
Islam - Shiite Arab Women For Dating

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Islam - Shiite

1 - 35 of 62
28 Cairo, Al Qāhirah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 29 - 46
Religion: Islam - Shiite
50 Tangier, Tanger-Tétouan, Morocco
Seeking: Male 46 - 59
Religion: Islam - Shiite
34 Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër, Morocco
Seeking: Female 31 - 47
Religion: Islam - Shiite
26 Al Wakrah, Al Wakrah, Qatar
Seeking: Male 30 - 50
Religion: Islam - Shiite
55 Dimashq, Dimashq, Syria
Seeking: Male 50 - 62
Religion: Islam - Shiite
25 Al Haouz, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, Morocco
Seeking: Male 29 - 44
Religion: Islam - Shiite
20 Taroudannt, Souss-Massa-Drâa, Morocco
Seeking: Male 21 - 34
Religion: Islam - Shiite
20 Kasserine, Kasserine, Tunisia
Seeking: Male 24 - 60
Religion: Islam - Shiite
34 Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër, Morocco
Seeking: Male 32 - 47
Religion: Islam - Shiite
25 Marrakech, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, Morocco
Seeking: Male 24 - 42
Religion: Islam - Shiite
38 Şūfah, `Ammān, Jordan
Seeking: Male 35 - 49
Religion: Islam - Shiite
33 Şan`ā', San`a, Yemen
Seeking: Female 25 - 35
Religion: Islam - Shiite
25 Rabat, Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaër, Morocco
Seeking: Male
Religion: Islam - Shiite
26 Casablanca, Grand Casablanca, Morocco
Seeking: Male 26 - 43
Religion: Islam - Shiite
49 Beni Mellal, Tadla-Azilal, Morocco
Seeking: Male 44 - 57
Religion: Islam - Shiite
49 Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia
Seeking: Male 42 - 55
Religion: Islam - Shiite
“never say, I will not drink from that fountain,” a person volatile experiences circumstances in his life that may reach the point of contradiction, so we find the imam saying, “the right has not left me a friend,” while he is the one who says “the most powerless of people is the one who cannot find a brother as for the most incapable of him, he is the one who seats a brother after he has found him.” "The ugliest honesty is to praise oneself." This is true, but - and as close as I can to your mind - there is no escape. I am a humane woman, I admire the high-end souls who respect them and others, those souls who speak deeply, ask politely, joke with taste, and sincerely apologize if they are wrong. And “the truth of a man is not in what he shows you, but in what he cannot reveal to you, so if you want to know him, do not list to what he says, but to what he does not say.” As for “If you do not see any other than what the light reveals, and you do not hear any other than what the sound reveals, then you are in truth not seeing nor hearing!” - there are matters in married life that may be important - and very - but some would like to talk about them in a way that trivializes the issue and alienates communication, thinking that this will bring people closer and reconfigure between hearts. “putting the dew in the place of the sword in the highest place ** is as bold as placing the sword in the place of the dew.” And I do not think that the one with high morals is unable to choose his words and know the appropriate limit for penetration into every subject. And “the sweetest thing in passion is embedding.” “I am not ignorant of people who imagine that love is born through long association and constant companionship. True love is the daughter of spiritual understanding” which if it does not take place in a single moment, does not take place in a year or an entire generation. Note: - Please, I am here, perhaps I will meet a man of deep thought high morals, it is accepted that we have a common life accord to the Sunnah of God and his Messenger, and I am not here for friends. For those who are younger than me, who do not have a picture in their file, and who attach their file with a picture that does not belong to them or are old so that they no longer represents them, and who is in the custody of a wife, and who want to have fun or does not know their limits in speech, please do not write to me. “and whoever fears God, he will make for him a way out.” "لا تركنن إلى من لا وفاء له" "لا تقل أبدا، لن أشرب من ذاك الينبوع" تمرّ على المرء في حياته ظروف متقلبة قد تصل في تقلبها حد التناقض، لذلك نجد الإمام يقول"ما ترك الحق لي صاحبا"، في حين أنه القائل"إن أعجز الناس من لا يستطيع ايجاد أخ له، أما الأعجز منه فهو الذي يخسر أخا له بعد ان يكون قد وجده". "أقبح الصدق ثناء المرء على نفسه." هذا صحيح، لكن - و حتى أقرّب صورتي من ذهنك - فلا مهرب. أنا امرأة إنسانيّة، تعجبني النفوس الراقيه التي تحترم ذاتها و الآخرين، تلك النفوس التي تتحدث بعمق و تطلب بأدب و تمزح بذوق و تعتذر بصدق ان هي اخطأت. "حقيقةُ الإنسان ليست بما يظهرهُ لك، بل بما لايستطيع أن يظهرهُ لك، لذلك إذا أردت أن تعرفه فلا تصغِ إلى ما يقوله بل إلى ما لا يقوله." أما "إذا كنت لا ترى غير ما يكشف عنه الضوء، ولا تسمع غير ما يعلن عنه الصوت، فأنت في الحق لا تبصر ولا تسمع!" هناك أمور في الحياة الزوجية، ربما كانت مهمة - و جدا - و لكن البعض يود الحديث عنها بطريقة تتفه المسألة و تُنفر من التواصل، ظنا منه أن ذلك سيقرب و يؤلف بين القلوب. "وَ وَضْعُ النَّدَى فِي مَوْضِعِ السَّيْفِ بِالعُلا ** مُضِرٌّ كَوَضْعِ السَّيْفِ في مَوْضِعِ النَّدَى." و لا أظن ذا الأخلاق العالية يعجزه اصطفاء ألفاظه و معرفة الحد المناسب للتوغل في كل موضوع.و"أحلى ما في الهوى التضمين." "فما أجهل الناس الذين يتوهّمون أن المحبة تتولد بالمعاشرة الطويلة والمرافقة المستمرة. إن المحبة الحقيقية هي ٱبنة التفاهم الروحي" الذي إن لم يتم بلحظة واحدة لا يتم بعام و لا بجيل كامل." ملاحظة: أنا هنا لعلّي أصادف رجلا عميق الفكر ذو أخلاق عالية، يقبل أن تكون بيننا حياة مشتركة على سنة الله و رسوله، و لست هنا للصداقات. فمن يصغرني سنا، و من لا صورة له بملفه، و من يُرفِق ملفه بصورة لا تخصه أو قديمة بحيث لم تعد تمثّله، و من هو على ذمة زوجة، و من يريد ان يتسلى أو لا يعرف حدوده في الكلام، أرجو عدم مراسلتي. "و من يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا".
38 Doha, Ad Dawḩah, Qatar
Seeking: Male 35 - 60
Religion: Islam - Shiite
38 Sabāh al-Sālim, Mubarak Al-Kabir, Kuwait
Seeking: Male 34 - 60
Religion: Islam - Shiite
36 Barqā, Béqaa, Lebanon
Seeking: Male 33 - 50
Religion: Islam - Shiite
32 Tilā` al `Alī, `Ammān, Jordan
Seeking: Male 30 - 35
Religion: Islam - Shiite
36 Ţanţā, As Sahra al Gharbiyah, Egypt
Seeking: Male 33 - 50
Religion: Islam - Shiite
21 Kenitra, Gharb-Chrarda-Beni Hssen, Morocco
Seeking: Male 21 - 35
Religion: Islam - Shiite
25 An-Nabaṭīyah, Nabatîyé, Lebanon
Seeking: Male 23 - 31
Religion: Islam - Shiite
47 Beyrouth, Beyrouth, Lebanon
Seeking: Male 48 - 55
Religion: Islam - Shiite
32 Muscat, Masqaţ, Oman
Seeking: Male 34 - 37
Religion: Islam - Shiite
35 Ar-Rayyān, Ar Rayyān, Qatar
Seeking: Male 30 - 41
Religion: Islam - Shiite
laila hadaoui
38 Khenifra, Meknès-Tafilalet, Morocco
Seeking: Male 35 - 50
Religion: Islam - Shiite

