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40 Köln, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 36 - 40
First at all I want to say, Im not interested in western men. Mine-yours-culture in a husband and wife relationship, no need pls don’t bother me with your texts. And why you are in a Muslim Plattform if the islam rules are like slave rules to you. Don’t waste my time. Thank you. I wear black Islamic clothing. It would only be a match if you also live an Islamic life yourself and appreciate the values. And you should definitely pray. Without that, I can't have a serious conversation. And no, I'm not going to lead you there, you have to bring this requirement with you in any case. And please no inquiries from non-muslims who are just looking for muslim women here. women are not allowed. It is not permitted in Islam for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim. First you get engaged, then you get married. You would also need to be able to fulfill the Mihri because that is also Sunnah. So everything according to the Sunnah. However, if you want part Islam part non-Islamic values, then I'm not the one. The internet is full of compromises. It shouldn't be a problem for you, because as a man you can also marry a Christian and a Jew (but not an atheist). A woman can write and reply, but does not have to. You have to understand that this is a social network. That's why most women on the platforms who are halfway intelligent don't feel like it, because many men here take everything personally and are disrespectful to the women here. Doing some work on your Ahlak would be good. Anyone who thinks Allahu Teala doesn't see me on the internet is a bit mistaken. Unfortunately, you are not able to show respect to a strange woman, how is it going to be with the woman you want to marry. Simply to say, Allahu Teala didn't plan it, then I look further on the net, but most of them don't make it. I'm also not a psychologist to solve your problems with your ex or with your estranged wife or other women. This platform is not intended for that. Of course you can tell roughly later about your circumstances if you are specifically asked about it. Furthermore, one does not talk badly about women, regardless of whether they are exes, still-wives or strange women. This is also shown by certain Ahlak of the man. I don't prefer countries that I can never visit. Moving within Europe, America, Canada, etc. would only be an option if the person in question has the same level of education and is polite and has an Islamic lifestyle. Ahlak mainly exists. For those men who are unhappy and seeking solace with the next woman by wanting plural marriage, please just understand what plural marriage was for back then. And no what you imagine is not meant for that. Also, I am not a visa applicant. A woman is not a refuge because one is unhappy. If you want to live in the West and actually think women shouldn't be taken care of right away, you haven't understood Islam. If you don't have the means, you can't marry a woman anyway. It's not child's play. There is no such understanding in Islam. I try to live by Islam as much as possible. Who you're getting married to is already written, so no one needs to take it personally if a woman doesn't write back or show interest. You would have to believe in "Kadr". In Islam, the woman does not have to work and it is also not allowed to work under or with foreign men (except brothers, father, grandfather, own sons etc. or husband) who are not halal (mahram). If you have a non-Islamic view or non-Islamic lifestyle, please do not write to me. Everyone can live as they want. There are enough that can compromise. Everyone has to know for themselves. please don't bother me Every lid has its pot in life. And if not, that's the way it's supposed to be. Why a man who is looking here does not post a picture of himself is beyond me. Include a picture of yourself. I can't hear it anymore when men always write the same thing: I'll send it to you, tell me your number. What sensible woman gives every stranger her number. None. Only if I could see it, then we can write to each other via Telegram or Skype and if it suits, maybe see us in real. Why should one spend the time pointlessly here beforehand if I don't know what you look like. That too has to fit. I ignore every brother who still texts me without a picture. After all, you're not a woman. I am not looking for a man here who already has a wife, dear brothers from some countries. You understand second marriage as a sexual balance. I'm sorry that's disgusting how you use Islam for that. Lived in the Ottoman Empire95% of men with wives, so what better way to do it than these believing men who settled for a wife when financially they could have done it. They didn't reduce women to just one thing. You don't even have the financial means. Actually you have no difference between western men who have many girlfriends. But if you have the same thinking disguised in hypocritical thinking, dismissing it would be Islam. No, it was not intended that way. Primarily to protect single women who were left without husbands and/or unable to support remaining children. You can save your stupid sayings that it would be Sunnah. A woman is not a sex object, even for you smart Muslims. Our imams even say it's better to get along with a wife instead of bringing stress into the first marriage. But you are only talking about sexual background and that is not Islam. Getting two or three women to marry to satisfy your lusts. Why else do you come with me 35, 40 or 50 on this idea and not already with 20. Before you stands a woman who knows what she is talking about. You don't even know what Islam means. An exception would really be, as a man, you happen to meet a very educated single woman in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and are interested in her. That would be something completely different and cannot condemn that, since the interest here arose primarily by chance, since one was not searching. But looking for a second wife via this platform Muslima.com or other dating sites shows exactly what I mean, you are not satisfied with the first wife. You are not honest and think every woman on the net is stupid and would be okay with that. Then write in profile he would be up for polygamy, well good luck in your search. Then why are you bothering me? Where does it say that I am interested here. Nowhere. Ugly comments in ego trip man. Don't bother me about that, please go away with your silly comments. A woman is not an sex object. Islam give you not the right to see us as a object. Disgusting what some man write on them profile as that the woman were a object. Please do that with the women who see you as a visa application and would participate. Disrespectful and tasteless how you look down on women and reduce them completely to just one thing. To send me disrespectful comments cause I dont answer your messages here? Waw this is ugly from some man. Yeah thats why you guys didnt get a wife. Allahu Taala knows what you guys are. Get a bit ahlag.
36 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Deutschland
Suche: 35 - 45
30 Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 23 - 39
Bin diese Mischung aus Unvollkommenheiten. Habe nie daran gedacht, auf eine solche Plattform zuzugreifen .. Es ist ziemlich mühsam, sich manchmal zu erklären, aber ich werde versuchen, es zu tun. Bin eine Seele, die darauf abzielt, ihren Zweck über das Leben zu erreichen, nicht Nahrung und Informationen zu konsumieren und dann wie jedes andere Wesen auf der Erde zu vergehen. Einen Partner zu haben, eine Familie aufzuziehen, kann sogar eine Katze das tun. Es sollte einen Zweck, eine echte Vision geben, an der wir als Menschen arbeiten und sie teilen können. Ich glaube, wir werden das Etikett "Muslim" nicht erben, wir werden es werden und es suchen. Wir wurden gesegnet, indem wir diese Geistesselektivität haben, und wir werden sie daher nutzen, um das Leben zu erfassen und zu dienen. Ich sehe den Islam nicht nur als fünf Gebete am Tag, er ist viel tiefer als das. Und in dieser Tiefe möchte ich tauchen. Fragen, Staunen, Wandern, Graben und Suchen sind nicht ‘das Leben erschweren’, wie manche vielleicht denken, sondern das, was uns Menschen am ehesten macht. Ich möchte eine Seele, die mit mir die kleinen Details über das Leben schmecken und den wahren Zweck des Lebens teilen kann, nicht nur existierend. Ich bin schon seit sehr jungen Jahren im Turnen, Spiele ein Musikinstrument für meine eigene Unterhaltung, bin begeistert davon, in die Wildnis zu gehen (insbesondere im Bereich der Speleologie), lese gerne Bücher und probiere neue Rezepte aus und helfe meistens gerne anderen (Vor allem Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen + Beteiligung am Roten Halbmond). {manchmal stellt mich Mama als ihre Lyrikredakteurin für freies haha ein, und ich helfe ihr sehr gerne darin (in allem, tatsächlich)} Suche nicht nach 'nur einem Mann', ich meine nicht den Konsum von täglichen Lebensmitteln und Körpern. Ich Frage mich, ob es eine tiefe Seele geben könnte, die ihre Natur der Tiefe nicht fürchtet, um in sie einzutauchen. Ich hätte die Gefühle für Männer fast abgestellt, nur wegen des stereotypen Denkens von nur 'weiblich, Kinder, Arbeit', aber dann sagte ‘Geben Sie sich selbst die Chance, sich sogar virtuell zu öffnen. Solange du versuchst, rein in dir zu sein, würdest du auf jeden Fall reine Dinge von außen anziehen“. Und ja, am wichtigsten, ich behalte immer noch das Herz eines Kindes. PS: Es ist offensichtlich, dass viele Menschen hier sind, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass es sich um ein Restaurantmenü handelt, das nach dem Zufallsprinzip durchstreichen und mischen kann. Alle Gesichter, die auf den Bildern erscheinen, werden sich mit der Zeit definitiv ändern, nur der Inhalt hält an. Graben Sie sich also sorgfältig und gereift in diesen Inhalt ein. Wenn Sie die richtige Frau suchen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie der richtige Mann sind. Handelt nicht als ‘besonders’, sei es. Bin nicht mein Körper (er kann in weniger als 3 Sekunden Unfall ruiniert werden), bin nicht mein Job oder mein Gehalt, bin nicht mein Kleidungsstil und bin nicht mein Abschluss (‘weil Wissenschaft/Wissen kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt wird). Ja, ich mag Qualitäten haben, aber Werte sind es, die letztendlich zählen und andauern. Es macht keinen Sinn, sich mit mehr als einer Person gleichzeitig zu beschäftigen. Machen Sie aus diesem virtuellen Bereich nicht einen Vorrat von Menschen hinter Bildschirmen. Seien Sie und behandeln Sie Menschen so, wie Sie behandelt werden möchten. Lernen Sie, wie man Dinge schmeckt, nicht konsumiert. Und am wichtigsten: Fragen Sie sich selbst, warum Sie eine Familie gründen und wie würden Sie zur Kontinuität des Lebens beitragen?
43 Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 35 - 45
58 Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 52 - 65
32 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 32 - 36
40 Beckingen, Saarland, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 38 - 52
52 Husum, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 47 - 59
28 Dresden, Saxony, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 29 - 50
57 Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 51 - 64
41 Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 38 - 51
40 Baunatal, Hesse, Deutschland
Suche: Männlich 38 - 51



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