
Muslim American Women With Blue Eyes Looking For Dating

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1 - 35 of 100
43 Columbus, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 54
Eye color: Blue
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Allah guided me to Islam 20 years ago, as a Christian. Alhamdulillah, and my relationship with my creator is very important to me. I believe that Allah created everything in pairs. I'll find mine Insha Allah. I hope you do too. My family consists of me and 7 lovely (financially supported), children who challenge me to be my better self, while they are learning and growing and becoming their best selves. A few of them are, now, branching out into the world as adults. They are all home educated in all academic and Islamic subjects. We are also actively engaging in the affairs of the local and global communities, through various volunteer organizations. I enjoy a day in nature. Camping, canoeing, fishing, and hiking, are right up my alley. I am into overall wellness, and healthy dining and daily exercise, such as walking, jogging, and aerobics. I am not too bad at billiards 😉, and also appreciate sports. I am also an writer, and journalist, and online merchant. Business, finance, fintech and global affairs are very interesting to me, and I enjoy learning and dabbling in new ventures. I really value a meaningful conversation over small talk and avoid gossip like the plague. I am a serious, structured, well organized, but naturally playful and humorous person. So if you don't take kindly to that kind of personality, I am not the girl for you. P.S. I am not Covid vaxxed, or other such gene technologies. And cannot be with anyone who is, or anyone who has received blood transfusions in the last 4 years, as it is dangerous to me.🧕🏻 P.S. It works best with me to set a time to have a chat.
43 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 39 - 50
Eye color: Blue
سورية أميريكية دمشقية الأصل من طرف والدي والدتي حموية مواليد.دبي ..عمري 42 سنة عزابية خطبت قبل بالشام وماصار نصيب متعلمة ومن عيلة متعلمة ..عم دور على شاب سوري أو لبناني أو فلسطيني أو أردني مسلم سني غير متشدد بالدين متعلم جامعة أو معهد عزابي أو مطلق بدون أولاد بحب يأسس عيلة وقادر يفتح بيت على خلق ودين عندو وظيفة ثابتة..التعارف حصرا عن طريق الأهل وحسب الأصول والعادات والتقاليد حاليا أنا بزيارة لتكساس لكني مقيمة بدمشق.. يفضل يكون الشاب مقيم بالخليج أو أميركا ولاية تكساس أخي فيها أو ألمانيا أخي التاني فيها وممكن إنتقل لهنيك وممكن بريطانيا عمتي فيها وبيكون نفس اللغة الانجليزية..كريم ويسر بيتحمل المسؤولية بقدر سافر لأميركا أو الخليج معي الجنسية عن طريق والدتي .رجاءا الأشخاص المقيمين بغير الدول المذكورة مافي داعي يراسلوني ...التعدد غير مقبول والطلاق أكتر من مرة غير مقبول بعتذر ..وبدون صورة بعتذر . ورجاء لأخذ العلم مارح أعمل ورق لحدا لأميركا ولارح طلع حدا لهنيك..وجود الجنسية بسهل علي الإنتقال لمكان الزوج المناسب فقط وليس العكس.رجاء خاص الي بدو يقلل أدب ويطلب معلوماتي قبل ماأعرف عنو شي رح ينحظر والي بيطلب كاميرا قبل تلفون يوضح في هوي مين حظر فورا..ماعندي وقت ضيعو للي قاعد عم يتسلى وجنسيات متل هند وباكستان والمغرب العربي ومصر مارح إتواصل ..
38 Toledo, Ohio, United States
Seeking: Male 37 - 55
Eye color: Blue
As salaam alayikum ) 4 children (13 boy, 6 girl, 5 boy, 3 boy) 🤲🏼 [Can't have future children unless I have an IVF procedure] 🤲🏼 Cancer survivor ^ *reason why IVF is needed for future children* 🤲🏼 Average height/ bbw (that means fat!) No pets Muslim (SUNNI) since 7/2009 🤲🏼 Single/alone since 8/2018 🤲🏼 I do not speak much Arabic [wanting to learn more]. English is my primary language. IF YOUR MAIN CONVERSATION PIECE IS SEXUAL INTERCOURSE, BY ALL MEANS PASS ME BY. LIFE IS MORE THAN LAYING IN A BED. I FIND THIS TO BE A LACK OF MATURITY. I'm a romantic, straight forward and direct. I'm all for "looks matter for attraction." Until you're causing someone discomfort and to second guess themselves based on appearance. Myself, my type is someone who fears Allah, is practicing Islam. Doesn't use Islam to use and abuse another. Loves children and would protect any child in his presence, be it his or a strangers. He's humble and shy, yet strong. Protects his wife and children. Doesn't lie or cheat. He's communicative and enjoys engaging in conversation with his wife even if it's a silly discussion to him. Doesn't look down on anybody based on superficial reasons. Nobody is above the next. No immigration [gay marriages are now legal in the states. Marry your friends and use them for a green card. Instead of using and abusing women] 😁👌🏻 No polygamy. [From experience, this is nothing but drama and jealousy and a whole lot of favoritism. Not to mention, the mixing of multiple partners can cause bacterial vaginitis and yeast infections and even bring on STD/STI. So I reject the practice] 🤷🏼‍♀️ Absolutely no Mut'ah! No temporary marriages! No Zina! Please also note, I am not impressed by your degree nor the type of employment. Your house, vehicles and bank account are materialistic items that could all be gone in a blink of an eye. Your career and your degree doesn't make you a better person than those working low paying jobs or even the homeless. Be humble. Be kind. Beauty will decrease when age increases. Find love and peace. Happiness and simplicity are key to the good life. Regarding future children conception.. I aready have 4 amazing children with different styles of characterstics. They have their own personalities.. i can not have future children UNLESS I do IVF. Ovarian cacer took away my ability to concieve naturally. I have no tubes and just 1 ovary... I can carry my own children, I just need assistance from a fertility specialist to get the egg and sperm in the correct spot.
25 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 28 - 42
Eye color: Blue
54 Tampa, Florida, United States
Seeking: Male 49 - 60
Eye color: Blue
51 Shakopee, Minnesota, United States
Seeking: Male 46 - 59
Eye color: Blue
53 New York, New York, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 59
Eye color: Blue
57 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Male 46 - 68
Eye color: Blue
47 Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Seeking: Male 43 - 56
Eye color: Blue
22 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Male 23 - 46
Eye color: Blue
44 Houston, Texas, United States
Seeking: Male 40 - 54
Eye color: Blue
21 Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
Seeking: Male 22 - 25
Eye color: Blue
36 Vancouver, Washington, United States
Seeking: Male 34 - 41
Eye color: Blue
75 Pocatello, Idaho, United States
Seeking: Male 29 - 64
Eye color: Blue

