لتكساس لكني مقيمة بدمشق.. يفضل يكون الشاب مقيم بالخليج أو أميركا ولاية تكساس أخي فيها أو ألمانيا أخي التاني فيها وممكن إنتقل لهنيك وممكن بريطانيا عمتي فيها وبيكون نفس اللغة الانجليزية..كريم ويسر بيتحمل المسؤولية بقدر سافر لأميركا أو الخليج معي الجنسية عن طريق والدتي .رجاءا الأشخاص المقيمين بغير الدول المذكورة مافي داعي يراسلوني ...التعدد غير مقبول والطلاق أكتر من مرة غير مقبول بعتذر ..وبدون صورة بعتذر . ورجاء لأخذ العلم مارح أعمل ورق لحدا لأميركا ولارح طلع حدا لهنيك..وجود الجنسية بسهل علي الإنتقال لمكان الزوج المناسب فقط وليس العكس.رجاء خاص الي بدو يقلل أدب ويطلب معلوماتي قبل ماأعرف عنو شي رح ينحظر والي بيطلب كاميرا قبل تلفون يوضح في هوي مين حظر فورا..ماعندي وقت ضيعو للي قاعد عم يتسلى وجنسيات متل هند وباكستان والمغرب العربي ومصر مارح إتواصل ..
41 Flint, Michigan, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 50
Read Qur'an: Daily
God fearing ,humble,patient, kind hearted, virtuous, reliant,spontaneous sense of humor, trustworthy, honest, and loyal. I can afford to be corrected without denialism. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I have strong SELF discipline although I’m a bit giddy at times. I have an outgoing personality, intelligient as well as receptive whilst striving for Siratul Mustaqeen. I am a sapiosexual. I’m full of substance and I seek substance but I’m not a substance abuser I want the kind that is essential to life. Alhamdulillah I love engaging in righteousness . I am hoping to meet someone whom I share the same interests with and tolerable things In Sha Allah. I love helping my community and in general super altruistic. I don’t prefer an over jealous and selfish man that wants me all to yourself don’t waste your time even messaging me. I am goal and family oriented. I am an Omega Female so I would prefer my companions personality to be Alpha Male!! I am constantly self educating myself on an array of topics so more than likely I have evolved into better woman then my bio describes as well as my preference for a helpmeet. Fragile, frugal, fruitful and fulfilling in different aspects and I love for a man to accept accountability and knows there are always areas for improvement however I accept people for where they are in life because AllahuAlim. I am transparent, introverted, nurturing and submissive by nature. I'm in this for the taking WORTH forever and a day WHILE preparing for the hereafter our lofty place!

